Why I'm in HK and not in Zhaoqing

On Nov 3, 2008,  I returned to Zhaoqing after an overnight stay in HK ....only to be expelled when I got off the train at Zhaoqing station.  Please email me if you'd like the full story.  Each day I hope and pray to be able to return to the Mainland.  Thank you for a prayer to help me get back.  My hope is to be able to resume my work for the poor,  especially the handicapped children, most of whom now have no access to training  or therapy.  
  Update March 10, 2010: "Appeal has been transferred from Intermediate Court in Zhaoqing to (a?) High Court in Guangzhou". Closure of learning center in Zhaoqing 
- similar  
to closures in Beijing
Amazingly frank report about Beijing school closures
This report  helps explain my situation: - In the name of the Father     - notice how the group "almost got kicked out of China" when new rules were introduced before Olympics 2010-03-09     - comment  re Oxfam situation in China
Update Dec 16, 2010: - "No court wishes to hear the case and it is still being thrown from court to court! Too hot to handle it seems!"
The Mainland has 31 administrative regions.....and most months have 31 days.....let's pray for one region each day!

1. Anhui (安徽)
 2. Fujian (福建)
 3. Gansu (甘肃)
 4. Guangdong (广东)
 5. Guizhou (贵州)
 6. Hainan (海南)
 7. Hebei (河北)
 8. Heilongjiang (黑龙江)
 9  Henan (河南)
10. Hubei (湖北)
11.Hunan (湖南)

12. Jiangsu (江苏)
13. Jiangxi (江西)
14. Jilin (吉林)
15. Liaoning (辽宁)
16.Qinghai (青海)
17. Shaanxi (陕西)
18. Shandong (山东)
19. Shanxi (山西)
20. Sichuan (四川)
21. Yunnan (云南) 
22. Zhejiang (浙江)

map-regions.gif (53501 bytes)

23. Guangxi Zhuang (广西壮族)
24. Inner Mongolia (内蒙古)
25. Ningxia Hui (宁夏回族)
26. Xinjiang Uighur (新疆维吾尔族)
27. Tibet (西藏)
28. Beijing Municipality (北京)
29. Chongqing Municipality (重庆)
30. Shanghai Municipality (上海)
31. Tianjin Municipality (天津)

"Dear Jesus, today is May 9, so I pray: 
 may your kingdom come in
 Please bless all the people and leaders 
and especially the Christians  in

Also each day: let's also pray for one of China's 9 leaders:

2010-03-06scmp01.jpg (218491 bytes)

"Jesus, please give ..... good health, courage and wisdom"