Diary  2007   May, June, July, August


2007-09-05     Sorry ....no diary this week....too much happening.....computer not working....(network not working + no internet) .....settling in to Marco
Polo....first week of classes at CAS + various centers...etc .
DV next diary update - Wednesday Sep 12  (diary from now on updated on a Wed because Thurs will be my weekly day at CAS)

God bless!

John W omi

Please note - Sep 17/18 - I'm due to go to HK to renew my visa.  HK & Mainland mobile numbers  at top of this page

2007-08-30  Dear Friends

Good morning from  Zhaoqing...where the new academic year is only a few days away (Sep 1 for CAS, Sep 3 for our centers & most schools in China). CHS and bless all students/staff everywhere in this part of the world

Overseas staff at CAS for this semester: Clare (South Africa - secondary); Marie (Philippines - kindergarten); John (Scotland - primary 3-6); 
myself - primary 1 & 2....with maybe two more teachers coming  for a possible student group doing British A-Level foundation year (?)  

I'm due to do two half days on Wednesdays/Thursdays for primary 1 (4 groups) & primary 2 (3 groups)...a total of 7 classes each week.  But such a small load doesn't entitle me to a teacher's unit....so I'm shifting to Marco Polo...where I spent my first night last night....ok except for roosters crowing from 2.38am onwards.  I asked for  the small CAS load....to have more time for working in other places as well as our own poor areas.  From the time being - only a mobile in Zhaoqing (13030213703), no home phone 

2007-08-24 Visit to Marco Polo Center by very friendly soldiers from nearby Army base

Yesterday Aug 29: Joe returned to Guangzhou after a month or so at Ricci School.  Joe now has three targets: job, home, wife.  He is keen to be a computer cafe manager/owner....so the missus will need to like computers.  If anyone knows of a computer cafe opportunity in Guangzhou, please let me know (john@china8.org

Welcome HK Salena who arrived yesterday to be part of the Bahkita team (Rosa H, Betty & Magdalene). Welcome also HK Anna-Maria for another visit.  And welcome back Thomas and Goretti from Macau


2007-08-30,31 HK Teresa and group to visit poor areas
2007-09-17,18 I'm due to go to HK to renew my visa
2007-09-25 to 30 HK David omi + Melbourne David & Trudy due to visit poor areas
2008-01-28 to 02-02 DV  In-service tour to HK by staff of our various centers  - c.f. CAS teachers HK 2002 tour

Recent donations  to support China8 work for the poor in Zhaoqing  (God bless all donors!):  
Aug 24  HK Olivier and Mainland company for another donation of toys etc
Aug 29 Goretti Sam, Macau - HK$500
Aug 29 Thomas Wong, Macau - Y1,500
Aug 29 Wong Huk Ling, Macau - Y500

Correction from last week: Zhaoqing population is not 400,000 but 500,000!

Aug 27: sent donation to Oxfam for South Asian flood appeal

Aug 28: From the Melbourne "Age": Here's to you Bishop Robinson, Heaven hold's a place for those who are courageous enough to speak out  (a must read book)

Aug 28: Neoliberalism the cause of many present problems (Monbiot)

Yesterday I finished reading "Palestine: Peace not Apartheid" by former US president Jimmy Carter.  Really excellent. Recommended in this book is www.theironwall.ps .  I still hope and pray for a Middle East Union, where Israel is recognised by its neighbours...and where Israel stops treating the Palestinians in much the same way as the Nazis treated the Jews.
Parts of the book reminded of a disturbing encounter I had in Israel when visiting there in 1995. I met someone....a most reliable, level-headed person....who in 1984 was at a wedding in a Northern Israel village....when Israeli soldiers arrived and began torturing Palestinians Arabs...men (about a dozen), women (about a dozen) and children under 5 (about half a dozen)....by...cutting off their ears/toes/fingers (+ raping of the women).  Story never made the media but is utterly reliable....was seen happening by the witness (who suspected  the victims were  killed after the torture)

Sep 3-10: Chinese Premier Wan Jiabo due to visit Australia for APEC meeting.  One of the best leaders in the world today....combines a simple lifestyle with real care for the poor

After the movie Amazing Grace ...... there's a follow up site to work for an end to slavery www.theamazingchange.com 

God bless you all, and God bless all dear friends fighting big sicknesses!

John W omi

(AFL finals approaching.....remember prediction at start of season by Monash University computer: Adelaide!)

2007-08-23  Dear Friends

Hello from Zhaoqing...it's good to be back.  May everyone still on holidays / still traveling    be  blessed with safety.
Many thanks again for kind hospitality in HK (Notre Dame OMI Community)
and in Australia (my brother Peter & family, OMI's at Camberwell  in Melbourne, OMI's at Iona College in Brisbane)
....and DG for safe trip + all clear for all health checks 

Very hot here....39 last Sunday....but no more 40, 41, 42 as in 2nd half of July

True story from last week:  my new unit at Marco Polo is gradually taking shape.....last Friday I thought about the need to buy a toilet bowl....
then the next day on my early morning walk ...what was outside the CAS kindergarten gate as rubbish?.....a dozen used toilet bowls. 
I have been past that gate nearly every day for the past six years ...last Sat was first time it was toilet decorated.
CAS kindly gave me one of the bowls free....all of which I understand as Someone upstairs saying the move to Marco Polo is ok 

Photo reports 

2007-07-19,20,21  Visit to poor areas by 42 member service team from St Jude's Parish in North Point, Hong Kong

2007-07-20 Bingo at Xinxing (with J  looking on)

2007-07-31  A-Pui  went home to Heaven….from where may her prayers help us each day

2007-07-08  Australia July/August photos

2007-08-17 Visit to all five centers in poor areas by UK Dave Clark

2007-08-17 CT of sick baby in Area C.....kind Macau/HK doctor please check for advice (advice received...thank you Macau Hope Clinic!)

2007-08-22,23,24   Visit to Zhaoqing poor areas and Yunfu leper center  by service group from St Cosmas & Damian Parish, Hong Kong


2007-08-22 to 24 HK Cosmas  & Damian Parish group due to visit poor areas
2007-08-29,30 Macau Mr Wong to visit poor areas
2007-09-25 to 30 HK David omi + Melbourne David & Trudy due to visit poor areas
2008-01-28 to 02-02 DV  In-service tour to HK by staff of our various centers  - c.f. CAS teachers HK 2002 tour

Recent donations  to support China8 work for the poor in Zhaoqing  (God bless all donors!):  (please let me know of any mistakes/omissions)
July 4 "DB3" & Friend, HK - HK$6,000
July 19 St Jude's Parish, North Point, HK - Y10,000
July 21 Stephen Lam, HK - HK$1,000
July 22 Maria Chu, HK - HK$500
Aug 1  DB Friends, HK - HK$17,400
Aug 2 "DB3" & Friend, HK - HK$6,000
Aug 2 Fr Michael Clarke omi, Melbourne - AUD$100
Aug 5 Fr Harry Dyer omi, Melbourne - AUD$150
Aug 10 Barry & Denise Wooton, Moe  - AUD$100
Aug 10 Tineke & Graham Edwards, Melbourne - AUD$300
Aug 12 Bernadette Edmund, Brisbane - AUD$50
Aug 12 Doris Kempnich, Brisbane - AUD$100
Aug 12  Gerard & Marilyn, Brisbane - Y1,000
Aug 12 Tracey Phillips, Brisbane AUD$60
Aug 13 Manly State School, Brisbane - AUD$600
Aug 14 Fr Paul Siebert omi, Brisbane - AUD$300
Aug 15  Maria Chu, HK - Y1,000
Aug 16  ND teacher, HK - HK$500
Aug 20 David Clark, UK/China - HK$6,000
Aug 22 Joe Chen, Zhaoqing/Taiwan - HK$2,000
Aug 22 Julie Kwok, HK - another supply of milk powder

Some more photos from the past  - 1987-1988  -Hong Kong & Australia

Population of Beijing is now 17,000,000+    5,000,000 of these are migrant workers.  
Guandong Province has 42,000,000 migrant workers....almost 50% of the total population.
Zhaoqing (population 400,000) has ???  migrant workers......50,000?....100.000?....the bottom 1,000 or so who live in slums
being the main group China8 helps

Now under construction in Zhaoqing ....a  new complex near the sports stadium...with a McDonald's and a KFC

Leaders losing contact with grassroots - a timely wake-up call 

Most important article re church in China - the best summary I've seen in recent times.....must have been read by Cardinal George Pell
as he put together this very good reflection

If you’re wondering why I dissociated myself from Ben’s letter to China and felt the letter would do more harm than good (diary  July 5, 2007)
- despite ill-informed news services like CathNews carrying “well-received” reports – well, here’s the start of what will probably be many such stories

The next Nagasaki

Married priests?

When this diary first started in 2001, one of its main aims was to ask for prayer.
This aim is still a priority.
At the start of another academic year 
I'm again grateful to all 
who say a little prayer each day
for the China8 team and the people we serve

God bless you all, and God bless all dear friends fighting big sicknesses!

John W omi

Please note: I'm due to go to HK July 22, to Australia July 23, return to HK Aug 14, return to Zhaoqing Aug 16.  Top of page has HK/Aust mobile numbers

For some brief holiday updates   please click here     Next full diary update DV  August  23

2007-07-19  Dear Friends

Good morning from a hot Zhaoqing where we haven't had rain for nearly two weeks
....and where the temperature most days has been getting to  37 or 38.
News says that people in Australia are experiencing cold snap.......bring it on!
Summer holidays have begun in this part of the world
..... Lord, safety please for all students and staff on holidays, especially people traveling.
Summer School has begun at CAS.....new CAS teacher John (Scotland) has some 50 students in most of his primary classes.  
Semester's end has seen one third of CAS local secondary teachers (mainly senior section) leave the school;
about 6 were pushed, about a dozen jumped. 
My present plan is to stay at CAS till November when Garth is due back
....then  move to Marco Polo (flat being readied) and have more time for work in poor areas and other towns. 
Getting too old for blackboard jungle....and doors keep opening in many places. 
Will still be available for a little occasional work at  CAS....and will always be grateful for six memorable years at CAS

The past week:

2007-07-12 Marco Polo primary one student Kau Jing back in San Mau after heart operation in HK      +   construction at MP

2007-07-13 Welcome back Joe after another semester of study in Guangzhou......+....water storage tank at Marco Polo Center

2007-07-14 Visit to Xinxing St Thomas Community by members of Hong Kong St Thomas Society
Also this morning....I left my mobile in taxi.    Phoned "myself" ....taxi driver answered....and driver kindly delivered mobile to CAS later in the day.  Last year a similar experience....left mobile in bus to Xinqiao...and driver returned it.
There are still plenty of good people in this old world DG!   (...useful practice: name card on mobile)

2007-07-14 Service visit to Zhaoqing poor areas by group from Hong Kong Canossian Primary School

2007-07-18  Visit to poor areas by two groups from St Benedict's Parish in Shatin, Hong Kong - with a common lunch today


2007-07-19 to 22 HK North Point St Jude's group due to visit poor areas
2007-07-23 to 08-16 I'm due to be in HK/Australia/HK  DV.   If all clear from Dr after annual skin check-up on Gold Coast on July 25, I hope to make visit to Melbourne/Perth. Won't know if this is possible until July 25
2008-01-28 to 02-02 DV  In-service tour to HK by staff of our various centers  - c.f. CAS teachers HK 2002 tour

Recent donations (by received/accessed dates):     God bless all donors!
July 14 St Thomas Society Group, HK - Y600 - to support our work for the poor
July 18 Group from St Benedict's Parish, Shatin, HK - Y2,000 - to HK Rosa H for pastoral work (+ thank you also for clothes for the poor)
July 18  Tineke & Graham, Melbourne - AUD$100 to support our work for the poor

Monday afternoon July 16 - server in US was down for a while:
Please wait for a HostGator operator to respond.
Chat InformationWelcome to HostGator Live Chat! You are now chatting with 'Cody'
Cody: Welcome to HostGator, how may I assist you?
John: Hello Cody...from China...my website ok this morning, but now down...please check - www.china8.org thank you
Cody: One moment please.
Cody: Our admins are working on that server now.
Cody: I apologize for the inconvenience; Our system administrators are aware of the current situation and are working quickly to resolve the issue. Please be patient while service is repaired and restored.
Cody: I have not been told what corrections are being applied, so I am unable to provide an estimated ETA. It should be online again shortly.
John: Thank you
Server was down only a little while....must say that HostGator has been pretty good....only two brief hiccups in past twelve months

Speaking of internet:
The China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) estimated on Wednesday that the number of Internet users in China hit an estimated 162 million by the end of June. Nearly 100 people a minute are going online for the first time

Too hot to go outside....more time to catch up on old jobs not yet done....so....some more old photos from HK, Mainland and Australia are now on internet:  1991-1992   and  1993  (please let me know any mistakes, missing info etc)

Thank you for a prayer, especially for A-PuiJia JiaMs Zhou, Mr Yiang  and other dear friends fighting big sicknesses

God bless!

John W omi

2007-07-12  Dear Friends

Warm good morning from Zhaoqing.   Primary students have started Summer Holiday....secondary having their last week of school.  Lord, may all students and staff from all our local schools/centers have a happy and safe holiday (..remembering how two Ricci students drowned 2006-08-14)

Photo reports of the past week

2007-07-07  (07 x 3!) Saturday visit to Xinxing (one hour from Zhaoqing)

2007-07-08 Baby Wong, 30 minutes after leaving his mother's womb. Congratulations Assisi Center teacher Mandy & husband A-Wai

2007-07-09  Afternoon: visit by Ricci Schoo staff to A-Pui.    Evening:  Liam & Oliver (England), Helen (Zhaoqing), John (Scotland)
Liam and John both have websites hosted at China8:   www.liam.china8.org    www.scotsman.china8.org 

2007-07-11 Visit to poor areas by Hong Kong Sacred Heart Canossian Commercial College students and staff

Hong Kong  OMI good friend Peter Liu  representing Asia at recent OMI Rome meeting 


2007-07-10 to 13 HK SHCCC group due to visit poor areas
2007-07-13,14 HK Augustine & group due to visit Zhaoiqng/Xinxing
2007-07-13 to 16 HK Canossian primary group to visit poor areas
2007-07-16 to 19 HK Shatin group to visit poor areas
2007-07-19 to 22 HK North Point St Jude's group due to visit poor areas
2007-07-23 to 08-16 I'm due to be in HK/Australia/HK  DV.   If all clear from Dr after annual skin check-up on Gold Coast on July 25, I hope to make visit to Melbourne/Perth. Won't know if this is possible until July 25!
2008-01-28 to 02-02 DV  In-service tour to HK by staff of our various centers  - c.f. CAS teachers HK 2002 tour 

A local nurse, retired after 30 years service, is due to begin work at our Marco Polo clinic from September.  DG!

A 1673 Map of Zhaoqing!

Magazine (in Chinese) re history of Matteo Ricci in Zhaoqing - produced by Zhaoqing Museum

A must, must, read, read article for anyone wanting to understand situation of Catholic Church in China - excellent, excellent, excellent!  (& see 1994)

A long time ago a man called Paul socked it to a pope called Peter for losing the plot - (Galatians 2.11 "When Peter came to Antioch...I opposed him to his face, since he was manifestly in the wrong").  In the same way, many Christians today are worried about Pope Benedict's hard-line approach to so many sensitive issues.....first it was Islam, then South America, followed by China.....and now a swipe at the Protestants.  When he became pope, many people said "O no!" because of his hard-line record as a cardinal.  Then for the first year, cautious relief....he may not be so bad after all.  But now.....??  ( and also in the past week - his  support for return to Latin Rite)

Thank you for a prayer, especially for A-PuiJia JiaMs Zhou,  and other dear friends fighting big sicknesses

God bless!

John W omi

p.s. Happy Birthday today for three special people:
- former CAS teacher Jock in UK....still recovering from big operation ....may you enjoy more time on the buses!
- niece Natalie in Australia
- aunt Nell in Heaven...100 today!

and...go Lions! (last Sat night I listened to this game....my first time to listen this year....what a win....and....what good sportsmanship by Perth radio station 6PR in praising the visitors right throughout the call)

2007-07-05  Dear Friends

Hello from Zhaoqing.  Plenty of storm rain the past week.....hope dry parts of the world also receive some rain. 
Most primary schools (including Ricci and other centers) have their last day of class next Monday, July 9
.....then Summer Holidays until school resumes September 1

Photo reports of the past week:

2007-06-28,29 Visit to poor areas and centers by service group  from Macau Salesian Secondary School

2007-06-30 Ricci M.  Center: this semester's final morning English class & final evening English Corner (thank you Louis, John, HK visitors)

2007-07-01 HK Louise p.i.m.e. and group: English in Yunfu and visit to Leper Center

007-07-02 HK Kwai Chung St John Parish group + HK Louise p.i.m.e. and group


2007-07-10 to 13 HK SHCCC group due to visit poor areas
2007-07-13,14 HK Augustine & group due to visit Zhaoiqng/Xinxing
2007-07-13 to 16 HK Canossian primary group to visit poor areas
2007-07-16 to 19 HK Shatin group to visit poor areas
2007-07-19 to 22 HK North Point St Jude's group due to visit poor areas
2007-07-23 to 08-18 I'm due to be in HK/Australia/HK  DV.   If all clear from Dr after annual skin check-up on Gold Coast on July 25, I hope to make visit to Melbourne/Perth. Won't know if this is possible until July 25!
2008-01-28 to 02-02 DV  In-service tour to HK by staff of our various centers  - c.f. CAS teachers HK 2002 tour 

Recent donations (by accessed dates):     God bless all donors!
June 29 Salesian Secondary School, Macau - Y15,500 - to pay medical bills for the poor
July 02 Mrs Ho, HK - Y275 - to support our work for the poor
July 02 PIME group, HK - HK$500 + Y4,500 - to support our work for the poor
July 04 Anon, (China?) - Y500 - to support our work for the poor (deposited in Bank of China June 23)
July 04 International Ladies Club of Macau - Y48,345 - to support Marco Polo school clinic 
July 04  Loretta, Macau - Y2,000  to support Assisi Center
July 04 Mr. Wong Kuok Cheong and Ms Kuok Sao Leng, Macau - Y6,000 to support our work for the poor

"Sicko" has big opening weekend 

"Heat" now in paperback

Why Monbiot's hands were shaking

Pope Benedict's Letter to China:
- early reports say the letter is being received with cautious optimism in most quarters (see  NCR report)
- but how carefully (if at all) have people read the letter?  How can you welcome something that calls you illegitimate?
- the letter is heavily one-sided in favor of the "underground" group....hardly likely to encourage them to want unity with  the "official" group
- my personal feeling: with great sadness and disappointment I wish to disassociate myself from the Pope's letter. I feel the letter will worsen, not improve, relations between China and the Vatican; worsen, not improve, relations between the 'official' and 'underground" sections of the church in China.  The language, style, content and lack of sensitivity in this letter would make Matteo Ricci turn in his grave
- even the release date was another Vatican timing clanger: maybe it was June 30 in Rome, but it was July 1 in China, the birthday of the Party (& 10th anniversary of return of HK)
- full text of the letter  (written by a small committee, & then  approved by Benedict. I can't help feeling that B was poorly advised about real situation in China)
- explanatory note  (flowery groveling language straight from 17th century?)

The real issue at stake is not appointment of bishops in China, but appointment of bishops per se. 
Bishops in China have been appointed with a considerable degree of democracy (....not perfect, but real....priests/religious/laity have been
consulted....not all that common in most parts of world) and Vatican doesn't want this spreading to other parts of world. See Thinktank!

China Bible Quiz - next quiz closes September 25  (holiday July/Aug)

Thank you for a prayer, especially for A-PuiJia JiaMs Zhou, Mr Zhou and other dear friends fighting big sicknesses

God bless!

John W omi

2007-06-28  Dear Friends

Good morning from Zhaoqing.  Holidays just around corner for schools in this part of the world. 
Welcome back for a visit    former CAS teacher Louis ....and welcome new CAS teacher John (Scotland)

Photo reports from the past week:

2007-06-22,23  Anna and group from HK; outdoor singing at Marco Polo; Conor's final English Corner

2007-06-24 Marco Polo student Kau Jing & mother at HK Adventist Hospital after heart operation


2007-06-28 to 07-01 Martin's Macau group due to work in poor areas
2007-06-30 to 07-05 Macau Louise p.i.m.e. and group due to visit poor areas
2007-07-01,02 HK St John's group due to visit poor areas
2007-07-10 to 13 HK SHCCC group due to visit poor areas
2007-07-13 to 16 HK Canossian primary group to visit poor areas
2007-07-16 to 19 HK Shatin group to visit poor areas
2007-07-19 to 22 HK St Jude's group due to visit poor areas
2007-07-23 to 08-18 I'm due to be in HK/Australia/HK  DV.   If all clear from Dr after annual skin check-up on Gold Coast on July 25, I hope to make visit to Melbourne/Perth. Won't know if this is possible until July 25!
2008-01-28 to 02-02 DV  In-service tour to HK by staff of our various centers  - c.f. CAS teachers HK 2002 tour 

Recent donations:     God bless all donors!
May 23 Pauline Hannelly, Sydney - AUD$250 for work in poor areas
May 23 Stephen Lam, HK - HK$1,000 for work in poor areas
May 23 Teresa Knight, Adelaide - AUD$200 for work in poor areas
June 4 Agnelo & Melba, HK - HK$10,000 for work in poor areas
June 4 "DB3" & friend, HK - HK$6,000 for work in poor areas
June 19 Stephen Lam, HK - HK$1,000 for work in poor areas
June 25 Mr Or, Macau - HK$1,000 to support Marco Polo Center
June 26 Anon, Australia - HK$2,000 for copies of The Book for English studies
June 26 Anon, HK - HK$6,000 to support teachers in poor areas
June 26  Fr Joseph Mathuni o.m.i., Austria - HK$10,000 for Rosa H's pastoral work
June 26 Maria Zhu, HK - HK$800 for work in poor areas
June 26 Tineke & Graham Edwards, Melbourne - AUD$200

More about Chinese Tian Xian cancer treament

2007-06-27  World's longest water-crossing bridge finished in China.....long enough to link France and England

Interesting site -  whispersintheloggia.blogspot.com 

Have just finished reading "When Heaven Invades Earth" by Bill Johnson - recommended - see google.com for reviews

China Bible Quiz - next quiz closes September 25  (holiday July/Aug)

Thank you for a prayer, especially for A-PuiJia JiaMs Zhou, Mr Zhou and other dear friends fighting big sicknesses

God bless!

John W omi

2007-06-21  Dear Friends

Good morning from 30+ degree Zhaoqing....at 8am....possible to get sunburnt here at 6pm.  Beautiful sunflower near CAS (see photo report June 18) not complaining....just keeps following the sun, turning to the sun, right through the day.  Lovely name in French (learnt this from
visitors during the week): "turn to the sun flower"
Junior Three students right throughout China are doing their public exams this week. May the Son enlighten their thinking

Photo reports of a memorable past week:

2007-06-14 Farewell/Welcome Back meal:  Claire & Conor, Cyprian, David, Eldon, Gabriel, Garth, Ramon & Teray, Shaun

2007-06-15  Fr David o.m.i. at CAS; Service group from Macau Matteo Ricci Secondary School; Happy Birthday Mandy & Carmen

2007-06-16  Happy English Corner with Macau students & staff, Macau Helen & Marie, David o.m.i., Anna (Guangzhou), Aiden (Hawaii)

2007-06-16 Zhaoqing church with visitors: Fr David o.m.i., Macau Matteo Ricci Secondary School group, Srs Helen & Marie from Macau

2007-06-17 First ever visit to Yunfu Middle School with Fr David, Sr Helen & Sr Marie.  Thank you Emily & Jenky1

2007-06-18 At Assisi Center - Macau Matteo Ricci School  group + Srs Helen & Marie; evening Muslim meal + visit to CAS

2007-06-19  Happy visit to Xinxing  (80 minutes from Zhaoqing) - DG! (with Betty M, David, Gabriel, Helen, Marie, Mary, Rosa H)

Good news from HK: Marco Polo student Kau Jing has had successful heart operation at Adventist Hospital. Due to be in hospital for another 10 or so days. God bless all involved benefactors!


2007-06-24,25,26 I'm due to be in HK for meeting (leaving Zhaoqing afternoon of Sunday  June 24)
2007-06-28 to 07-01 Martin's Macau group due to work in poor areas
2007-06-30 to 07-05 Macau Louise p.i.m.e. and group due to visit poor areas
2007-07-01,02 HK St John's group due to visit poor areas
2007-07-10 to 13 HK SHCCC group due to visit poor areas
2007-07-13 to 16 HK Canossian primary group to visit poor areas
2007-07-16 to 19 HK Shatin group to visit poor areas
2007-07-19 to 22 HK St Jude's group due to visit poor areas
2007-07-23 to 08-18 I'm due to be in HK/Australia/HK  DV.   If all clear from Dr after annual skin check-up on Gold Coast on July 25, I hope to make visit to Melbourne/Perth. Won't know if this is possible until July 25!
2008-01-28 to 02-02 DV  In-service tour to HK by staff of our various centers  - c.f. CAS teachers HK 2002 tour 

Recent donations:     God bless all donors!
6/15 Comboni Community, Macau - Y2,500
6/15 Andrew Barry, UK - HK$1,500
6/17 Matteo Ricci Secondary School service group, Macau - Y1,000
6/20  Sr Helen & Sr Marie, Macau - Y500
6/20  Doris, Brisbane - AUD$20

1957 - Historical photo from Iona College in Brisbane - cast of first IPP

2007-06-16 Chinese villages bled dry of workers

2007-06-19 Monbiot : breastfeeding vs milk powder

4 days to go:  staff from our various centers have monthly prizes for China Bible Quiz. 
Each month, each correct number gets a prize.....most staff receive at least one prize each month
...and ....staff  are locked in a keen ladder battle for 2007    (...other groups could do same??...)  Next Quiz, No. 14  - closes June 25

Thank you for a prayer, especially for A-PuiJia JiaMs Zhou, Mr Zhou and other dear friends fighting big sicknesses

God bless!

John W omi

2007-06-14  Dear Friends

Good morning from Zhaoqing where there's been a lot of rain over the past week (..Guangdong floods, Bangladesh floods, Newcastle floods....global warming increasing flooding?)
This semester also nearly washed up....Senior Three have finished final exams, Junior Three will soon be finished....end of semester tide out for everyone else is about July 13

Photo reports from the past week:

2007-06-08 Blessing of Marco Polo medical center; Thank you Macau Hope Medical Group for clinic; Happy Birthday Jenny & Baby Tsang

2007-06-09 Saturday night English Corner at Ricci Memorial Center - thank you Claire & Conor


2007-06-14 to 19 Dave omi from HK due to visit Zhaoqing
2007-06-14 to 19 Daisy & group from Macau Mateo Ricci High School to visit poor areas
2007-06-16 to 20 Macau Marie due to visit poor areas
2007-06-16 Marco Polo student Kau Jing due to go to HK for heart operation.  God bless  all involved benefactors!
2007-06-24,25,26 I'm due to be in HK for meeting (leaving Zhaoqing afternoon of Sunday  June 24)
2007-06-28 to 07-01 Martin's Macau group due to work in poor areas
2007-07-19 to 22 HK St Jude's group due to visit poor areas
2007-07-23 to 2007-08-18 I'm due to be in HK/Australia DV.   If all clear from Dr after annual skin check-up on Gold Coast on July 25, I hope to make visit to Melbourne/Perth. Won't know if this is possible until July 25!
2008-01-28 to 02-02 DV  In-service tour to HK by staff of our various centers  - c.f. CAS teachers HK 2002 tour 

Recent donations:     God bless all donors!
06-09 Macau Hope Group - Y1,000
06-10 "Anon" Zhaoqing - Y1,000
Several kind friends have recently made deposits in China8   HK & Australian accounts. 
When this money is accessed    I'll list it here.  If I list it before it's accessed, my accounting gets mixed up

A few days ago I made another on-line donation to DARFUR (to support their disinvestment campaign)

Monbiot: Tony's government

Staff from our various centers have monthly prizes for China Bible Quiz. 
Each month, each correct number gets a prize.....most staff receive at least one prize each month
...and ....staff  are locked in a keen ladder battle for 2007    (...other groups could do same??...)  Next Quiz, No. 14  - closes June 25

Sincere sympathy to former CAS teacher Margaret Sheldon  in UK     whose dear Mother went home to Heaven on June 4

Thank you for a prayer, especially for A-PuiJia JiaMs Zhou, Mr Zhou and other dear friends fighting big sicknesses

God bless!

John W omi

State of Origin last night: Well done, Queensland!

2007-06-07  Dear Friends

Good morning from Zhaoqing where the hot weather is continuing.  Last Sunday we had 37 degrees....while in Yunfu it was 38. 
Weather is a factor in lowering of student & teacher energy  as semester comes to an end (...July 13). 
Senior Threes (Year 12, Form 7) right through China have their final public exams tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday.
And from September....we're going to be dancing: 
All Chinese schools to teach dancing   -    To combat obesity?

Photo reports from the past week:

2007-06-01 International Children's Day at MP......200 children from our centers + 80 volunteers from Ke Ji and Jin Yong Colleges.....DG!

2007-06-02 Thank you KFC for another donation of items for poor children....and thank you Claire & Conor for again helping at English Corner


2007-06-08,09 Macau Hope Group due to run afternoon and morning clinics at Marco Polo
2007-06-14 to 19 Dave omi from HK due to visit Zhaoqing
2007-06-14 to 19 Daisy & group from Macau Mateo Ricci High School to visit poor areas
2007-06-16 Marco Polo student Kau Jing due to go to HK for heart operation.  God bless  you all involved benefactors!
2007-06-24,25,26 I'm due to be in HK for meeting (leaving Zhaoqing afternoon of Sunday  June 24)
2007-06-28 to 07-01 Martin's Macau group due to work in poor areas
2007-07-19 to 22 HK St Jude's group due to visit poor areas
2007-07-23 to 2007-08-18 I'm due to be in HK/Australia DV.   If all clear from Dr after annual skin check-up on Gold Coast on July 25, I hope to make visit to Melbourne/Perth. Won't know if this is possible until July 25!
2008-01-28 to 02-02 DV  In-service tour to HK by staff of our various centers  - c.f. CAS teachers HK 2002 tour 

Recent donations: several kind friends have recently made deposits in China8   HK & Australian accounts. 
When this money is accessed    I'll list it here.  If I list it before it's accessed, my accounting gets mixed up.    God bless all donors!

2007-05-29  An inspiring woman in India

2007-06-05 Monbiot on G8
Let's hope and pray that G8 might do something to stop the slaughter in Darfur.  
China has appointed a special envoy for Darfur and  China has launched a special Darfur web report
When I hear that China is paying for a new palace for Sudan's president, my optimistic reaction is that this is a skilful bit of Asian diplomacy....give a present to get a favor.  But while China and other nations are making genuine efforts to stop the killing, 
their efforts are not slowing the killing. 
Because of China's economic links to Sudan     I sadly and disappointingly fear that Sudan is becoming China's wild dog in Africa, 
like Israel is America's wild dog in the Middle East.  Wild dogs "don't listen to no-one"....they just keep on killing....keep on holocausting their neighbours.
Wild dog leaders  need need to be "put down".
May there soon be good leaders in power in Sudan...and Israel

2007-06-29 = US release date of Michael Moore's "Sicko" 

Staff from our various centers have monthly prizes for China Bible Quiz. 
Each month, each correct number gets a prize.....most staff receive at least one prize each month
...and ....staff  are locked in a keen ladder battle for 2007    (...other groups could do same??...)  Next Quiz, No. 14

I've recently just re-read Eugene Peterson's Run With The Horses - excellent

Thank you for a prayer, especially for A-PuiJia JiaMs Zhou, Mr Zhou and other dear friends fighting big sicknesses

God bless!

John W omi

p.s. My Gmail account has had some hiccups recently.....I've sent messages to people, who reply, but no content in their message.
Anyone any ideas re this?

2007-05-31  Dear Friends

Good morning from  Zhaoqing on final day of May.  Has been a hot week.  Yesterday some parts of Hong Kong had 40 degrees. And this is only May

Photo reports from the past week:

2007-05-24 Article in Zhaoqing Xijiang Newspaper re English classes at Ricci Memorial Center

2007-05-25 Ricci School students in concert at Ke Ji College for graduating kindergarten teachers

2007-05-26 CAS Primary English teachers' farewell dinner for Garth; English Corner at Ricci Memorial Center

2007-05-27 Shang Ching Wan English; kind skin specialist please check photos; Yunfu English students; prayers please for Mr Chan
Also last Sunday: BoB x 3: 7.30 Cantonese at Shang Ching Wan, 11 English in Zhaoqing, 2.30 Cantonese in Yunfu

2007-05-28 Visit to Mazenod, Ricci and Marco Polo by Rino, Barbara and family from Guangzhou/Italy/UK

2007-05-29 Update of A-Pui file ......please keep the prayers going!


2007-06-08,09 Macau Hope Group due to run afternoon and morning clinics at Marco Polo
2007-06-14 to 18 Dave omi from HK due to visit Zhaoqing
2007-06-14 to 19 Daisy & group from Macau Mateo Ricci High School to visit poor areas
2007-06-24,25,26 I'm due to be in HK for meeting (leaving Zhaoqing afternoon of Sunday  June 24)
2007-06-28 to 07-01 Martin's Macau group due to work in poor areas
2007-07-19 to 22 HK St Jude's group due to visit poor areas
2007-07-23 to 2007-08-18 I'm due to be in HK/Australia DV.   If all clear from Dr after annual skin check-up on Gold Coast on July 25, I hope to make visit to Melbourne/Perth. Won't know if this is possible until July 25!
2008-01-28 to 02-02 DV  In-service tour to HK by staff of our various centers  - c.f. CAS teachers HK 2002 tour 

Recent donation:       God bless all donors!
May 20  Peter Stroj, Germany (after a visit to Ricci Memorial Center) - Y1,000  (Peter's Company: www.esto.at

From latest AITECE newsletter:

  .... over the years  we have received the greatest number of teachers from Australia (81), with Ireland coming second (80). Third is the USA (67) while the Philippines, Britain and Canada are almost equal around the 25 mark.

    Altogether, 313 teachers have worked with Aitece since 1988. According to the records, the longest serving teachers are Joseph H and Nora  O. They are in their 17th year in China. The areas in which our teachers have offered the greatest number of years of service are Chongqing, Guangdong and Wuhan.  So keep up the good work!

2007-05-27: Fr Yves Bertrais o.m.i. went home to Heaven today.....recipient of the 1998 Servitor Pacis Award for his dedicated life of service to the Hmong people of Laos and China.  RIP

2007-05-28   Sad and challenging farewell letter from Cindy Sheehan

2007-05-28: Learning from the footballers....  Lions' coach Leigh Matthew  once said that a good footballer  tries  to do his best game after game, no matter how he feels or how things are going in his life. And how about this piece about the Geelong team for an example of focusing on the present,  not re-living the past   or  pre-living the future

007-05-29 China Bible Ministry exhibition in Germany

2007-05-30:  I  made another  on-line donation of US$50 to Save Darfur.
And....China has appointed a special envoy for Darfur.  If anyone needs motivation re this issue, just watch Hotel Rwanda or Shooting Dogs

2007-05-31 Beautiful article on Archbishop Sir James Duhig of Brisbane      I am a grateful benefactor of his wonderful concern for education.  May our efforts to provide education for poor children here in Zhaoqing imitate his spirit.
And a Visitation thought for today:  Abp Duhig once blessed me in Mum's womb, when she  went to confession at St Stephen's in Brisbane!

June 4 coming in a few days....a reminder of what really happened (or didn't happen) at Tiananmen

2007-06-29 = US release date of Michael Moore's "Sicko" 

Staff from our various centers have monthly prizes for China Bible Quiz. 
Each month, each correct number gets a prize.....most staff receive at least one prize each month
...and ....staff  are locked in a keen ladder battle for 2007    (...other groups could do same??...)  Next Quiz, No. 14

Thank you for a prayer, especially for A-PuiJia JiaMs Zhou, Mr Zhou and other dear friends fighting big sicknesses

God bless!

John W omi

2007-05-24  Dear Friends

Good morning from Zhaoqing where the past week has seen some lovely drenching rain....bringing the first sighting this year, at catchment creek  of nearby hills, of our local blue-underbelly Kingfishers.  I wish everyone a sighting of the Pentecost Dove this Sunday!

Also the past week:

2007-05-18 Happy Birthday, Nicole.....welcome Min & Even.....thank you  Jin Yong College students for volunteer work at Ricci & Marco Polo

2007-05-19 USA students  with Professor Gordon W. Cheung from The Chinese University of HK....+ Senior One survey students

2007-05-20 Visit to Seniors' Home in hills outside Yunfu.  A number of the residents are lepers

2007-05-22 Mazenod Center on a hot Summer afternoon ....with Wendy continuing to make walking progress DG

Not forgetting that today's a holiday in Hong Kong for Buddha's Birthday


2007-05-25 Carol (Australia/Dongguan) due to help at Ricci School
2007-06-14 to 19 Daisy & group from Macau Mateo Ricci High School to visit poor areas
2007-06-24,25,26 I'm due to be in HK for meeting (leaving Zhaoqing afternoon of Sunday  June 24)
2007-06-28 to 07-01 Martin's Macau group due to work in poor areas
2007-07-19,20,21 HK St Jude's group due to visit poor areas
2007-07-23 to 2007-08-18 I'm due to be in HK/Australia DV.   If all clear from Dr after annual skin check-up on Gold Coast on July 25, I hope to make visit to Melbourne/Perth. Won't know if this is possible until July 25!
2008-01-28 to 02-02 DV  In-service tour to HK by staff of our various centers  - c.f. CAS teachers HK 2002 tour 

Recent donations (listed by dates as received):       God bless all donors!
2007-05-18 Jimmy, HK - $300
2007-05-19 Anon, Zhaoqing - Y1,000

Adam: why did you make woman so beautiful, so pleasing?
God: so that you would love her

Adam: but why did you make her so dumb?
God: so that she would love you

2007-05-19 How Hollywood made America care about Darfur

2007-05-21 The Hukou registration system - an obstacle to China's development

A genuine cure for cancer....or a money-making fraud?  Anyone have any info re this company?  Anyone have time to research this company?  It may not be a fraud?

Have you heard of a movie called "Sophie Scholl"?

Recently I finished reading "The Changing Face of the Priesthood" by Donald Cozzens.  Book gently yet bravely tackles issues that many people don't want to know about, don't want to speak about.  See reviews at bottom of this link

Have also recently finished re-reading set of marvellous books by Agnes Sanford.  Ideal reading for Pentecost time.
Agnes was Francis MacNutt's teacher....she was born in China in 1897....died in USA in 1982
***** Sealed Orders (her autobiography)
***** The Healing Light
***** The Healing Gifts of the Holy Spirit

In yesterday's Crikey:
John Wotherspoon writes
: Re. "Give the PM his dinner table, ferchrissakes" (yesterday, item 7). As much as I enjoy Crikey, I must object to the use of "ferchrissakes" in today's issue. An apology please (not to me, but to many offended readers) or I can't renew my subscription.
Come to think of it, my words are contradictory: "I enjoy Crikey".... yet I object to "ferchrissakes".
See  the origin of the term "Crikey" ..... So....for me.....no more using word "Crikey" ...and...  no more subscription to Crikey 

For students of Chinese: The Bible in Pinyin (& many other languages)

1 day to go to May 25: China Bible Quiz .....for a while I thought of giving this up...."no time to keep it going"..."only a few people taking part"...but then I thought...."well, at least there's a dozen or so doing it" and "maybe this is a problem of modern society....'no time' for Bible"....so....it continues DV.....hope a few more kind friends  will try Quiz No. 13  ..............................results of Quiz No. 12

Thank you for a prayer, especially for A-PuiJia JiaMs Zhou and other dear friends fighting big sicknesses

God bless!

John W omi

Australian Rugby League State of Origin last night: well done Queensland!

54 years ago today - DG!  (...Fr Rudolph had worked in China for some 20 years....maybe his influence....?!)

2007-05-17  Dear Friends

Hello  from 30 something degree Zhaoqing.  Going to be a long hot Summer...

The past week:

2007-05-10  Primary English Classes at CAS  (..thank you Garth for taking my place on secondary Shenzhen trip...)

2007-05-11 Visit to Ricci School by CAS's 130  primary five students (+ Jin Yong College students)...passing Marco Polo on the way home

2007-05-15 English word bingo at Ng Chuen Primary School

2007-05-15 Prayers please for lady with malignant cancer above her right eye Could kind HK/Macau doctors please check info here

2007-05-16 Visit to CAS by Venee (Canada) and Jimmy (Hong Kong) - thank you for helping at all 7 Wednesday English classes

2007-05-16 Prayers please for Baby Jia Jia - in urgent need of heart operation. Could kind HK/Macau doctors please check info here


2007-05-26,27 Macau Hope Group weekend clinic at Marco Polo - to be confirmed
2007-06-14 to 19 Daisy & group from Macau Mateo Ricci High School to visit poor areas
2007-06-24,25,26 I'm due to be in HK for meeting (leaving Zhaoqing afternoon of Sunday  June 24)
2007-06-28 to 07-01 Martin's Macau group due to work in poor areas
2007-07-19,20,21 HK St Jude's group due to visit poor areas
2007-07-23 to 2007-08-18 I'm due to be in HK/Australia DV.   If all clear from Dr after annual skin check-up on Gold Coast on July 25, I hope to make visit to Melbourne/Perth. Won't know if this is possible until July 25!
2008-01-28 to 02-02 DV  In-service tour to HK by staff of our various centers  - c.f. CAS teachers HK 2002 tour 

Zhaoqing - Hong Kong train ....new daily times (replacing old times):

12.30 leaves  Kowloon station...due Zhaoqing about 16.30pm
16.50 leaves  Zhaoqing...due Kowloon about 20.50

Check it out: former CAS teacher Liam has launched his TEFL site

Correction for last week's story re 2007-05-07  Family of six murdered in Zhaoqing:  Not six but seven.  Mother was five months pregnant

2007-05-11  Death of Laurie Baker, loved in India like Mother Teresa  - must read  -  in this article I learnt  the term "Aparigraha", the Indian philosophy of non-hoarding, of limiting possessions to what is necessary or important

2007-05-12 Most important article about China's troubled health system (...affects us here every day...)

2007-05-12 China will start facing labor shortage (sic!) in 2110

2007-05-15 Stock market craze in China

2007-05-17 Disney's first Chinese film - due to be released in next few months

The longer I'm involved in trying to help the poor, the more I think these words of Benedict 16 (to Brazil's 430 bishops on May 11) are spot on:
“Wherever God and his will are unknown, wherever faith in Jesus Christ and in his sacramental presence is lacking, 
the essential element for the solution of pressing social and political problems is also missing" 
(not much coverage in media about Pope's trip to Brazil.....but excellent daily summary at NCR (click "Allen")

Reflection on above statement: it's very true ...and yet...and yet ...and yet:   in so many places/times in history...knowledge of the Lord + sacraments etc have not in fact led to social concern.  Even today, so many church/parish/religious meetings focus too much on looking after the members ...and too little on doing things for others
Ben himself raises this point in one of his addresses   but unfortunately in same address doesn't  give a very convincing answer
Jesus faced same problem with the folk who prided themselves on being religious but didn't care for the poor....so he told story of the Good Samaritan
The $64 question is: how to stop religion from becoming inward looking, how to stop it from "passing by on the other side" when it sees someone in trouble
Only answer?: humble & honest daily prayer constantly keeping before us the words and example of Jesus....+ frequent daily prayer to the  Holy Spirit for grace  to be  faithful to Jesus' message...+ a real commitment to an action plan for helping the poor according to our situation in life
Check points:
If a prominent
part of my life/time/thinking/energy/concern/resources is not devoted to helping the poor,   my religion is ......?
If a prominent
part of my life/time/thinking/energy/concern/resources is not devoted to prayer,   my religion is .....?
And these two "
parts" are not independent/separate.  Rather they are like the two wheels of a bicycle.  One not much use without the other!
Both wheels need attention.  Neglect of either is a mistake.  Real religion is 2
Pprayer & poor

8 days to go to May 25: China Bible Quiz .....for a while I thought of giving this up...."no time to keep it going"..."only a few people taking part"...but then I thought...."well, at least there's a dozen or so doing it" and "maybe this is a problem of modern society....'no time' for Bible"....so....it continues DV.....hope a few more kind friends  will try Quiz No. 13  ..............................results of Quiz No. 12

Thank you for a prayer, especially for A-PuiJia JiaMs Zhou and other dear friends fighting big sicknesses

God bless!

John W omi

2007-05-10 Dear Friends

Good morning from hot and sticky Zhaoqing.....where school/work resumed last Monday after a "Golden Week" of holidays.....and where local radio at this moment as I type is again discussing plan to replace May 2-7 holidays with traditional holidays as in Hong Kong (Ching Ming, Dragon Boat, Mid-Autumn, Chung Yeung, Christmas).  Main lobby against this change is the travel/tourist industry which makes tens of billions of Yuan from May and October Golden Weeks

Last Monday:

2007-05-08 Visit with Fr Lee and HK Rosa H to town of Deqing.....to renovated but unused church/convent....and to centre for blind people

2007-05-08 Urgent prayers please for A-Pui, cancer on neck  (updated file)

Last night....on weekly visit to remaining poor families at area near former Xavier Center....I learned that Xavier Center building is due for
demolition in next few weeks.....remaining families now re-locating to nearby homes

News from Joe Wong in Guangzhou: his studies are coming to and end....graduation and employment on the horizon....new phone number:
(86) 1364 0341 994

New smile - thank you Dave

Recent donations (listed by dates as received):       God bless all donors!
03/4 "DB3" & friend, HK - HK$6,000
26/4 Stephen, HK - HK$1,000
27/4 CAS Primary 6 students - books for school-less children
30/4 Lau Shek Kun, HK (c/- Mrs Zhong, NDP) - HK$2,000
30/4 Annette, Australia - books/posters/games for school-less children
01/5 Kevin & Pao, HK - desktop computer for use in Zhaoqing for  China8 tour guide / secretary / internet person  (coming soon DV!)
02/5 Deidre Day, Ireland - HK$2,000
03/5 "DB3" & friend, HK - HK$6,000
04/5 Fr Michael Clark omi, Melbourne - AUD$100  (one of my primary 6 teachers in 1958!)
05/5 Fr Harry Dyer omi, Melbourne - HK$400
08/5 Doris Kempnich, Brisbane - AUD$20
10/5 Eva Pang, HK - HK$5,000 to pay for Simone's stay at Number Three Hospital

2007-05-04 Goals for students.....Premier's visit to university

2007-05-05 China is now Australia's largest trading partner  (...good for schools to teach Mandarin!)

2007-05-07  Family of six murdered in Zhaoqing

Some beautiful songs -words and music (thank you, Luc)

China Bible Quiz .....for a while I thought of giving this up...."no time to keep it going"..."only a few people taking part"...but then I thought...."well, at least there's a dozen or so doing it" and "maybe this is a problem of modern society....'no time' for Bible"....so....it continues DV.....hope a few more kind friends  will try Quiz No. 13  ..............................results of Quiz No. 12

Thank you for a prayer....especially for A-Pui 

God bless!

John W omi

Diary  January - April  2007