Diary December 2009 and Jan+ 2010
Diary January - November, 2009
Please note: I'm due to be in Australia
December 30 to Feb 13.
Australia mobile number: ............. (DV will appear here by Jan 1)
2009-11-25 Dear Friends
Good morning from a mild Hong Kong. I wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving Day tomorrow
2009-11-19 Thank you Pat and Renee for visit to House of Hope and Jordan Center 2009-11-19 SCMP: "For the great communicator, China an uphill trip" + "US manipulating currency" |
Sunday Nov 29: 9am Chinese
Mass at St Bonaventure Church,
Tze Wan Shan, Kowloon
Sunday Dec 6: 10.15am Chinese
Mass at St Bonaventure Church,
Tze Wan Shan, Kowloon
Sunday Dec 13: 10am children's English Mass
in Caritas Centre hall next to St Teresa's Church, Kowloon
Sunday Dec 20: 11.30am English
Mass at Tai Po church
Friday Dec 25: 10am Chinese Mass at Tai Po Church + 11.30am Chinese
Mass at Valtorta College, Tai Po
Sunday Dec 27: 10.15am Chinese
Mass at St Bonaventure Church,
Tze Wan Shan, Kowloon
Monday - Friday: English classes & work for street sleepers - Jordan
Saturdays: English classes at Oblate Primary School (9.20 - 10.50), St
Eugene Primary School (11.20 - 12.50) and Notre Dame College (3.30 -5.00)
December 30: due to fly to Melbourne
January 10 - 16: due to attend
annual charismatic retreat, Newman College, Melbourne
January 20: due to
go to Gold Coast/Brisbane
February 14: due to return to HK from Melbourne
Many thanks: Connie & Bassanio (HK, Nov 19) and St Eugene de Mazenod Oblate Primary School (Nov 21) for donations to help my work for the poor in Jordan/Yau Ma Tei area + support for the poor in China. Special thanks to parishioners of St Alfred's parish in Shatin for donations of warm clothing for street sleepers
Recent items of
Church: Pope skips language of love in Anglicans manifesto South Africa: Archbishop Denis Hurley Homepage USA/Australia: Celebrities lead charge against Scientology |
HK radio program featuring friends from Peng Chau Island: 23 November to 29 January at FM104 Metro Finance Radio at 11.05 p.m. Can also be found at this link
Last Monday I saw the English 3D version of "A Christmas Carol"..... a story often in my English classes at this time of the year....through the cartoon version contained in the 1983 "Mickey's Magical Christmas". New version's English of 200 years ago + faulty sound = a not easy to understand English version. I recommend Cantonese version to Chinese friends. Suitable for upper primary children accompanied by a parent. Message of the movie more relevant now than in Dickens' time.
Usual reflection for Advent - "Why wait till mid-December to mention Christmas?"
report of Obama's visit to China
had the words: "The lengths to which the Chinese Government went
to prevent its people from connecting directly with Mr Obama were a measure of
how far the state has tightened its grip on society in recent times. I
can't help thinking how "tighter grip" also seems to be the motto of
the Catholic Church in recent times....as seen in reports like these: 01
be grateful if some kind friends could
please check this for mistakes in English or Chinese. Hoping to have it
printed in coming months.
"I was hungry and you.....": Meeting in Rome this week said that 17,000 children die of starvation each day. At same meeting Pope Benedict called on weathy nations to live more simply (& see comments at end of link!). See also: One million children go to bed hungry each night - in USA! and One billion people starving as I write this. What can I do? World Food Program |
One year ago on Nov 3, I returned to Zhaoqing after an overnight stay in HK ....only to be expelled when I got off the train at Zhaoqing station. Please email me if you'd like the full story. Each day I hope and pray to be able to return to the Mainland. Thank you for a prayer to help me get back. My hope is to be able to resume my work for the poor, especially the handicapped children, most of whom have no access to education or therapy
God bless everyone, especially the 26 special friends on my cancer list - 5 in Australia, 18 in HK, 2 in Zhaoqing area, I in Shenzhen
John W omi
you email me and don't receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
john@china8.org or jdwomi@gmail.com
Maybe your message or my reply did not arrive
2009-11-18 Dear Friends
evening from a cool Hong Kong where Winter is making a record early/cold
appearance....while Australia is experiencing a record early Summer (Adelaide
ten days of more than 40 degrees).
Cold weather (13 degrees and below) and typhoon 8 signal are when HK government
shelters are opened for street sleepers. Around 80 men stayed at Yau Ma Tei
shelter last night (10 degrees). Many of these men are in need of more
clothes....so...if any kind HK friends have some unwanted warm clothing....please contact
me (67095674 or john@china8.org )
Also in need of help: the starving people of the world. Meeting in Rome this week said that 17,000 children die of starvation each day. At same meeting Pope Benedict called on weathy nations to live more simply (& see comments at end of link!). See also: One million children go to bed hungry each night - in USA! and One billion people starving as I write this. What can I do?
Obama now in Korea after visit to China. Mainland coverage of
his visit was heavily censored. Obama himself was stopped from contact with
ordinary people. Wasn't allowed to take questions from reporters. Even
HK TV stations practised "self-censoring": Monday night's news on TVB
gave as much if not more time to a story from Australia and to a cricket
game between South Africa and England......as was given to Obama's
historic day in Shanghai. May
his visit be blessed.
1 Report
2 Report
3 Report
2009-11-19 update from today's SCMP: "For
the great communicator, China has been an uphill trip" (moral for
future: don't agree to trip under such humiliating conditions.)
2009-11-19 hope (9am): Obama will visit North Korea today!
Sunday Nov
22: 11.30am Chinese Mass at St Bonaventure Church,
Tze Wan Shan, Kowloon
Sunday Nov 29: 9am Chinese
Mass at St Bonaventure Church,
Tze Wan Shan, Kowloon
Sunday Dec 6: 10.15am Chinese
Mass at St Bonaventure Church,
Tze Wan Shan, Kowloon
Sunday Dec 13: 10am children's English Mass
in Caritas Centre hall next to St Teresa's Church, Kowloon
Sunday Dec 20: (to be confirmed - either Chinese Mass at St Bon or English
Mass at Tai Po)
Friday Dec 25: 10am Chinese Mass at Tai Po Church + 11.30am Chinese
Mass at Valtorta College
Monday - Friday: English classes & work for street sleepers - Jordan
Saturdays : English classes at Oblate Primary School (9.20 - 10.50), St
Eugene Primary School (11.20 - 12.50) and Notre Dame College (3.30 -5.00)
December 30: due to fly to Melbourne
January 10 - 16: due to attend
annual charismatic retreat, Newman College, Melbourne
January 20: due to
go to Gold Coast/Brisbane
February 14: due to return to HK from Melbourne
thanks: Anon (St Bonaventure church, Nov 15)
and Paul (Australia, Nov 18) for
donations to help
my work for the poor in Jordan/Yau Ma Tei area + support for the poor in China
items of interest:
Afghanistan: A way out
Australia: Climate
change will put 250,000 coastal homes (+ Sydney & Brisbane airports) under
water Church: Some people trying to roll back Vatican Two Corruption, country by country (NZ 1; Aust/Canada 8; HK 12; UK 17; USA 19; China 79; Congo 162) Food & oil link: Oil to peak sooner than admitted Israel: More illegal homes (can't they see that this policy is promoting more terrorism?) USA |
item: The
Chinese in Congo from: www.omiworld.org
Important background info: |
I'd be grateful if some kind friends could please check this for mistakes in English or Chinese. Hoping to have it printed in coming months.
One year ago on Nov 3, I returned to Zhaoqing after an overnight stay in HK ....only to be expelled when I got off the train at Zhaoqing station. Please email me if you'd like the full story. Each day I hope and pray to be able to return to the Mainland. Thank you for a prayer to help me get back. My hope is to be able to resume my work for the poor, especially the handicapped children, most of whom have no access to education or therapy
God bless everyone, especially the 26 special friends on my cancer list - 5 in Australia, 18 in HK, 2 in Zhaoqing area, I in Shenzhen
John W omi
you email me and don't receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
john@china8.org or jdwomi@gmail.com
Maybe your message or my reply did not arrive
2009-11-11 Dear Friends
morning from Hong Kong on Remembrance
Day. In another 15 minutes it will be 11am ....when we remember how at
11am on November 11, 1918 (11-11-11) World War One was officially
ended. I can't help recalling these words from The
Age of Consent by George Monbiot:
p.8: "Our (national) loyalties have made us easy to manipulate. In the
First World War, a few dozen aristocrats sent eight million men to die in the
name of nationhood".
p. 18: "The institutions founded 'to save succeeding generations from the
scourge of war' have failed. Since the end of World War Two, some thirty million
people have been killed in armed conflicts. Most of them were civilians".
In today's Guardian, a
most important Remembrance Week article re Afghanistan
2009-11-08 Another happy day at Peng Chau Island church 2009-11-09 Thank you Shirley for visit to House of Hope + future cooking classes |
Sunday Dec 13: 10am children's English Mass
in Caritas Centre hall next to St Teresa's Church, Kowloon
Monday - Friday: English classes & work for street sleepers - Jordan
Saturdays (except Nov 14....exam preparation time): English classes at Oblate Primary School (9.20 - 10.50), St
Eugene Primary School (11.20 - 12.50) and Notre Dame College (3.30 -5.00)
December 30: due to fly to Melbourne
January 10 - 16: due to attend
annual charismatic retreat, Newman College, Melbourne
January 20: due to
go to Gold Coast/Brisbane
February 14: due to return to HK from Melbourne
thanks: Anon (HK, Nov 3), Anon (HK, Nov
6), Peng Chau friends Nov 8 (Margaret, Mrs Lau, Mrs Mak, Mrs Cheung) for
donations to help
my work for the poor in Jordan/Yau Ma Tei area + support for the poor in China
Looking for work: Toshiya, a 22 year old
HK Chinese lad who graduated from
technical college after a 4 year course (studying entertainment, human resources
and many other courses). Willing to take any job. A member of youth group
at Peng Chau church. Anyone able to help him find a job please? He's
one of thousands of young people who graduated in May/June in HK and still
have not been able to find a job
items of interest:
China: From Nov 16, internet names in Chinese (& other langauges) Church
- Anglican offer - "spot the difference" El Salvador: Remembering the Jesuit martyrs (who died twenty years ago, Nov 16, 1989) UK: Champions of the overdog (most important article re media control) USA |
Dreams: When I go past Noah's Ark (opened two years ago in HK) and when I read about Harmony Christian Park to be built in China, I can't help dreaming of this
One billion people starving as I write this. What can I do?
I'd be grateful if some kind friends could please check this for mistakes in English or Chinese. Hoping to have it printed in coming months.
One year ago on Nov 3, I returned to Zhaoqing after an overnight stay in HK ....only to be expelled when I got off the train at Zhaoqing station. Please email me if you'd like the full story. Each day I hope and pray to be able to return to the Mainland. Thank you for a prayer to help me get back. My hope is to be able to resume my work for the poor, especially the handicapped children, most of whom have no access to education or therapy
God bless everyone, especially the 26 special friends on my cancer list - 5 in Australia, 18 in HK, 2 in Zhaoqing area, I in Shenzhen
John W omi
you email me and don't receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
john@china8.org or jdwomi@gmail.com
Maybe your message or my reply did not arrive
2009-11-04 Dear Friends
Good afternoon from Hong Kong where a cool change arrived yesterday, no doubt related to snowy weather in Beijing
Sunday Nov 08: 10am Chinese Mass at
Peng Chau Island Catholic Church
Monday - Friday: English classes & work for street sleepers - Jordan
Saturdays: English classes at Oblate Primary School (9.20 - 10.50), St
Eugene Primary School (11.20 - 12.50) and Notre Dame College (3.30 -5.00)
December 30: due to fly to Melbourne
January 10 - 16: due to attend
annual charismatic retreat, Newman College, Melbourne
January 20: due to
go to Gold Coast/Brisbane
February 14: due to return to HK from Melbourne
thanks: Anthony (Tung
Chung, Oct 25), Oblate Primary School (Oct 31), Margaret (Peng Chau, Nov 1) for
donations to help
my work for the poor in Jordan/Yau Ma Tei area + support for the poor in China
Looking for work: Toshiya, a 22 year old
HK Chinese lad who graduated from
technical college after a 4 year course (studying entertainment, human resources
and many other courses). Willing to take any job. A member of youth group
at Peng Chau church. Anyone able to help him find a job please? He's
one of thousands of young people who graduated in May/June in HK and still
have not been able to find a job
items of interest:
Africa China: Guangdong drought Middle East: Playing with fire: UN turns Gaza shelling into theatre New Zealand: John Dear's diary World: Berlin wall had to fall, but today's world no fairer (Mikhail Gorbachev) |
One billion people starving as I write this. What can I do?
I'd be grateful if some kind friends could please check this for mistakes in English or Chinese. Hoping to have it printed in coming months.
One year ago yesterday (Nov 3....also my baptism anniversary!) I returned to Zhaoqing after an overnight stay in HK ....only to be expelled when I got off the train at Zhaoqing station. Please email me if you'd like the full story. Each day I hope and pray to be able to return to the Mainland. Thank you for a prayer to help me get back. My hope is to be able to resume my work for the poor, especially the handicapped children, most of whom have no access to education or therapy
God bless everyone, especially the 26 special friends on my cancer list - 5 in Australia, 18 in HK, 2 in Zhaoqing area, I in Shenzhen
John W omi
you email me and don't receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
john@china8.org or jdwomi@gmail.com
Maybe your message or my reply did not arrive
2009-10-28 Dear Friends
Good afternoon from Hong Kong at the end of October, when we remember the link between Halloween & All Saints....and also remember The Melbourne Cup (first Tuesday of Nov)
May the drought in Southern China soon end. Media keeps talking about the strong recovery/growth of Chinese economy. But on the ground in many areas, people are not only out of work, they also are struggling to survive since the rice crop has failed.
May the Lord bless trip of Vice Premier Li Keqiang as he pays an official visit to Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea from tomorrow Oct. 29 to Nov. 5
Special visitors watching special DVD at Jordan Center |
Sunday Nov 01: 10am Chinese Mass at Peng Chau Island Catholic Church
Sunday Nov 08: 10am Chinese Mass at
Peng Chau Island Catholic Church
Monday - Friday: English classes & work for street sleepers - Jordan
Saturdays: English classes at Oblate Primary School (9.20 - 10.50), St
Eugene Primary School (11.20 - 12.50) and Notre Dame College (3.30 -5.00)
December 30: due to fly to Melbourne
January 10 - 16: due to attend
annual charismatic retreat, Newman College, Melbourne
January 20: due to
go to Gold Coast/Brisbane
February 14: due to return to HK from Melbourne
Many thanks: Mrs Chan (St Alfred's Parish, Shatin, Oct 23), St Eugene de Mazenod Oblate Primary School (Kowloon, Oct 24), Andrea (Peng Chau Church, Oct 25), Agnelo, Melba, Nene, Purita & Sony (all from Lantau Island, Oct 28) for donations to help my work for the poor in Jordan/Yau Ma Tei area
items of interest:
Afghanistan: Matthew Hoh's resignation comments - important article Australia: Australia welcomes Chinese investment (article includes list of 15 countries that are the top investors in Australia) China: Mentally ill Briton facing death penalty. (article includes fact that "the death penalty was banned in China during the Tang Dynasty, between 747 and 759, which certainly put it ahead of any European nation at the time") Church: Anglican deal - cans of (good)worms Pope's move ill-thought out John Allen's report Good for England Climate change: Drop meat for vegetarian diet, since meat production is responsible for about 18 per cent of global carbon emissions (?!) Internet: Coming soon - addresses in non-Latin letters
UK |
billion people starving as I write this. What can I do?
Any mistakes - in English or Chinese - in this? Hoping to have it printed in coming months DV
Still no word from Zhaoqing Intermediate Court which some 8 months ago agreed to hear my appeal for a return to the Mainland. Thank you for a prayer to help ZIC realize I'm not a "threat to national security".
each year (mid-Oct) I usually put a message like this in my diary:
In the event that I have an accident/illness of some sort that leaves me
incapacitated or worse, information about the future of my websites can be
obtained from David Clark (dj@djclark.com)
who has kindly been helping me with the sites for some years now.
God bless everyone, especially 26 special friends on my cancer list - 5 in
Australia, 18 in HK, 2 in Zhaoqing area, 1 in Shenzhen.
John W omi
you do not receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
john@china8.org or jdwomi@gmail.com
Your message / my reply may not have got through.
2009-10-21 Dear Friends
Good afternoon from Hong Kong. November will soon be here. "The year so quickly passes and we are growing old" as the poet more or less said.
new photos:
2009-10-15 OMI gathering at St Alfred's, Shatin, in HK 2009-10-16 "When you have a party, invite the poor" (see beautiful true story of loaves & fish) 2009-10-17 Saturday morning English at Oblate Primary School, Tokwawan, Kowloon 2009-10-17 Saturday morning English at Saint Eugene de Mazenod Oblate Primary School, Kowloon 2009-10-17 Wedding of Howard Chow and former Notre Dame English Club student Scuby Lee at Shek Kip Mei, Kowloon 2009-10-17 Saturday afternoon English at Notre Dame College, Kowloon 2009-10-18
A happy Sunday at Mui Wo, Lantau Island, HK |
Sunday Oct 25: 10am Chinese Mass at
Peng Chau Island Catholic Church
Sunday Nov 01: 10am Chinese Mass at Peng Chau Island Catholic Church
Sunday Nov 08: 10am Chinese Mass at
Peng Chau Island Catholic Church
Wed Dec 30: due to fly to Melbourne
January 10 - 16: due to attend
annual charismatic retreat, Newman College, Melbourne
January 20......: due to
go to Gold Coast/Brisbane
Sunday Feb 14: due to return to HK from Melbourne
Monday - Friday: English classes & work for street sleepers - Jordan
Saturdays: English classes at Oblate Primary School (9.20 - 10.50), St
Eugene Primary School (11.20 - 12.50) and Notre Dame College (3.30 -5.00)
Many thanks:
Bonnie, Mrs Ma, Jennifer, Mrs Yuen and Agnelo (all at Mui Wo Epiphany Chapel,
Oct 18), Julie (St Alfred's, Shatin, Oct 18)
for donations to
help my work for the poor in Jordan/Yau Ma Tei area (and to help poor
people in other parts of the world)
for rent: Anyone like to rent Jordan Center (Temple Street near
Jordan MTR) while I'm in Australia (Dec 30 - Feb 13)?
Rental for one month is HK$2,300 (+ water $40 + electricity c. $60)
A most unsuccessful advertisement...... no kind offers so far...
"House of Hope" has now shifted to a new location - corner of Jordan
and Nathan Roads. |
One billion people starving as I write this. What can I do?
items of interest:
Africa: Sub-Saharan aid = $10billion; debt repayment = $14billion Regimes in decline....grasping to tighten controls: ABC boss takes on "Emperor" Murdoch |
Any mistakes - in English or Chinese - in this? Hoping to have it printed in coming months DV
no word from Zhaoqing
Intermediate Court which some 8 months ago agreed to hear my appeal
for a return to the Mainland. Thank you for a prayer to help ZIC realize I'm not
a "threat to national security".
God bless everyone, especially 26 special friends on my cancer list - 5 in
Australia, 18 in HK, 2 in Zhaoqing area, 1 in Shenzhen.
John W omi
you do not receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
john@china8.org or jdwomi@gmail.com
Your message / my reply may not have got through.
2009-10-14 Dear Friends
Good afternoon from Hong Kong on a warm October day.....after the hottest September (& Feb) since records began 125 years ago.
special piece of happy news for HK in the past week:
Prize to retired head of HK Chinese University (a former student of St
Joseph's College)
2009-10-08 Visit to Jordan Center by dear friends Ling and Peter 2009-10-09 Visit to street people, Salvation Army & Jordan centers & House of Hope by friends from Christian Life Community (...House of Hope needs a cooker...see photo) 2009-10-11 After Mass youth group at Peng Chau Island Church |
Sunday Oct 18: 9am Chinese Mass & 11am English Mass at Mui Wo
Epiphany Chapel on Lantau Island
Sunday Oct 25: 10am Chinese Mass at
Peng Chau Island Catholic Church
Sunday Nov 01: 10am Chinese Mass at Peng Chau Island Catholic Church
Sunday Nov 08: 10am Chinese Mass at
Peng Chau Island Catholic Church
Wed Dec 30: due to fly to Melbourne
(more details next week)
Sunday Feb 14: due to return to HK from Melbourne
Monday - Friday: English classes & work for street sleepers - Jordan
Saturdays: English classes at Oblate Primary School (9.20 - 10.50), St
Eugene Primary School (11.20 - 12.50) and Notre Dame College (3.30 -5.00)
Many thanks: Anon (HK, Oct 5), Anon
(HK, Oct 6), Dorothy (Sydney, Oct 8), Doris (Brisbane, Oct 13)
for donations to
help my work for the poor in Jordan/Yau Ma Tei area.
Many thanks Qantas for special
promotion fare HK$5,388 (AUD$770). From HK Sales Manager, Willie Choi (wchoi@qantas.com.au): We have a program call "Business Essential" which offers special fares for the small and medium business company. The company needs to register in our website. We will then offer a membership number. With the membership number, they can book discounted fares through our website. I have referred to this website and offered what is the best available fare for your ticket. If someone is interested in joining our Business Essential, they are welcome to contact me. |
"House of Hope" has now shifted to a new location - corner of Jordan
and Nathan Roads.
for the boys: men at
House of Hope are looking for part-time work. No one wants to employ
them because they have recently graduated as "guests of Her Majesty"
(pre-1997 language). If any HK friends know of part-time work
available, even on a trial basis of say one month, please contact me
(john@china8.org or 67095674)
One billion people starving as I write this. What can I do?
on HK TV Date: 17 October (Saturday) Time: 10:30 pm (ATV Hong Kong) & 11:05 pm (TVB Jade) Oxfam Ambassadors Vanessa Yeung and Louis Cheung, along with Oxfam Youth Ambassador Claire Lam joined the “Dream to Explore” trip to visit Oxfam project sites in India in early September. They share with you how Oxfam really works with poor people to find solutions to poverty |
no word from Zhaoqing
Intermediate Court which some 7 months ago agreed to hear my appeal
for a return to the Mainland. Thank you for a prayer to help ZIC realize I'm not
a "threat to national security".
God bless everyone, especially 26 special friends on my cancer list - 5 in
Australia, 18 in HK, 2 in Zhaoqing area, 1 in Shenzhen.
John W omi
you do not receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
john@china8.org or jdwomi@gmail.com
Your message / my reply may not have got through.
2009-10-07 Dear Friends
Good afternoon from Hong Kong at the end of the "Golden Week" holiday in China (for National Day, Oct 1) which has seen more than half a million Mainlanders visit HK over the past seven days.
Smile: click here to clean the inside (sic) of your computer screen
Sunday Oct 11: 10am Chinese Mass at
Peng Chau Island Catholic Church
Sunday Oct 18: Masses not confirmed yet - maybe Peng Chua, maybe Mui
Sunday Oct 25: 10am Chinese Mass at
Peng Chau Island Catholic Church
Sunday Nov 01: 10am Chinese Mass at Peng Chau Island Catholic Church
Monday - Friday: English classes & work for street sleepers - Jordan
Saturdays: English classes at Oblate Primary School (9.20 - 10.50), St
Eugene Primary School (11.20 - 12.50) and Notre Dame College (3.30 -5.00)
Many thanks:
Anon (St Bonaventure Church, Oct 4), Anon (Peng Chau Church, Oct 4), Catherine
(St Alfred's Church, Oct 4)
for donation to
help my work for the poor in Jordan/Yau Ma Tei area.
"House of Hope" has now shifted to a new location - corner of Jordan
and Nathan Roads.
for the boys: men at
House of Hope are looking for part-time work. No one wants to employ
them because they have recently graduated as "guests of Her Majesty"
(pre-1997 language). If any HK friends know of part-time work
available, even on a trial basis of say one month, please contact me
(john@china8.org or 67095674)
items of interest:
China: Church: Pacific
countries - disaster relief: USA: |
One billion people starving as I write this. What can I do?
China8 server has plenty of space.....C8 and associated sites currently using 4.7 G out of 100 G available. If anyone would like a subdomain like these www.liam.china8.org www.scotsman.china8.org www.marist-thai-burma.china8.org just let me know
no word from Zhaoqing
Intermediate Court which some 7 months ago agreed to hear my appeal
for a return to the Mainland. Thank you for a prayer to help ZIC realize I'm not
a "threat to national security".
Recent article in SCMP: maybe 60th Anniversary of China tomorrow will produce
some amnesties for criminals?
God bless everyone, especially 26 special friends on my cancer list - 5 in
Australia, 18 in HK, 2 in Zhaoqing area, 1 in Shenzhen.
John W omi
interesting dreams recently:
01: " 5 years from Sep 28, 2009"
02: President Hu saying "I will follow Christian principles"
you do not receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
john@china8.org or jdwomi@gmail.com
Your message / my reply may not have got through.
2009-09-30 Dear Friends
afternoon from Hong Kong where the Mid-Autumn
Festival is just around the corner (night of Oct 2, with public holiday on Oct 3).
Mid-A is the 2nd happiest festival in the Chinese year (after Lunar New
Year).....and the joyful sense of expectancy these days is a like the
few days before Christmas.
Tomorrow also is a holiday - for the 60th Anniversary of the PRC.
But no great enthusiasm on the ground in HK. As mentioned in last week's diary, the PRC is where
most HK people or their parents
or grandparents fled from....although now they are happy to go back and visit /
do business. A
celebration or a ???
Between these two holidays (Oct 1, Oct 3) is a new world day: World
Non-Violence Day, on Oct 2 (the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi)
2009-09-25 Mrs Chan and Mrs Tang, from Shatin. Thank you for visit and meal at "House of Hope" 2009-09-24
Signs from Africa |
Sunday Oct 04: 9am Chinese Mass at St Bonaventure Church,
Tze Wan Shan & concelebrate 3pm Feast Day Mass at Peng Chau
Sunday Oct 11: 10am Chinese Mass at
Peng Chau Island Catholic Church (& maybe 6pm Chinese Mass at St Alfred's, Tai
Sunday Oct 18: 10am Chinese Mass at
Peng Chau Island Catholic Church
Sunday Oct 25: 10am Chinese Mass at
Peng Chau Island Catholic Church (& maybe 6pm Chinese Mass at St Alfred's, Tai
Monday - Friday: English classes & work for street sleepers - Jordan
Saturdays: English classes at Oblate Primary School (9.20 - 10.50), St
Eugene Primary School (11.20 - 12.50) and Notre Dame College (3.30 -5.00)
Many thanks:
Oblate Primary School (Sep 26) for donation
for the poor in China. Many thanks Thomas & Fatima (Macau, Sep 26)
for donation to
help my work for the poor in Jordan/Yau Ma Tei area.
Thanks also to kind friends who donated clothing and other items for House
of Hope which now has some 9 full-time residents
Speaking of donations: today's South China Morning Post (whose article I can't link) says that Australia's aid to storm-battered Philippines (AUD$1,000,000) is equal to that of the rest of the world combined
Jobs for the boys: men at House of Hope are looking for part-time work. No one wants to employ them because they have recently graduated as "guests of Her Majesty" (pre-1997 language). If any HK friends know of part-time work available, even on a trial basis of say one month, please contact me (john@china8.org or 67095674)
Recent items of interest:
Church: no
more Communion in hand; no more priest facing the people ? UK: Relics of St Theresa on inspiring tour Tomorrow, Oct 1, her feast day: a beautiful reflection |
I watched the excellent DVD: "World
Trade Center" ....and couldn't help thinking that the real reason for
the attack was/is
the USA's blind support for Israel (which has for decades been treating the
Palestinians unjustly) + manipulation of price of oil
Highly recommended, especially for any family that has suffered the tragic loss of a child: The Shack. Has sold more than 2,000,000 copies
One billion people starving as I write this. What can I do?
China8 server has plenty of space.....C8 and associated sites currently using 4.7 G out of 100 G available. If anyone would like a subdomain like these www.liam.china8.org www.scotsman.china8.org www.marist-thai-burma.china8.org just let me know
no word from Zhaoqing
Intermediate Court which some 6 months ago agreed to hear my appeal
for a return to the Mainland. Thank you for a prayer to help ZIC realize I'm not
a "threat to national security".
Recent article in SCMP: maybe 60th Anniversary of China tomorrow will produce
some amnesties for criminals?
Must admit that Oct 1 celebrations in
Beijing are shaping up so much like a North Korean or East German type
extravaganza, with expensive pomp and ceremony so inappropriate
while tens of millions in China are lacking education/health/accommodation/employment etc ...... that I'm having trouble
stopping myself from
praying for rain/storms in
B at 10am tomorrow
God bless everyone, especially 26 special friends on my cancer list - 5 in Australia, 18 in HK, 2 in Zhaoqing area, 1 in Shenzhen.
John W omi
you do not receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
john@china8.org or jdwomi@gmail.com
Your message / my reply may not have got through.
2009-09-23 Dear Friends
afternoon from Hong Kong where Moon Cakes are selling like, well, like hot
cakes, as the Mid-Autumn
Festival draws near (night of Oct 2, with public holiday on Oct 3).
Sixtieth Anniversary of PRC also coming soon (Oct 1), but no great enthusiasm on
the ground in HK (...for most HK people, the PRC is where they or their parents
or grandparents fled from....although now they are happy to go back and visit /
do business)
Recent photos: |
Sunday Sep 27:
10am Chinese Mass at
Peng Chau Island Catholic Church & 6pm Chinese Mass at St Alfred's, Tai Wai
Sunday Oct 04: 9am Chinese Mass at St Bonaventure Church,
Tze Wan Shan & concelebrate 3pm Feast Day Mass at Peng Chau
Sunday Oct 11: 10am Chinese Mass at
Peng Chau Island Catholic Church (& maybe 6pm Chinese Mass at St Alfred's, Tai
Monday - Friday: English classes & work for street sleepers - Jordan
Saturdays: English classes at Oblate Primary School (9.20 - 10.50), St
Eugene Primary School (11.20 - 12.50) and Notre Dame College (3.30 -5.00)
Many thanks:
Mrs Dang (St Alfred's, Shatin, Sep 18) and Oblate Primary School (Sep 19) for donations
for the poor in China.
Thanks also to kind friends who donated clothing and other items for House
of Hope which now has some 8 full-time residents, two of whom last weekend
started an Alpha Course
items of interest:
One of the great speeches of our time....something for older students to study....something everyone should have 10 minutes to read China: Next president? (has background info I'd never seen before) Church: Anyone who has read "The Light in the Window" by June Goulding will sadly realize the truth of this upsetting report: "The Catholic Church sold my child" Climate change: Dust storms in Sydney and Brisbane Dust just the beginning Disarmament: There are 23,574 nuclear weapons in the world, possessed by 9 countries (Israel has more than China or UK) Health: Sri
Lanka: Denial
and rage |
I'm continuing to look at some old DVDs from time to time - partly in preparation for English classes, partly for relaxation. Had many a laugh when I recently watched "The Bells of St Mary's" with Bing Crosby and Ingrid Bergman. A great film.
One billion people starving as I write this. What can I do? May this week's meeting of world leaders at UN and G20 produce action and not just words re global starvation and global warming
China8 server has plenty of space.....C8 and associated sites currently using 4.7 G out of 100 G available. If anyone would like a subdomain like these www.liam.china8.org www.scotsman.china8.org www.marist-thai-burma.china8.org just let me know
Still no word from Zhaoqing Intermediate Court which some 6 months ago agreed to hear my appeal for a return to the Mainland. Thank you for a prayer to help ZIC realize I'm not a "threat to national security". Recent article in SCMP: maybe 60th Anniversary of China on Oct 1 will produce some amnesties for criminals?. Must admit that Oct 1 celebrations in Beijing are shaping up so much like a North Korean or East German type orchestration + pomp and ceremony are so inappropriate in a time of global starvation and global warming...... that I'm having trouble stopping myself from praying for rain/storms in B on Oct 1
God bless everyone, especially 26 special friends on my cancer list - 5 in
Australia, 18 in HK, 2 in Zhaoqing area, 1 in Shenzhen.
John W omi
Sat afternoon, Sep 26, some 100,000 people will pack the Melbourne Cricket
Ground (MCG) for this year's AFL Grand Final.
My head says Geelong. My heart St Kilda. Go Nick Riewoldt!
you do not receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
john@china8.org or jdwomi@gmail.com
Your message / my reply may not have got through.
Dear Friends
Good afternoon from HK after
visit by Typhoon
Koppu on Monday night. Lots of trees and advertising signs down, but no casualties
or major damage DG. On Monday night I paid a visit to Yau Ma Tei
emergency shelter for street sleepers = an indoor basketball court.
About 40 men and two women were bunking down for the night on soft matresses (+
blanket, in airconditioning). Went back early the next morning to find
that the 40 had become 90.
report above says that on Monday night 248 people took refuge in 26 temporary
shelters....which supports the theory that
the Jordan/Yau Ma Tei area of HK has the highest number of street sleepers.
I'm still trying to work out the meaning of typhoon signal no. 8's arrows at bottom of this link. Monday's night's signal was the third one, showing wind was coming from the North East. But the typhoon was heading inland, in a Westerly direction. One explanation from a local teacher: the wind of a typhoon is circular, not head on, so even though the typhoon was heading West, the wind in HK was coming from the North East as the typhoon spun round (...presuming it spun anti-clockwise?)
Recent photos: |
Sunday Sep 20: 10am Chinese Mass at
Peng Chau Island Catholic Church & 6pm Chinese Mass at St Alfred's, Tai Wai
Sunday Sep 27:
10am Chinese Mass at
Peng Chau Island Catholic Church & 6pm Chinese Mass at St Alfred's, Tai Wai
Sunday Oct 04: 11.30am Chinese Mass at St Bonaventure Church,
Tze Wan Shan (& maybe 6pm at St Alfred's, Tai Wai)
Sunday Oct 11: 10am Chinese Mass at
Peng Chau Island Catholic Church (& maybe 6pm Chinese Mass at St Alfred's, Tai Wai)
Monday - Friday: English classes & work for street sleepers - Jordan
Saturdays: English classes at Oblate Primary School (9.20 - 10.50), St
Eugene Primary School (11.20 - 12.50) and Notre Dame College (3.30 -5.00)
Many thanks: Anon (HK, Sep 3), Anon (HK, Sep 8) for donations to help my work for the poor in Jordan/Yau Ma Tei area
items of interest: China: The last two paragraphs of this article - "tell me about it" Sri Lanka: India: Sonia Gandhi abandons private plane in austerity drive Africa: Lord's Army carries out raids in Congo Lord's Army terrorizes Congo Climate change: If Obama can't defeat the Republican headbangers, our planet is doomed History: Not accurate to say Russia started World War 2 Russia: 17 journalists murdered in last 10 years Australia: Selfless injured bus driver helped children after crash Health: Abortions may pose risk to future babies, according to study Church:
said, Sr Joan |
One billion people starving as I write this. What can I do? - maybe something like what Sonia Gandhi did (see link above)
China8 server has plenty of space.....C8 and associated sites currently using 4.7 G out of 100 G available. If anyone would like a subdomain like these www.liam.china8.org www.scotsman.china8.org www.marist-thai-burma.china8.org just let me know
Still no word from Zhaoqing Intermediate Court which some 6 months ago agreed to hear my appeal for a return to the Mainland. Thank you for a prayer to help ZIC realize I'm not a "threat to national security". Recent article in SCMP: maybe 60th Anniversary of China on Oct 1 will produce some amnesties for criminals??? Previous Zhaoqing photos
Sep 18 - day of prayer for Burma as Aung San Suu Kyi's court appeal due to be
heard today
Saturday Sep 19 - final day of this year's Ramadan
God bless everyone, especially 25 special friends on my cancer list - 5 in
Australia, 17 in HK, 2 in Zhaoqing area, 1 in Shenzhen.
John W omi
you do not receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
john@china8.org or jdwomi@gmail.com
Your message / my reply may not have got through.
2009-09-09 Dear Friends
Good morning on 9-9-9, a lucky day in this part of the world (like 8-8-8 last year for opening of Olympics)....a day when tens of thousands will be married in China (and also in Queensland!)
photos: 2009-09-02 Updated street sleepers' file: "House of Hope" |
Sunday Sep 13: 10am Chinese Mass at
Peng Chau Island Catholic Church & 6pm Chinese Mass at St Alfred's, Tai Wai
Sunday Sep 20: 10am Chinese Mass at
Peng Chau Island Catholic Church & 6pm Chinese Mass at St Alfred's, Tai Wai
Sunday Sep 27:
10am Chinese Mass at
Peng Chau Island Catholic Church & 6pm Chinese Mass at St Alfred's, Tai Wai
Sunday Oct 04: 11.30am Chinese Mass at St Bonaventure Church,
Tze Wan Shan (& maybe 6pm at St Alfred's, Tai Wai)
Monday - Friday: English classes & work for street sleepers - Jordan
Saturday afternoon 3.30 - 5pm: English Club for Primary 2-3-4 group at Notre Dame College, Ma Tau Wei....volunteer helpers needed each
week. Please phone me if you can help: 6709 5674
Many thanks: Flora (Kowloon, Sep 5), for donation to help my work for the poor in Jordan/Yau Ma Tei area
items of interest:
China: 02: No. 1 cause of death for 15 -34 year olds in China is suicide (...just as in so many other countries) 03:
Spot the differences in these reports of the same event: Beijing
report Guardian
Epoch Times Sri
Lanka: Excellent commentary on 70th Anniversary of World War 2 Gordon Brown's on-going responsibility for financial crisis American nun leading the fight against AIDS in Papua New Guinea for 20 years |
Still no word from Zhaoqing Intermediate Court which some 6 months ago agreed to hear my appeal for a return to the Mainland. Thank you for a prayer to help ZIC realize I'm not a "threat to national security". Recent article in SCMP: maybe 60th Anniversary of China on Oct 1 will produce some amnesties for criminals. ??? Previous Zhaoqing photos
One billion people starving as I write this. What can I do? Recently I heard of a HK parish which, instead of having an expensive restaurant dinner for its annual feast day (..."feast"...) had a simple buffet in the parish hall.....and sent money saved to a project for the poor in China. This is what is needed: action by individuals/groups/governments
Thanks to a good supply of English students (Jordan Center) I used my Visa card on Aug 8 to donate another US$50 to SaveDarfur.org
Sep 18 - day of prayer for Burma as Aung San Suu Kyi's court appeal due to be
heard today
Saturday Sep 19 - final day of this year's Ramadan
God bless everyone, especially 25 special friends on my cancer list - 5 in
Australia, 17 in HK, 2 in Zhaoqing area, 1 in Shenzhen.
John W omi
p.s. Go Lions on Friday night! (available live on internet at www.justin.tv ??)
you do not receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
john@china8.org or jdwomi@gmail.com .
Your message / my reply may not have got through.
2009-09-01 Dear Friends
Good afternoon from Hong Kong where the new school year began yesterday. For all students/staff/schools/parents in this part of the world: "Come Holy Spirit!"
Global warming: HK, China, Australia - (one of) the hottest August(s) on record + bush fires in USA/Greece + severe drought in China, late rains in Sub-Continent
Recent photos: 2009-08-29 Saturday afternoon English Club at Notre Dame College 2009-09-02
Updated street sleepers' file: "House of Hope" opened yesterday |
Sunday Sep 06: 10am Chinese Mass at
Peng Chau Island Catholic Church & 6pm Chinese Mass at St Alfred's, Tai Wai
Sunday Sep 13: 10am Chinese Mass at
Peng Chau Island Catholic Church & 6pm Chinese Mass at St Alfred's, Tai Wai
Sunday Sep 20: 10am Chinese Mass at
Peng Chau Island Catholic Church & 6pm Chinese Mass at St Alfred's, Tai Wai
Sunday Sep 27 10am Chinese Mass at
Peng Chau Island Catholic Church & 6pm Chinese Mass at St Alfred's, Tai Wai
Monday - Friday: English classes & work for street sleepers - Jordan
Saturday afternoon - English Club at Notre Dame College, Ma Tau Wei....volunteer helpers needed each
week. Please phone me
(6709 5674) (..last Saturday, Aug 29, about 20 volunteers....thank
you everyone!...please come again....more helpers needed, so that student groups
can remain small. From this Sat., Sep 5, Primary 2-3-4 group in hall will
continue; P5-6 & secondary will not continue)
Many thanks: Anon (Lantau, Aug 26), Catherine (St Alfred's, Shatin, Aug 29), Margaret (Peng Chau, Aug 30), Joe (c/- St Alfred's, Shatin, Sep 2), Daughters of St Paul (Shatin, Sep 2) for donations to help my work for the poor in Jordan/Yau Ma Tei area
items of interest: Abortion advertisement in China stirs controversy (...more than 1,000,000 per month..) Mao's last dancer & former USA citizen now Australia's top Dad 29 billionaires in China charged with bribery / being investigated Really excellent program on BBC at moment: Why is Africa poor? ------------------- Sri
Lanka: man-made tragedy continues ---------------------- • Sanitation in camps abysmal - diseases spreading fast • Aid agencies not able to move freely through the camps Should there not be a boycott
against Sri Lankan sports teams? (Sri Lankan cricket team now in New
Zealand...) Journalist praised by Obama given 20 year sentence Oblates freed from Sri Lankan detention camps Sri
Lanka's totalitarian government Moving report by Sri Lankan editor before he was assassinated |
Hong Kong friends most most welcome to borrow
books/dvds from library at
my Jordan Center
Still no word from Zhaoqing Intermediate Court which some 6 months ago agreed to hear my appeal for a return to the Mainland. Thank you for a prayer to help ZIC realize I'm not a "threat to national security". Recent article in SCMP: maybe 60th Anniversary of China on Oct 1 will produce some amnesties for criminals. ??? Previous Zhaoqing photos
A few days ago I watched again the DVD "A Man for all Seasons" (the life of Thomas More). So relevant in a world where so many countries are afflicted by corruption.
An interesting HK website: www.ho-sum.org (helping charities and volunteers to make network)
One billion people starving as I write this. What can I do? Recently I heard of a HK parish which, instead of having an expensive restaurant dinner for its annual feast day (..."feast"...) had a simple buffet in the parish hall.....and sent money saved to a project for the poor in China. This is what is needed: action by individuals/groups/governments
Thanks to a good supply of English students (Jordan Center) I used my Visa card on Aug 8 to donate another US$50 to SaveDarfur.org
God bless everyone, especially 25 special friends on my cancer list - 5 in
Australia, 17 in HK, 2 in Zhaoqing area, 1 in Shenzhen.
John W omi
p.s. 01: Thinking about English 03
p.s. 02: Just a co-incidence, only in English language (?), that the word "evil" is in the word "Devil"?
you do not receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
john@china8.org or jdwomi@gmail.com .
Your message / my reply may not have got through.
2009-08-26 Dear Friends
Good afternoon from Hong Kong as I listen to the BBC......one of the best sources of news as distinct from propaganda....despite the frequent strange accents: "noothing" (nothing), "Loondon" (London), "woon" (one) and "past" ("parst")
in this part of world getting ready for new academic year due to begin September
1 (except if there's a No. 8 typhoon signal).
May all students and staff have a happy start to the year
Recent photos: 2009-08-26 Updated SCMP article of Aug 8 2009-08-21
Updated street sleepers' file with
special request for help from social workers. I'd
be most grateful if some kind friends could help with this request as soon
as possible |
Sunday Aug 30: 10am Chinese Mass at
Peng Chau Island Catholic Church
Sunday Sep 06: 10am Chinese Mass at
Peng Chau Island Catholic Church (& maybe 6pm Chinese Mass at Tai Wai)
Sunday Sep 13: 10am Chinese Mass at
Peng Chau Island Catholic Church (& maybe 6pm Chinese Mass at Tai Wai)
Monday - Friday: 2 or 3 English classes in Jordan area.
Saturday afternoon - English Club at Notre Dame College, Ma Tau Wei....volunteer helpers needed each
week. Please phone me
(6709 5674) (..last Saturday, Aug 22, about 20 volunteers....thank
you everyone!...please come again....more helpers needed, so that student groups
can become smaller)
Many thanks Mr & Mrs Leung (c/- Notre Dame, Aug 22) for donation to help my work for the poor in Jordan/Yau Ma Tei area
items of interest:
Mid-November: Obama to visit China, Singapore (+ Indonesia?, Philippines?, Australia?)
Global warming: Sadly,
tip of another China iceberg
DV Obama close to Middle East deal.
Really good article showing how problems since 1948 (not just 1967) need to be
faced. "The best cardinal Africa never had" - Archbishop Denis Hurley o.m.i. Coming
soon? Communion only on the tongue (not hand), while kneeling down
(not standing) at a Mass (in Latin) where priest no longer faces the
people but faces the altar as before Vatican Council II: |
Hong Kong friends most most welcome to borrow books/dvds from library at my Jordan Center
Still no word from Zhaoqing Intermediate Court which some 5 months ago agreed to hear my appeal for a return to the Mainland. Thank you for a prayer to help ZIC realize I'm not a "threat to national security". Recent article in SCMP: maybe 60th Anniversary of China on Oct 1 will produce some amnesties for criminals. ??? Previous Zhaoqing photos
One billion people starving as I write this. What can I do? Recently I heard of a HK parish which, instead of having an expensive restaurant dinner for its annual feast day (..."feast"...) had a simple buffet in the parish hall.....and sent money saved to a project for the poor in China. This is what is needed: action by individuals/groups/governments
Thanks to a good supply of English students (Jordan Center) I used my Visa card on Aug 8 to donate another US$50 to SaveDarfur.org
God bless everyone, especially 25 special friends on my cancer list - 5 in
Australia, 17 in HK, 2 in Zhaoqing area, 1 in Shenzhen.
John W omi
p.s. Thinking about English 02
Recently I renewed my annual subscription for the anti-virus anti-spyware
program CA Security. Latest version includes a Parental Control program
which I soon regretted enabling as I had to keep on putting in a password before
I could access news etc.
I put up with it for several days, even when asked for p/w for church news
stories, but straw that broke camel's back was p/w request to read preview of
last Saturday's football match between Dogs and Lions. P. Control program
now disabled....and....go Lions this Sat
night against Swans!
you do not receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
john@china8.org or jdwomi@gmail.com .
Your message / my reply may not have got through.
2009-08-19 Dear Friends
Good afternoon from Hong Kong where the sun is getting up later each morning....but still very hot during the day
This morning I spent a few hours on a trip to prison, accompanying a lady visiting her younger son. Older son is in another prison. Lady is divorced. My problems small compared with problems of family like that
Sunday Aug 23: 10am Chinese Mass at
Peng Chau Island Catholic Church
Sunday Aug 30: 10am Chinese Mass at
Peng Chau Island Catholic Church
Sunday Sep 06: 10am Chinese Mass at
Peng Chau Island Catholic Church
Monday - Friday: 2 or 3 English classes in Jordan area.
Saturday afternoon - English Club at Notre Dame College, Ma Tau Wei....volunteer helpers needed each
week. Please phone me
(6709 5674) (..last Saturday, Aug 8, about 20 volunteers....thank
you everyone!...please come again....more helpers needed, so that student groups
can become smaller)
Many thanks Margaret (Peng Chau church, Aug 16) ) for donation to help my work for the poor in Jordan/Yau Ma Tei area
items of interest:
China-Australia relationship: Can't be too bad when you sign a US$41.3 billion dollar deal Global warming - the big picture Vested interests not interested in truth when attacking proposed US health scheme Archbishop Quevedo o.m.i. in Southern Philipppines: "Enough is enough" (of senseless war between government and rebels) (click Abp Quevedo: Enough is enough) |
Hong Kong friends most most welcome to borrow books/dvds from library at my Jordan Center
Cheap accommodation in Jordan area: "Lucky House", 1/F, 115 Shanghai Street. One night, one person, one half of two-story bunk: HK$70 ....shared toilets/showers etc. Manager a very friendly old man from Shanghai. Phone (852) 23885919
Still no word from Zhaoqing Intermediate Court which some 5 months ago agreed to hear my appeal for a return to the Mainland. Thank you for a prayer to help ZIC realize I'm not a "threat to national security". Recent article in SCMP: maybe 60th Anniversary of China on Oct 1 will produce some amnesties for criminals. ??? Previous Zhaoqing photos
One billion people starving as I write this. What can I do? Recently I heard of a HK parish which, instead of having an expensive restaurant dinner for its annual feast day (..."feast"...) had a simple buffet in the parish hall.....and sent money saved to a project for the poor in China. This is what is needed: action by individuals/groups/governments
Thanks to a good supply of English students (Jordan Center) I used my Visa card on Aug 8 to donate another US$50 to SaveDarfur.org
God bless everyone, especially 24 special friends on my cancer list - 5 in
Australia, 16 in HK, 2 in Zhaoqing area, 1 in Shenzhen.
John W omi
p.s. Thinking about English 01
pp.s. Thinking about HK's fantastic Metro system (The MTR): would not work in many other cities of world where there are level crossings and road traffic has to wait for trains. Reason: a train every 60 seconds means the boom gates would never go up ....and road rage would be at every crossing!
you do not receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
john@china8.org or jdwomi@gmail.com .
Your message / my reply may not have got through.
2009-08-12 Dear Friends
Good afternoon from Hong Kong. May everyone on Summer Holidays in Northern Hemisphere continue to have a safe and happy time. Long queues most days now at HK stores as students buy books for new academic year starting September 1
Recent photos: 2009-08-08 Opening on August 16 - Austin MTR Station, near Jordan 1985-1988 Hong Kong Oblate News (after 20 years, finally on www....will bring back memories to people who visited or lived in HK in those years) |
Sunday Aug 16: 10am Chinese Mass at Peng Chau
Island Catholic Church
Sunday Aug 23: 10am Chinese Mass at
Peng Chau Island Catholic Church & 6pm Chinese Mass at St
Alfred's Shatin
Sunday Aug 30: 10am Chinese Mass at
Peng Chau Island Catholic Church
Monday - Friday: 2 or 3 afternoon English classes in Jordan area.
Saturday afternoon - English Club at Notre Dame College, Ma Tau Wei....volunteer helpers needed each
week. Please phone me
(6709 5674) (..last Saturday, Aug 8, about 20 volunteers....thank
you everyone!...please come again....more helpers needed, so that student groups
can become smaller)
China - Australia relationship under stress: Graphic
from front page of today's SCMP China boycotting Australian iron ore? Beijing report
Rio Tinto case: ABC
update Beijing
update The
Age's fighting words |
Many thanks to HK Anon (Aug 4), HK Anon (Aug 6), Mrs Yeung (Peng Chau church, Aug 9) and Mr Fung (Jordan neighbour, Aug 9) for donations to help my work for the poor in Jordan/Yau Ma Tei area
items of interest:
Baby boom keeps Australia out of recession The economy? - someone worth listening to To extend quote attributed to Disraeli: There are lies, damned lies, statistics, USA claims about UK's NHS ..... and .....Mainland statistics What
to do about Burma? Second
last block paragraph of this article has excellent suggestion
Future of newspapers (and other groups wanting
to maintain/increase contact with society) - most
important article. See especially this paragraph: China cracking down on everyone and everything....look out NGOs Photos of Catholics in China some 70 (?) years ago (I'm not sure what script says. Please let me know if best not in diary) Asia
Harvest site has several new features including: Trouble
maker? "Conscience
led me to ordination as a woman priest"
Still no word from Zhaoqing Intermediate Court which some 5 months ago agreed to hear my appeal for a return to the Mainland. Thank you for a prayer to help ZIC realize I'm not a "threat to national security". Recent article in SCMP: maybe 60th Anniversary of China on Oct 1 will produce some amnesties for criminals. ??? Previous Zhaoqing photos
One billion people starving as I write this. What can I do? Recently I heard of a HK parish which, instead of having an expensive restaurant dinner for its annual feast day (..."feast"...) had a simple buffet in the parish hall.....and sent money saved to a project for the poor in China. This is what is needed: action by individuals/groups/governments
Thanks to a good supply of English students (Jordan Center) I used my Visa card on Aug 8 to donate another US$50 to SaveDarfur.org (May Hilary Clinton's visit to Africa bear much good fruit)
God bless everyone, especially 24 special friends on my cancer list - 5 in
Australia, 16 in HK, 2 in Zhaoqing area, 1 in Shenzhen.
John W omi
An English
teacher's reflections
you do not receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
john@china8.org or jdwomi@gmail.com .
Your message / my reply may not have got through.
Please use a distinctive "subject" like "Zhaoqing" to make
your message stand out from junk mail. Thank you
2009-08-05 Dear Friends
Good morning from Hong Kong after visit by yet another Catholic typhoon (....they are from the Philippines...and often come for church on Sat/Sun)
Recent photos: 2009-07-29
Wednesday afternoon activity for street people - at Salvation Army Yau Ma
Tei Center 2009-08-02 Jordan Center special Sunday lunch guests - in 37 degree heat ---------------- 1985-1988 Hong Kong Oblate News (after 20 years, finally on www....will bring back memories to people who visited or lived in HK in those years) |
Reflection re street sleepers: they are "H"
people: homeless, hungry,
helpless, hooked (on
drugs, which is the main reason why most of them won't/can't move into
government shelters or ordinary accommodation).
Comment by JC: "I was hungry.....I was homeless....and you
....." (Mt 25.31).
Which reminds me of something I heard a few days ago....a bumper sticker:
"My Boss is a Jewish carpenter"
Sunday Aug 9: 10am Chinese Mass at
Peng Chau Island Catholic Church (& maybe 6pm Chinese Mass at St
Alfred's Shatin)
Sunday Aug 16: 10am Chinese Mass at Peng Chau Island Catholic Church
(& maybe 6pm Chinese Mass at St Alfred's Shatin)Sunday Aug 23: 10am Chinese Mass at
Peng Chau Island Catholic Church (& maybe 6pm Chinese Mass at St
Alfred's Shatin)
Sunday Aug 23: 10am Chinese Mass at
Peng Chau Island Catholic Church
Monday - Friday: 2 or 3 afternoon English classes in Jordan area.
Saturday afternoon - English Club at Notre Dame College, Ma Tau Wei....volunteer helpers needed each
week. Please phone me
(6709 5674) (..last Saturday, Aug 1, about 20 volunteers....thank
you everyone!...please come again....more helpers needed, so that student groups
can become smaller)
Recent items of interest: Gregorian Lunar calendars conversion table Most
beautiful and powerful article: Desmond
Tutu's tribute to Aung San Suu Ky Thoughtful tribute to the Cory Aquino who died August 1 Slack news from Sudan: women flogged for wearing trousers Abortions
in China - more than one million a month Beijing
report New
York Times report Anguished
questions - Darfur Australia's (film festival) " wrong doings": Beijing report Melbourne report O no! It keeps getting worse.....fighting has broken out between China and Australia....at women's football match! But some good news: Canada helped Australia, now ANZ helping Canada |
no word from Zhaoqing
Intermediate Court which some 5 months ago agreed to hear my appeal
for a return to the Mainland. Thank you for a prayer to help ZIC realize I'm not
a "threat to national security".
Recent article in SCMP: maybe 60th Anniversary of China on Oct 1 will produce
some amnesties for criminals. ???
Previous Zhaoqing photos
Many thanks to Bernard and Mandy (Notre Dame English Club volunteers) for donation Aug 1 to help my work for the poor in Jordan/Yau Ma Tei area
One billion people starving as I write this. What can I do? Recently I heard of a HK parish which, instead of having an expensive restaurant dinner for its annual feast day (..."feast"...) had a simple buffet in the parish hall.....and sent money saved to a project for the poor in China. This is what is needed: action by individuals/groups/governments
God bless everyone, especially 24 special friends on my cancer list - 5 in
Australia, 16 in HK, 2 in Zhaoqing area, 1 in Shenzhen.
John W omi
you do not receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
john@china8.org or jdwomi@gmail.com .
Your message / my reply may not have got through.
Please use a distinctive "subject" like "Zhaoqing" to make
your message stand out from junk mail. Thank you
2009-07-29 Dear Friends
Good morning from Hong Kong in the middle of Summer
Recent HK photos: visitors at Jordan Center (including Margaret & Lawrence; Sunday guests; Notre Dame friends Fanny, Daisy, Rosa); Notre Dame English Club; one of several new MTR (metro) stations soon to be opened - Austin Station)
of the men who come for Sunday lunch at Jordan Center are former
"guests of Her Majesty the Queen" ( = prisoners in HK).
Their crime: drug addiction.
Which reminds me of something I heard on BBC recently: 25% of all the
world's prisoners are in .....(not China, but) USA.
One percent of Americans are in jail (1% of 300,000,000 is 3,000,000)
Sunday Aug 2: 10am Chinese Mass at Peng Chau Island Catholic Church
(& maybe 6pm Chinese Mass at St Alfred's Shatin)
Sunday Aug 9: 10am Chinese Mass at
Peng Chau Island Catholic Church (& maybe 6pm Chinese Mass at St
Alfred's Shatin)
Sunday Aug 16: 10am Chinese Mass at Peng Chau Island Catholic Church
(& maybe 6pm Chinese Mass at St Alfred's Shatin)Sunday Aug 23: 10am Chinese Mass at
Peng Chau Island Catholic Church (& maybe 6pm Chinese Mass at St
Alfred's Shatin)
Monday - Friday: 2 or 3 afternoon English classes in Jordan area
Saturday afternoon - English Club at Notre Dame College, Ma Tau Wei....volunteer helpers needed each
week. Please phone me
(6709 5674) (..last Saturday, July 25, about 15 volunteers....thank
you everyone!...please come again....more helpers needed, so that student groups
can become smaller)
Twitter - many people sending explanations of what it's all about.
is a big week for relations between China and Australia, and the relationship
soup contains many related ingredients:
- iron ore price due to be decided in next few days
- Rio Tinto executive Stern Hu languishing in custody in Shanghai (c.f.r. China's
spies in Germany)
- allegations that government of Guinea was stirred up by China to
have a fight with Rio Tinto
- steel company manager in China beaten
to death by workers threatened with the sack
- Beijing
trying to streamline China's sprawling steel industry, the world's largest, by
orchestrating mergers aimed at creating globally competitive producers.
The mergers often are accompanied by layoffs that sometimes spark complaints
that workers receive too little severance pay.
- Melbourne
Film Festival boycotted & website attacked by China because of Xinjiang
- calls for a boycott of Expo 2010 in Shanghai to protest treatment of
Stern Hu etc
health care whistleblower
Two Bible Questions:
1: Why
Egypt is called "The Land of Ham" (Mass readings last
2: If Mary of Bethany is not Mary Magdalene (c.f. last
week's link), does she have a feastday? (like her sister Martha whose
feastday is today, July 29)
Darfur crisis: recently to get ammunition for my Africa prayers, I read up about the history of Sudan....and came away with my head swirling....what a complicated situation
One billion people starving as I write this. What can I do? Recently I heard of a HK parish which, instead of having an expensive restaurant dinner for its annual feast day (..."feast"...) had a simple buffet in the parish hall.....and sent money saved to a project for the poor in China. This is what is needed: action by individuals/groups/governments
Many thanks to Lawrence & Margaret of St Alfred's Parish, Shatin, and Mr and Mrs Yu of Peng Chau Parish, for donations July 23 and July 26 to help my work for the poor in Jordan/Yau Ma Tei area
Would any HK friends have copies of DVD's "Spirit", "The Fox & the Hound", "Joseph" please?. My copies never made it from Zhaoqing and I could sure use these movies for my English classes in Jordan area
Still no word from Zhaoqing Intermediate Court which some 4 months ago agreed to hear my appeal for a return to the Mainland. Thank you for a prayer to help ZIC realize I'm not a "threat to national security" Previous Zhaoqing photos
Dear Lord, please move the hearts of Burma's leaders re verdict for Aung San Suu Kyi (due this Friday July 31)
God bless everyone, especially 24 special friends on my cancer list - 5 in
Australia, 16 in HK, 2 in Zhaoqing area, 1 in Shenzhen.
Thank you to parishioner of St Alfred's, Shatin (a lady in remission for 15
years) for tip off re St
Peregrine and cancer prayers
John W omi
Lions against Pies this Sat night in
you do not receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
john@china8.org or jdwomi@gmail.com .
Your message / my reply may not have got through.
Please use a distinctive "subject" like "Zhaoqing" to make
your message stand out from junk mail. Thank you
2009-07-22 Dear Friends
Good afternoon from Hong Kong on Feast of St Mary Magdalene.....saint or sinner? ( "not what I was taught at school")
Animals in India and China still trying to work out why sun went on strike for 6 minutes this morning. Just hope not many people's eyes were affected (not much if any warning to people in China about danger of looking at sun during eclipse)
This week's most important article....a really thoughtful and important piece: Heard the one about a rabbi, an imam and a priest, who walk into a bank?
Related topic re China's banks (whose debts are larger than those of recently bailed out US banks)
And a final money story: US bingo $ funding Israeli settlements
HK photos: visitors
at Jordan Center (including UK Alex), Notre
Dame English Club, HK
caged homes
Calendar: (...keeps changing...such is life
in HK)
Sunday July 26: 10am Chinese Mass at Peng Chau Island Catholic Church (!)
(& maybe 6pm Chinese Mass at St Alfred's Shatin)
Sunday Aug 2: 10am Chinese Mass at Peng Chau Island Catholic Church )
(& maybe 6pm Chinese Mass at St Alfred's Shatin)Sunday Aug 9: 10am Chinese Mass at
Peng Chau Island Catholic Church (& maybe 6pm Chinese Mass at St
Alfred's Shatin)
Sunday Aug 16: 10am Chinese Mass at Peng Chau Island Catholic Church
(& maybe 6pm Chinese Mass at St Alfred's Shatin)Sunday Aug 23: 10am Chinese Mass at
Peng Chau Island Catholic Church (& maybe 6pm Chinese Mass at St
Alfred's Shatin)
Monday - Friday: 2 or 3 afternoon English classes in Jordan area
Saturday afternoon - English Club at Notre Dame College, Ma Tau Wei....volunteer helpers needed each
week. Please phone me
(6709 5674)
of Australia Rio Tinto executive arrested in Shanghai: spot the difference between this
and this.
See also this excellent article (which includes reason why
Mr Hu's first name is "Stern")
Looking for new free subscribers: www.eurekastreet.com.au
One billion people starving as I write this. What can I do?
today's Guardian: (reminds me of Pharisees and JC....Ph no compassion re
the sick....just out to bring down JC)
Some Republicans sense Obama is on the back foot. Senator Jim DeMint was
recorded in a conference call discussion saying that Republicans should block
healthcare reform to undermine the president.
"If we're able to stop Obama on this, it will be his Waterloo. It will
break him," he said
Many thanks to Mr Wong of Notre Dame Parish for donation July 18 to help my work for the poor in Jordan/Yau Ma Tei area
Would any HK friends have copies of DVD's "Spirit", "The Fox & the Hound", "Joseph" please?. My copies never made it from Zhaoqing and I could sure use these movies for my English classes in Jordan area
Still no word from Zhaoqing Intermediate Court which some 4 months ago agreed to hear my appeal for a return to the Mainland. Thank you for a prayer to help ZIC realize I'm not a "threat to national security" Previous Zhaoqing photos
God bless everyone, especially 24 special friends on my cancer list - 5 in
Australia, 16 in HK, 2 in Zhaoqing area, 1 in Shenzhen.
Thank you to parishioner of St Alfred's, Shatin (a lady in remission for 15
years) for tip off re St
Peregrine and cancer prayers
John W omi
you do not receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
john@china8.org or jdwomi@gmail.com .
Your message / my reply may not have got through.
Please use a distinctive "subject" like "Zhaoqing" to make
your message stand out from junk mail. Thank you
2009-07-15 Dear Friends
Middle of the month good morning from Hong Kong. Hope you have had a good week
Recent HK photos (including last Saturday's English Club at Notre Dame College, last Sunday's special lunch guests at Jordan Center)
Calendar: (...keeps changing...such is life
in HK)
Sunday July 19: 8.45am English Mass & 6pm Chinese Mass at St Alfred's Church,
Sunday July 26: 10am Chinese Mass at Peng Chau Island Catholic Church (!)
(& maybe 6pm Chinese Mass at St Alfred's Shatin)
Sunday Aug 2: 10am Chinese Mass at Peng Chau Island Catholic Church )
(& maybe 6pm Chinese Mass at St Alfred's Shatin)Sunday Aug 9: 10am Chinese Mass at
Peng Chau Island Catholic Church (& maybe 6pm Chinese Mass at St
Alfred's Shatin)
Sunday Aug 16: 10am Chinese Mass at Peng Chau Island Catholic Church
(& maybe 6pm Chinese Mass at St Alfred's Shatin)Sunday Aug 23: 10am Chinese Mass at
Peng Chau Island Catholic Church (& maybe 6pm Chinese Mass at St
Alfred's Shatin)
Monday - Friday: 2 or 3 afternoon English classes in Jordan area
Saturday afternoon - English Club at Notre Dame College, Ma Tau
Wei....volunteer helpers needed each week. Please phone me
The latest from Sri Lanka ....you won't find this in
ordinary media....2 Oblates among thousands in detention camp: (final paragraph very moving) -------- In the June issue of OMI Information, we reported that two Oblates, Fathers Edmund Reginald SAVERIPILLAI and Alfred VIJEYAKAMALAN, continued to work with their people in the “No fire” zone that was the scene of heavy fighting in the last stages of the bloody civil war that had plagued Sri Lanka for so many years. Now that the heavy fighting has ceased, we have learned that these Oblates are now held “incommunicado” in camps that are housing up to 300 thousand Internally Displaced Persons (IDP’s). Four other Catholic priests from the diocese of Jaffna are also held in the camps. Bishop Thomas Savundaranayagam of Jaffna has asked for their release but so far, he has had no response from the Ministry of Defense. The priests are isolated within the camps. They were witnesses to the horrible events of the last days of the military campaign between the army and the Tamil Tigers; it seems that the civil authorities do not want witnesses speaking with the outside media. In fact, three government doctors who had circulated the figures of the dead during the last days of the fighting have disappeared and there is no news of their fate. The doctors had estimated that 25 thousand Tamils had been killed, a figure rejected by the authorities. The IDP camps are scattered between Mannar and Vavuniya. Approximately 5 sq km of forest land were evacuated and now the inhabitants of the districts of Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu and people living in certain areas of Jaffna, Mannar and Vavuniya are held in refugee camps. In the camps, the detainees live in tents and temporary accommodations. The tents are for five people, but house between 15 and 16. There is a chronic shortage of water and lack of health services for everyone: for about 1500 people, there are only two bathrooms. Because of the painful situation in the camps, a large number of elderly people die of infections like diarrhea and chickenpox which spread quickly. There is an urgent need to organize relief services and humanitarian organizations must be allowed to work in the camps. The Oblates have been working for some years with orphans from the war-torn area. Even in the IDP camp, Fr. Alfred has gathered about 70 youngsters (ages 7-20), to help them cope with the distressing conditions. There is a fundamental need for treatment and psychological support to help people who have been traumatized by war. A team of four Oblates is involved in providing humanitarian help to at least some people in the camps. They provide food (breakfast), powdered milk, utensils, clothes, buckets, pots and pans and attend to their immediate needs. NGO’s are not allowed to work among the people: they can visit the camps, bringing aid but they must hand it over to the military who are the only ones allowed to distribute it. They control the camps and keep everyone under constant surveillance. The priests who are allowed to celebrate mass are always accompanied by the army. The world is silent before this tragedy. No journalist, no agency, no human rights activist, and even relatives of the IDPs are allowed visit the camps. People who live there are deprived of their freedom and want to know when the government will allow them to return home. The authorities say that the areas from which the refugees come are dotted with mines and it takes time to render them safe, so they must remain in IDP camps. The government keeps the refugees segregated for fear of LTTE militants infiltrating the camps. Plainclothes agents of the intelligence services roam the camp, checking on every possible sign that may reveal the presence of cells or supporters of the Tamil Tigers; some people have disappeared. (Much of this information is from www.asianews.it) |
Excellent review of DVD "The Singing Revolution"....the story of Estonia
Riots in North West China - excellent commentaries: 01 02
business man and local colleagues shanghaid on spying charge:
this is being reported in China
the thing in a wider context
Tongue-in-cheek warning to foreign tourists: be careful not to carry bus or train time
table with you in China...you might be accused of having obtained state secrets
Still no word from Zhaoqing Intermediate Court which some 4 months ago agreed to hear my appeal for a return to the Mainland. Thank you for a prayer to help ZIC realize I'm not a "threat to national security"
Zhaoqing a wireless city? Previous Zhaoqing photos
Many thanks to kind anonymous Hang Seng friends for donations July 3 & July 7 to help my work for the poor in Jordan/Yau Ma Tei area
God bless everyone, especially 24 special friends on my cancer list - 5 in
Australia, 16 in HK, 2 in Zhaoqing area, 1 in Shenzhen
John W omi
you do not receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
john@china8.org or jdwomi@gmail.com .
Your message / my reply may not have got through.
Please use a distinctive "subject" like "Zhaoqing" to make
your message stand out from junk mail. Thank you
2009-07-08 Dear Friends
Good morning from a very hot and very sticky Hong Kong......where I saw two happy things on way from Shatin to Jordan on train this morning: a group of local teenagers giving up their Summer holiday to collect for the Red Cross outside Tai Wai station....and a young local man, who works in a legal firm, reading Genesis in Hebrew on the train.
Not yet picked up by mainstream media: President Hu is on his way back to China to deal with riots in North West. He's deputing another member of the 9 man Politburo to take his place at G8 meeting
South China Morning Post has been excellent in its coverage of the riots.
Most mainstream media has just referred to "unclear causes" of
riots. But Post put it very clearly:
On June 26, in the city of Shaoguan, two hours north of Guangzhou (where Matteo
Ricci lived for 5 years after leaving Zhaoqing)
a fight between local workers and Uighur migrant workers from North West China
left at least two migrants (and possibly several locals) dead, and some 140
injured. Fight was over alleged mistreatment of local women by migrants
(about which an exaggerated report was put on internet, but which in fact had
some basis in reality).
Sunday, July 5, in Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang Province, a group of local
Uighur (pronounced "Weeger") Muslims held a rally to protest the
Shaoguan deaths. According to witnesses checked by the SCMP, police using
batons moved on the rally which quickly changed from a peaceful exercise to a
horrible riot. China media is saying the riot was pre-meditated and
orchestrated by Uighurs in the USA. But the evidence points to police
heavy handed tactics as the match which lit the fire.
Mind you the fire has been prepared for decades by real injustice against the
Uighurs by Han Chinese settlers who have taken over the region and secured the
best jobs, education etc. ...relegating the Uighurs to 2nd class citizens in
their own land.
As The Guardian reports today:
"Two weeks ago Xi Jinping (the rising Communist party star who may one
day succeed President Hu Jintao), paid a significant though barely reported
visit to Xinjiang. He insisted that the local party should appoint officials who
could do a better job of handling ethnic relations. He warned that they should
solve the "real difficulties" that Uighurs suffer in housing, food,
health, education and employment. It is an important admission, but it should
have been made long before".
it all going? Over the past 10 or so years, protests and
disputes in China (especially concerning corruption of local
authorities) have been growing in number and intensity. There are so
many of these protests that very few of them get reported (e.g. the June
26 Shaoguan fight, did not, as far as I can research, get a mention in any media
until the July 7 riot to which it was linked).
These protests/disputes are like a kettle coming to the boil. Sadly,
Beijing is unwilling to turn off the gas by introducing some real justice in the
legal system and a measure of democracy for the people. In fact, really
sadly, Beijing is going the opposite way and trying to crack down on everyone
and everything everywhere (c.f. latest efforts re control of
internet).....just stoking the fire.
cases like this
who loves and cares about China must be very concerned about this situation.
My hope (if it's not too late):
two house system of government, at provincial and national level....with the
lower house being elected....and, for the time being, the upper house being made
up of members of the Party....until time right for upper house also to be
This is more or less what is happening now: a two-tier system....Government and
Party....all members appointed by Party.
The difference: the lower tier would be elected by the people instead of
being appointed by the Party.
A pilot project could be tried in several provinces like Guangdong....whereby
the provincial administration would try out the above model. Special
political zones .... akin to special economic zones
Unless something like this is done, and done soon, Hong Kong and Macau can stand by for an exodus of refugees as in the 1950's (after Mao's victory) and in the 1960's (during the Cultural Revolution) as China again descends into chaos. Please God, no!
Recent HK photos (including some special guests for meal last Sunday at Jordan Center)
Some beautiful pictures for English conversation
missing/empty one
Previous Zhaoqing photos
Calendar: (some changes from previous
week....a flexible calendar)
Sunday July 12: 10.30am Chinese Mass at Our Lady Queen of Angels Church,
Shun Lee Estate, Kowloon
Sunday July 19: ((8.45am English Mass at St Alfred's Church, Shatin))
Sunday July 26: 9am Chinese Mass at Our Lady Queen of Angels Church, Shun
Lee Estate, Kowloon
Sunday Aug 2: 9am Chinese Mass at St Bonaventure Church, Tsz Wan
Shan, Kowloon
Sunday Aug 9: 10.15am Chinese Mass at St Bonaventure Church, Tsz Wan
Shan, Kowloo
Sunday Aug 16: ((1pm English Mass at St Bonaventure Church, Tsz Wan Shan,
Sunday Aug 23: ((1pm English Mass at St Bonaventure Church, Tsz Wan Shan,
Most days Monday - Saturday: 2 or 3 afternoon English classes in Jordan area
(including, from Monday July 6, a class each weekday at Yau Ma Tei Community
Center for mainly new-arrived-from-Mainland primary children, organized by a HK
thanks to kind anonymous friends at St Alfred's Church, Shatin, for donations
July 3 & July 5 to help my work for the poor in
Jordan/Yau Ma Tei area
Hong Kong on-line street
Cotabato attack outside cathedral kills 5 while Oblate bishop saying Mass (reason for attack, not mentioned in report: store was selling pork)
One billion people
starving, suffering from chronic hunger
What can I do? 3. Use money from 2 to help some reliable NGO in 1 e.g. Darfur is a tragic repeat of Rwanda. The movies "Hotel Rwanda" and "Shooting Dogs" tell the story. (HK friends welcome to borrow my copies). See also the book re "Hotel Rwanda" - An Ordinary Man, by Paul Rusesabagina, how he saved 1,200 people at his hotel during the genocide in Rwanda Sudan
government is able to avoid sanctions/change because of support of China, whose support also keeps Burma and North Korea protected . Read
message between lines of this report, a message spelt
our here. Let's
pray also for Obama, Ban Ki-moon, Benedict and other leaders to find ways to
help our suffering world: Final food for thought about this topic: I can't remember this topic being given any coverage on local TV news....unlike USA July 4 hot dog eating contest which had a 3-4 minute sickening coverage ....how men ate 60 hot dogs in 10 minutes |
no word from Zhaoqing
Intermediate Court which some 4 months ago agreed to hear my appeal
for a return to the Mainland. Thank you for a prayer to help ZIC realize I'm not
a "threat to national security"
God bless everyone, especially 24 special friends on my cancer list - 5 in
Australia, 16 in HK, 2 in Zhaoqing area, 1 in Shenzhen
John W omi
you do not receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
john@china8.org or jdwomi@gmail.com .
Your message / my reply may not have got through.
Please use a distinctive "subject" like "Zhaoqing" to make
your message stand out from junk mail. Thank you
2009-07-01 Dear Friends
Good morning from Hong Kong on a public holiday for the 12th anniversary of the hand back of HK to China in 1997 (...sometimes in English mistakenly called the handover..). All sorts of marches and demonstrations today
Today also the 88th birthday of the Party ... born 1921 largely as a result of the unfair way China was treated at the Treaty of Versailles in 1919 (...German concession territories given to Japan, not China, even though China had sent 200,000 soldiers to the Western Front)
Not forgetting the 242nd anniversary of Canadian independence in 1867 on this day
HK photos
Previous Zhaoqing photos
Sunday July 5: ((an English or Chinese Mass
at St Alfred's Church, Shatin)
Sunday July 12: 10.30am Chinese Mass at Our Lady Queen of Angels Church,
Shun Lee Estate, Kowloon
Sunday July 19: 1pm English Mass at St Bonaventure Church, Tsz Wan Shan,
Sunday July 26: 9am Chinese Mass at Our Lady Queen of Angels Church, Shun
Lee Estate, Kowloon
Sunday July 26: 1pm English Mass at St Bonaventure Church, Tsz Wan Shan, Kowloon
Sunday Aug 2: 1pm English Mass at St Bonaventure Church, Tsz Wan
Shan, Kowloon
Sunday Aug 9: ((8.45am English Mass at St Alfred's Church, Tai Wai,
Sunday Aug 16: 1pm English Mass at St Bonaventure Church, Tsz Wan Shan,
Sunday Aug 23: 1pm English Mass at St Bonaventure Church, Tsz Wan Shan,
Most days Monday - Saturday: 2 or 3 afternoon English classes in Jordan area
(including, from Monday July 6, a class each weekday at Yau Ma Tei Community
Center for mainly new-arrived-from-Mainland primary children, organized by a HK
Many thanks to kind anonymous friends at St Patrick's church, Lok Fu and St Bonaventure Church, Tsz Wan Chan for donations June 28 to help my work for the poor in Jordan/Yau Ma Tei area
There are one billion Chinese, one billion Indians, one billion Catholics, one billion Muslims....and now the latest group of one billion (.."must read"..)
Recommended dentist in Jordan area: Dr Kitty Louie 2781 0008 (near Jordan MTR)
Israel & USA - stopping settlements?
no word from Zhaoqing
Intermediate Court which some 3 months ago agreed to hear my appeal
for a return to the Mainland. Thank you for a prayer to help ZIC realize I'm not
a "threat to national security"
God bless everyone, especially 24 special friends on my cancer list - 5 in
Australia, 16 in HK, 2 in Zhaoqing area, 1 in Shenzhen
John W omi
you do not receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
john@china8.org or jdwomi@gmail.com .
Your message / my reply may not have got through.
Please use a distinctive "subject" like "Zhaoqing" to make
your message stand out from junk mail. Thank you
2009-06-24 Dear Friends
from Hong Kong on the Birthday of John the Baptist.
All primary schools and kindergartens now closed because of Swine Flu
(until new academic year in September), some 20 something secondary schools
already closed ...with most others due to close as soon as exams finish.
HK now nearly 500 cases of SF.
Newspapers are praising government for shutting schools, as are some better off
parents. But ordinary parents at
lower end of economic scale are throwing their hands up at the thought of
the disaster this extra long Summer Holiday will be....a time when kids have
nothing to do and just get into trouble. A time when they won't go to bed
till extra late....then won't get out of bed in morning till near mid-day....a
time when they have no interest in anything except computer games
etc. Government would be better off keeping schools open (and just
giving time off to students who show up with high temperature). Strong
case also for more Summer holiday activities to engage young people in useful
This morning as I caught train from Shatin to Jordan, I couldn't help noticing how most passengers now take a free newspaper from stalls (and human distributors) as they enter the station. How long can ordinary papers survive against free papers + internet?
All trains in HK are run by the MTR (Mass Transit Railway). One of the best systems in the world. Never have to wait more than a few minutes for a train. During peak hours, before you've gone down the station escalator after getting off a train, the next train is already arriving at the platform (...that's a train every 60 seconds!).
HK photos (including
June 22 Fr Steckling o.m.i.; June 23 Matthew & Samuel; June 24 Peter B)
Previous Zhaoqing photos
Sunday June 28: 7.30am Chinese Mass at St Patrick's, Lok Fu; 11.30am
Chinese Mass at St Bonaventure Church, Diamond Hill
Sunday July 5: 8.45 English Mass at St Alfred's, Shatin
Sunday July 12: 10.30am Chinese Mass at Our Lady Queen of Angels Church,
Shun Lee Estate, Kowloon
Sunday July 26: 9am Chinese Mass at Our Lady Queen of Angels Church, Shun
Lee Estate, Kowloon
Most days Monday - Saturday: 2 or 3 afternoon English classes in Jordan area
Some amazing illusions - thank you, Gerard!
Why people power won't reform Iran
Da Vinci exhibition in Brisbane ....but don't forget that a lot of his ideas came from ...China
A HK group that is fighting cancer
A Canadian lay Oblate group ministering to women on the street
President of Burma now in jail (after spending the past 19 years in house detention)
Five star performance in politics of denial (c.f. several other places in the world where a group of old men run a similar tight system of control over disenfranchised plebs .... the Vatican being one)
Iraq invasion .... starting to hit fan
collected writings of Franz Jagerstatter (when friends/clergy/bishops failed
to stand up to Hitler, this man did.....and he paid the price in more ways than one)
friends: you might like to check out a new nutrition center (which
has been getting me to help with English translation): "Shake Cafe" -
near corner of Austin Road and Nathan Road in Jordan - phone 9092 5123.
Cafe is in Pine Tree Hill Road, near corner of PTHR and Hillwood Road
(Heavenly) Reward offered - for any mistakes found in English or Chinese of this file (thank you kind HK translator!)
Many thanks to The International Ladies Club of Macau for another kind donation to help the poor in China. Donation was received in China yesterday. Thank you also to Mr Cheung of St Alfred's Parish in Tai Wai, Shatin, an anonymous parishioner of St Patrick's Parish in Lok Fu and Mrs Zhou of Notre Dame Parish for donations June 19, June 21 & June 22 to help my work for the poor in Jordan/Yau Ma Tei area
no word from Zhaoqing
Intermediate Court which some 3 months ago agreed to hear my appeal
for a return to the Mainland. Thank you for a prayer to help ZIC realize I'm not
a "threat to national security"
God bless everyone, especially 24 special friends on my cancer list - 5 in
Australia, 16 in HK, 2 in Zhaoqing area, 1 in Shenzhen
John W omi
you ever see a horse's name in this space, best advice is: ignore it
(Sacred Kingdom 5th last Sat at Ascot)
you do not receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
john@china8.org or jdwomi@gmail.com .
Your message / my reply may not have got through.
Please use a distinctive "subject" like "Zhaoqing" to make
your message stand out from junk mail. Thank you
2009-06-16 Dear Friends
Good morning from a rainy Hong Kong. Storms on the menu here most days now....as usual for this time of year
kindergartens and primary schools in HK now closed for 2 weeks because of H1N1
Swine Flu,
with closure of secondary schools imminent.
Conspiracy people are sniffing, not a pig, but a rat:
Swine flu
vaccine ready for trial: manufacturer After hearing the
costs involved (USA alone ordering $289 million worth)...which means big money
for drug companies....and remembering how an Australian scientist said this flu might
have started when germs "escaped" from a research laboratory
...maybe the heading should be "Swine flu manufacturer ready for
Sunday June 21: 7.30am Chinese Mass at
St Patrick's, Lok Fu; 6pm Chinese Mass at St Alfred's, Shatin
Monday June 22: Fr William Steckling, Oblate Superior General, in HK for
one day of meetings (on way to meeting in Indonesia)
Sunday June 28: 7.30am Chinese Mass at St Patrick's, Lok Fu; 11.30am
Chinese Mass at St Bonaventure Church, Diamond Hill
Sunday July 5: 8.45 English Mass at St Alfred's, Shatin
Sunday July 12: 10.30am Chinese Mass at Our Lady Queen of Angels Church,
Shun Lee Estate, Kowloon
Sunday July 26: 9am Chinese Mass at Our Lady Queen of Angels Church, Shun
Lee Estate, Kowloon
Most days Monday - Saturday: two English classes in Jordan area
total solar eclipse for 500 years - July 22
is church going?
friends: you might like to check out a new nutrition Herbal Life center
(which has been getting me to help with English translation): "Shake
Cafe" - near corner of Austin Road and Nathan Road in Jordan - phone 9092 5123
word from Zhaoqing
Intermediate Court which has agreed to hear my appeal for a return to the
Mainland. Thank you for prayers to help ZIC understand that I am not "a threat to
national security"
Many thanks to Notre Dame Parish friends for June 15 help
bless everyone, especially 24 special friends on my cancer list - 5 in Australia , 16
in HK , 2 in Zhaoqing
area, 1 in Shenzhen -
and also all Dads (Father's Day in this part of world this Sunday, June 21)
John W omi
p.s. This Saturday, June 20, Hong Kong champion Sacred Kingdom (winner of big international race in Singapore a few weeks ago) due to run at Ascot
you do not receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
john@china8.org or jdwomi@gmail.com .
Your message / my reply may not have got through.
Please use a distinctive "subject" like "Zhaoqing" to make
your message stand out from junk mail. Thank you
2009-06-10 Dear Friends
Good morning from a warm Hong Kong
Some interesting recent articles: Cashing in on the luck of the Irish Britain's wealth linked to poverty of other countries Future depends on Asian languages |
Previous Zhaoqing photos
"No news is good
news"? - Still
word from Zhaoqing
Intermediate Court which has agreed to hear my appeal for a return to the
Mainland. Thank you for prayers to help ZIC understand that I am not "a threat to
national security".
Speaking of national security... strange things happening at moment: on the one hand top officials being brought down for corruption (mayor and party secretary of Shenzhen recently....like bringing down governor and premier of a state in other countries); on the other hand lawyers being denied licences to practise, censorship of media/internet being tightened. Country reverting to macro management from Beijing.....which is just impossible given size of country/population.....which is why crime on ground level is increasing (triads + manufacture/sale of guns etc)....can't anyone see the "Going the wrong way" sign?
Many thanks to anonymous kind friends of June 3 & June 8 (... a big help for my new work among poor in Jordan area...) and to students and staff of Manly State School in Brisbane for another kind donation to help the poor in China (...will be forwarded...).
sympathy to the de Weger family in Brisbane in loss of their father/grandfather
Nicholas, a founding parent of Iona College.
A beautiful poem
by son Robert.
God bless everyone, especially the 24 special friends on my cancer prayer list - 5 in Australia , 16 in HK , 2 in Zhaoqing area, 1 in Shenzhen
John W omi (852) 6709 5674
you do not receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
or jdwomi@gmail.com .
Your message / my reply may not have got through.
Please use a distinctive "subject" like "Zhaoqing" to make
your message stand out from junk mail. Thank you
2009-06-03 Dear Friends
Good morning from a warm and becoming wet Hong Kong
Previous Zhaoqing photos
"No news is good
news"? - Still
word from Zhaoqing
Intermediate Court which has agreed to hear my appeal for a return to the
Mainland. Thank you for prayers to help ZIC understand that I am not "a threat to
national security".
20th anniversary of Tiananmen Square incident tomorrow: my usual reality check file (now with full text of 1999 email from BBC's James Miles).
anniversaries this week:
Yesterday, June 2: 2001
Dr Kenneth McAll
Today, June 3: 1905
Hudson Taylor (last Sunday, May 31, at World Day of Prayer
meeting at HK Govt Stadium, a moving address was given by the widow of Hudson
Taylor's grandson)
Saturday, June 6:
1661 Martino Martini s.j
Some interesting recent articles:
Isreal could learn from Sorry Day
Boys' Town founder warned Ireland about abuse in children's institutions in 1946
Atheists are bores
Big gap between free education theory and practice in China
Many thanks to anonymous kind friends of May 5 and May 6
God bless everyone, especially the 23 special friends on my cancer prayer list - 5 in Australia , 15 in HK , 2 in Zhaoqing area, 1 in Shenzhen
John W omi (852) 6709 5674
you do not receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
or jdwomi@gmail.com .
Your message / my reply may not have got through.
Please use a distinctive "subject" like "Zhaoqing" to make
your message stand out from junk mail. Thank you
2009-05-27 Dear Friends
Good morning from Hong Kong where people are in a happy mood ahead of tomorrow's holiday for the Dragon Boat Festival
Articles from the past week:
About 5 years ago, a file was started "Earthquakes: any link with nuclear testing?". File updated with link describing how North Korea's nuclear explosion caused an immediate earthquake
USA Oblate murdered in Guatemala In a week when the church
hangs its head in shame re report from Ireland, |
Africa: trade, not aid, the answer
Irish Government report re abuse of children in Catholic institutions: The full report (no. 15, sadly, an Oblate institution) |
word from Zhaoqing
Intermediate Court which has agreed to hear my appeal for a return to the
Thank you for prayers to help ZIC understand that I am not "a threat to
national security".
As 20th anniversary of Tiananmen Square incident comes round, my usual reality check file
God bless everyone, especially the 23 special friends on my cancer prayer list - 5 in Australia , 15 in HK , 2 in Zhaoqing area, 1 in Shenzhen
Happy Pentecost this Sunday, May 31
John W omi (852) 6709 5674
you do not receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
or jdwomi@gmail.com .
Your message / my reply may not have got through.
Please use a distinctive "subject" like "Zhaoqing" to make
your message stand out from junk mail. Thank you
2009-05-20 Dear Friends
Good morning again from a very hot and sticky Hong Kong
If you read nothing else in this week's diary, please read: Obama's speech at Notre Dame University
items of interest:
of world as I've never seen it before - based on population size
YouTube: Muslim demographics (in 40 years, France will be an Islamic country)
New search engine will make Google look obsolete
Unemployment forces Chinese migrants back to the countryside
Setting up an international non-profit organization in China - too difficult
Global warming shrinking China's beaches
A remarkable example of downward mobility - Jose Hobday
Pope must tell truth about Bethlehem & "Vatican must search its soul over Jews
To accompany launch of "Angels and Demons" in HK, local TV is re-showing "The Da Vinci Code" on May 24...and bookstores are putting Dan Brown's works at front door. May I recommend the excellent UK documentary "The Real Da Vinci Code" (available from ABC shops in Australia) and this timely article: "Religious violence" a small part of the story"
David Miliband (UK): There's a joke that goes: After 1989, capitalism saved China. After 2009, China saved capitalism
word yet from Zhaoqing
Intermediate Court which has agreed to hear my appeal for a return to the
Thank you for prayers to help ZIC understand that I am not "a threat to
national security".
As 20th anniversary of Tiananmen Square incident comes round, my usual reality check file
May the Risen Lord bless everyone this Easter Season, especially the 23 special friends on my cancer prayer list - 5 in Australia , 15 in HK , 2 in Zhaoqing area, 1 in Shenzhen
Happy Feast of the Ascension this Sunday, May 24
John W omi (852) 6709 5674
you do not receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
or jdwomi@gmail.com .
Your message / my reply may not have got through.
Please use a distinctive "subject" like "Zhaoqing" to make
your message stand out from junk mail. Thank you
2009-05-13 Dear Friends
Warm hello (32 degrees & 90% humidity) from Hong Kong. It's now Summer in this part of world according to Oxford dictionary ("mid-May to mid-August").
Yesterday the first anniversary of Sichuan earthquake. May the new buildings be built properly. Conspicuously absent from ceremonies yesterday (in Sichuan and Beijing) was Premier Wen Jiabo. Sure hope he's ok. Hasn't been seen in public for a couple of days.
Another Gaza....Sri Lanka: Shells
killing people in hospitals are coming from .....the government side
c.f. Sri
Lanka's totalitarian government &
moving report in diary of January 15
Strong article - Memo to bishops: - most Catholics aren't listening
I started using an excellent commentary on Matthew's Gospel - by Craig S.
Highly recommended. It constantly links up with modern life. See this piece re the
Virgin Birth
which shows how Joseph and Mary would have been regarded with shame
for a pregnancy outside of marriage. Mary was no princess in the eyes of
her neighbours....she was more like an outcast. Maybe another reason no
relative in Bethlehem had a place for them?
- as life gets more complicated/difficult - let's get back to it / give it a bit
more time
word yet from Zhaoqing
Intermediate Court which has agreed to hear my appeal for a return to the
Thank you for prayers to help ZIC understand that I am not "a threat to
national security".
20th anniversary of Tiananmen Square incident comes round, my
usual reality check file
the Risen Lord bless everyone this Easter Season, especially the 23 special
friends on my cancer prayer list - 5 in Australia (2 of them now "all
clear" DG) , 15 in HK(2 "all clear"), 2 in Zhaoqing
area, 1 in Shenzhen
John W omi (852) 6709 5674
you do not receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
or jdwomi@gmail.com .
Your message / my reply may not have got through.
Please use a distinctive "subject" like "Zhaoqing" to make
your message stand out from junk mail. Thank you
2009-05-06 Dear Friends
Good morning from Hong Kong on a very warm day....the second day of Summer according to the Lunar calendar.
A smile to start the day (don't read if you are a lawyer....unless you are Chinese)
the Lord protect everyone from H1N1.
Flu a serious concern in HK after SARS.
Did you know (.. I didn't until last Saturday...) that not one person died from
SARS in Macau when it claimed some 300 lives
in next door HK in 2003? ....even though travel between HK and Macau was so
Reason given by faith-filled Macau people: during the months of SARS,
there was a 24 hour 7 day a week prayer service in a Macau church
Also recently realized: 911 is emergency phone number in USA, so choice of 9/11 was particularly sinister
"Present economic climate calls us to live more simply" - OMI leader
Obama and Burma
Trade HK having a special promotion May 9-17 ...c.f. my
file of some years ago
Wanted in Hong Kong: part-time or full time jobs for people who are being rehabilitated by Salvation Army social workers in Jordan/Yau Ma Tei area of Kowloon. Please let me know (contact details at top of this page)
Live interactive learn Chinese from ABC
word yet from Zhaoqing
Intermediate Court which has agreed to hear my appeal for a return to the
Thank you for prayers to help ZIC understand that I am not "a threat to
national security".
As 20th anniversary of Tiananmen Square incident comes round, my usual reality check file
Many thanks to Anonymous kind friends of April 7, April 3, March 6, March 3, Feb 7, Feb 6
Mother's Day on Sunday!
the Risen Lord bless everyone this Easter Season, especially the 22 special
friends on my cancer prayer list - 5 in Australia (2 of them now "all
clear" DG) , 15 in HK(2 "all clear"), 2 in Zhaoqing area.
John W omi (852) 6709 5674
you do not receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
or jdwomi@gmail.com .
Your message / my reply may not have got through.
Please use a distinctive "subject" like "Zhaoqing" to make
your message stand out from junk mail. Thank you
2009-04-29 Dear Friends
Hello from Saint Paul retreat house in Sheung Shui, not far from China border, where about 17 of us are taking part in OMI annual retreat. OMIs this year being joined by special lay partners.....excellent idea.
Calendar: Thursday
April 30: Sunday, May 3: In Sydney - Gathering to celebrate 20th Anniversary of AITECE Australia. Some 90 teachers from Australia have served in China since 1989. I will be with this gathering in spirit |
Wanted in Hong Kong: part-time or full time jobs for people who are being rehabilitated by Salvation Army social workers in Jordan/Yau Ma Tei area of Kowloon. Please let me know (contact details at top of this page)
A short 5 minute film - please watch
word yet from Zhaoqing
Intermediate Court which has agreed to hear my appeal for a return to the
Thank you for prayers to help ZIC understand that I am not "a threat to
national security". DV I could be allowed
back to Mainland by June
kind friends have started helping with translation of a Simple Bible, which can
be given to first-time readers of the Scriptures (who often find the whole Bible
too difficult). Any comments re translation
of Exodus? (Other
books of OT)
May the Risen Lord bless everyone this Easter Season, especially the 21 special friends on my cancer prayer list - 5 in Australia (2 of them now "all clear" DG) , 14 in HK(2 "all clear"), 2 in Zhaoqing area
John W omi (852) 6709 5674
you do not receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
or jdwomi@gmail.com .
Your message / my reply may not have got through.
Please use a distinctive "subject" like "Zhaoqing" to make
your message stand out from junk mail. Thank you
2009-04-22 Dear Friends
Good morning from a warm and sticky Hong Kong. Going to be a long, hot Summer
word yet from Zhaoqing
Intermediate Court which has agreed to hear my appeal for a return to the
Thank you for prayers to help ZIC understand that I am not "a threat to
national security". Some local HK friends feel I could be allowed
back to Mainland by June DV
Anti-virus program highly recommended by UK computer expert friend : AVG
April 25...Anzac Day...."Lest We Forget (Armenia)"
Our dying rivers (not forgetting the Murray-Darling). Do I need to turn on (so many) lights in daytime? Could I turn off computer and water boiler at night?
Fair Trade HK having a special promotion May 9-17 ...c.f. my file of some years ago
Recent discovery: Tagalog Christian radio program - each Sunday 9-11am on A.M. 1044
Congratulations to Bishop John Tong who became HK's bishop-in-charge at end of last week, following retirement of Cardinal Zen
Some kind friends have started helping with translation of a Simple Bible, which can be given to first-time readers of the Scriptures (who often find the whole Bible too difficult). Any comments re translation of Exodus? (Other books of OT)
with the Risen Lord:
Mrs Pat Halloran, loyal secretary to 5 principals at Iona College in Brisbane.
Funeral service being held as I type these words.
May the Risen Lord bless everyone this Easter Season, especially the 21 special friends on my cancer prayer list - 5 in Australia (2 of them now "all clear" DG) , 14 in HK(2 "all clear"), 2 in Zhaoqing area
John W omi (852) 6709 5674
you do not receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
or jdwomi@gmail.com .
Your message / my reply may not have got through.
Please use a distinctive "subject" like "Zhaoqing" to make
your message stand out from junk mail. Thank you
C'mon Lions against Geelong this coming Sunday afternoon
2009-04-15 Dear Friends
good morning from Hong Kong where most schools are still enjoying their Easter
holidays. Has been a very busy Easter here at Tai Wai....big crowds at all
Easter Sunday's South China Morning Post Magazine had a cover story re growth in
number of Christians in China...and how they are the best
citizens. Magazine cover was photo of T Square, with image of Sacred
Heart of J replacing poster of Chairman M
Also on the cultural front: a most interesting article re revival of interest in Confucianism in China
Intermediate Court has agreed to hear my appeal for a return to the Mainland,
but this will "take some time".
Thank you for prayers to help ZIC understand that I am not "a threat to
national security". Some local HK friends feel I could be allowed
back to Mainland by June
the meantime, I'm continuing to use the mornings of Mon-Sat for study, reading, email
and the afternoons and early evenings for prayer with sick people (especially
cancer patients), hospital visitation, contact with street people and Mainland
tourists in the Jordan & Yau Ma Tei areas. Many of the local residents
in those areas are recent arrivals from Mainland.
I've also started doing some English teaching.
Have had lots of contact with many local people - seeing how they are coping
with the economic downturn, living ever more simply and frugally.....a
humbling experience.
Some kind friends have started helping with translation of a Simple Bible, which can be given to first-time readers of the Scriptures (who often find the whole Bible too difficult). Any comments re translation of Exodus? (Other books of OT)
with the Risen Lord:
Dot Weise and Alan Wheeler (Brisbane....dear family friends and loyal friends of
Iona College)
- and Lamberto Gulapa (Hong Kong), whom I visited in hospital on Holy Thursday,
before he died Good Friday...having know him and his family in Mui Wo on Lantau
Island where we had a
happy gathering in 2000
May the Risen Lord bless everyone this Easter Season, especially the 20 special friends on my cancer prayer list - 5 in Australia (2 of them now "all clear" DG) , 13 in HK(2 "all clear"), 2 in Zhaoqing area
John W omi (852) 6709 5674
you do not receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
or jdwomi@gmail.com .
Your message / my reply may not have got through.
Please use a distinctive "subject" like "Zhaoqing" to make
your message stand out from junk mail. Thank you
C'mon Lions against Collingwood this Friday night in Brisbane. How kind of Collingwood....over the past few years...in the game before one against Brisbane....one of the C'wood key players always manages to get himself suspended. Extremely thoughtful
2009-04-08 Dear Friends
Good morning from Hong Kong on this "Spy Wednesday". I wish everyone a Happy Easter. May the energy of Easter bring help and hope to the problems of daily life. May the Easter Lord especially bless April 10-12 Asean meeting in Thailand
surprise a few days ago: after a break of 5 months, I checked my Call2
phone account, and found I had been credited with
1,400 points, which became HK$300 credit in same account....thanks to a number
of friends who have been using
Call2 from link at top of this page ("Cheap International
Since last week: Shenzhen residents are able to visit HK more easily....HK$20 for a 7-day permit which can be renewed as often as desired. Which means that the number of Mainland visitors will soon exceed the present total of 1,000,000 per month
Recent shootings in USA: may one state soon pass a gun control law....that other states will eventually follow
President Obama due to visit China (and Indonesia) later this year. Has Beijing forgotten what happened when Gorbachev visited China in 1989?
Baby Maria went home to heaven last Sunday
Intermediate Court has agreed to hear my appeal for a return to the Mainland,
but this will "take some time".
Thank you for prayers to help ZIC understand that I am not "a threat to
national security". Some local HK friends feel I could be allowed
back to Mainland by June
the meantime, I'm continuing to use the mornings of Mon-Sat for study, reading, email
and the afternoons and early evenings for prayer with sick people (especially
cancer patients), hospital visitation, contact with street people and Mainland
tourists in the Jordan & Yau Ma Tei areas. Many of the local residents
in those areas are recent arrivals from Mainland.
I've also started doing some English teaching.
Have had lots of contact with many local people - seeing how they are coping
with the economic downturn, living ever more simply and frugally.....a
humbling experience.
Some kind friends have started helping with translation of a Simple Bible, which can be given to first-time readers of the Scriptures (who often find the whole Bible too difficult). Any comments re translation of Exodus? (Other books of OT)
9/11 conspiracy theory video - sure makes you think
Sri Lanka's war on Tamils is about racism, not terrorism
of genocide....one I had never heard about: the slaughter of more than
200,000 Naga people by Indian troops in the 1950s.
Nagaland is in India near Myanmar/Burma border. Story told in Paul
Hattaway's "From Headhunters to Church Planters", available from www.asiaharvest.org
May the Risen Lord bless everyone this Easter, especially the 19 special friends on my cancer prayer list - 5 in Australia (2 of them now "all clear" DG) , 12 in HK(2 "all clear"), 2 in Zhaoqing area
John W omi (852) 6709 5674
you do not receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
or jdwomi@gmail.com .
Your message / my reply may not have got through.
Please use a distinctive "subject" like "Zhaoqing" to make
your message stand out from junk mail. Thank you
C'mon Lions against Blues this Sat night in Melbourne!
2009-04-01 Dear Friends
Good morning from Hong Kong ....where today's April Fool's Day is not very important......unlike Saturday's Ching Ming Festival which is a public holiday here (and from last year also in China)....a lovely custom whereby the whole place shuts down to give people a chance to visit graves and pray for the dead. An excellent preparation for Easter Sunday just around the corner.... of the grave.
Maria's situation unchanged. Thank you for continuing prayers
Intermediate Court has agreed to hear my appeal for a return to the Mainland,
but this will "take some time".
Thank you for prayers to help ZIC understand that I am not "a threat to
national security". Some local HK friends feel I could be allowed
back to Mainland by June
the meantime, I'm continuing to use the mornings of Mon-Sat for study, reading, email
and the afternoons and early evenings for prayer with sick people (especially
cancer patients), hospital visitation, contact with street people and Mainland
tourists in the Jordan & Yau Ma Tei areas. Many of the local residents
in those areas are recent arrivals from Mainland.
I've also started doing some English teaching.
Have had lots of contact with many local people - seeing how they are coping
with the economic downturn, living ever more simply and frugally.....a
humbling experience. May this week's G20 meeting do something to
help the ordinary people of the world, especially the poor people of
Africa.....particularly Darfur
Some kind friends have started helping with translation of a Simple Bible, which can be given to first-time readers of the Scriptures (who often find the whole Bible too difficult). Any comments re translation of Exodus? (Other books of OT)
God bless everyone, especially the
18 special
friends on my cancer prayer list - 5 in Australia (2 of them now "all
clear" DG) , 11 in HK(2 "all clear"), 2 in Zhaoqing area
John W omi (852)
6709 5674
you do not receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
or jdwomi@gmail.com .
Your message / my reply may not have got through.
Please use a distinctive "subject" like "Zhaoqing" to make
your message stand out from junk mail. Thank you
C'mon Lions against Blues this Sat night in Melbourne!
2009-03-25 Dear Friends
Good morning from Hong Kong of Feast of the Annunciation (...9 months to Christmas!). Some welcome rain now bringing relief to HK where temperatures have been unusually high for March. c.f. Hottest March for 59 years in Beijing
Maria file has update since last diary
Intermediate Court has agreed to hear my appeal for a return to the Mainland,
but this will "take some time".
Thank you for prayers to help ZIC understand that I am not "a threat to
national security". Some local HK friends feel I could be allowed
back to Mainland by June
the meantime, I'm continuing to use the mornings of Mon-Sat for study, reading, email
and the afternoons and early evenings for prayer with sick people (especially
cancer patients), hospital visitation, contact with street people and Mainland
tourists in the Jordan & Yau Ma Tei areas. Many of the local residents
in those areas are recent arrivals from Mainland.
I've also started doing some English teaching to support myself (... like
St Paul with his tentmaking).
Have had lots of contact with many local people - seeing how they are coping
with the economic downturn, living ever more simply and frugally.....a
humbling experience.
interesting groups I've had contact with over the past week:
Inner City Ministries
(looking for local volunteers in HK to tutor mainly South Asian children
in Chinese, English, Maths, Music and other activities)
China Tourist Ministry - making contact
with visitors from Mainland
Airfares getting cheaper.....HK-Aust now at lowest prices in memory
Shame, Israel, shame | Israeli troops "shot civilians in cold blood" | Investigation uncovers evidence |
clemency of Billy Neal Moore
Invitation from Leeanne, a dear cousin in W.A., past president of W.A.
Herbal Society, to check her site:
from recent Melbourne visitors who are active in Right To Life how a
visiting lecturer at medical school of Monash University (my old uni) was
applauded by listening doctors when he outlined a new procedure he had developed
for "partial birth termination" to solve the messy problem of late
term abortions.....(don't want a live foetus jumping around in a dish).
Baby is manoeuvred to come out feet first as for a breech birth, but while
head is still in womb, a tube is inserted in back of neck to suck out
brains....so that baby is "born dead" and doesn't jump in dish or
cause legal problems.
Over the past 7 years in the Mainland, I have come across many cases of
post-abortion women (and subsequent children) having big sicknesses.....making
me convinced there's a link between abortion and subsequent illnesses. All
the more reason to help
work for a society where abortion is not necessary
Invitation to USA friends to watch a very
special weekly tv show
(I continue to be gratefully amazed that the largest number of
China8.org's fifty or so daily viewers are in the USA!)
God bless everyone, especially
16 special
friends on my cancer prayer list - 5 in Australia (2 of them now "all
clear" DG) , 9 in HK(2 "all clear"), 2 in Zhaoqing area
John W omi (852)
6709 5674
you do not receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
or jdwomi@gmail.com .
Your message / my reply may not have got through.
Please use a distinctive "subject" like "Zhaoqing" to make
your message stand out from junk mail. Thank you
2009-03-18 Dear Friends
Good morning from Hong Kong where today's temperature range is 19 - 27
Maria file has update since last diary
Intermediate Court has agreed to hear my appeal for a return to the Mainland,
but this will "take some time".
Thank you for prayers to help ZIC understand that I am not "a threat to
national security".
the meantime, I'm continuing to use the mornings of Mon-Sat for study, reading, email
and the afternoons and early evenings for prayer with sick people (especially
cancer patients, see growing list below), hospital visitation, contact with street people and Mainland
tourists in the Jordan & Yau Ma Tei areas. Many of the local residents
in those areas are recent arrivals from Mainland.
I've also started doing some English teaching to support myself (... like
St Paul with his tentmaking)
Media was a part of the problem - America cheers as satirist delivers knockout blow to TV finance gurus who misled public
Dalai Lama's reincarnation needs nod from central government
Global warming - does anyone care? (do I care enough to turn off unnecessary lights/computers/water boilers etc?)
Many excellent books, especially about China, at www.asiaharvest.org
God bless everyone, especially
16 special
friends on my cancer prayer list - 5 in Australia (2 of them now "all
clear" DG) , 9 in HK(2 "all clear"), 2 in Zhaoqing area
John W omi (852)
6709 5674
you do not receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
or jdwomi@gmail.com .
Your message / my reply may not have got through.
Please use a distinctive "subject" like "Zhaoqing" to make
your message stand out from junk mail. Thank you
2009-03-11 Dear Friends
Good morning from HK which, according to today's news, is now the world's 11th most expensive city in which to live
Maria file has update since last diary
Intermediate Court has agreed to hear my appeal for a return to Mainland,
but this will "take some time".
Thank you for prayers to help ZIC understand that I am not "a threat to
national security".
the meantime, I'm continuing to use the mornings for study, reading, email
and the afternoons and early evenings for prayer with sick people (especially
cancer patients), hospital visitation, contact with street people and Mainland
tourists in the Jordan & Yau Ma Tei areas .....yesterday met a former CAS
bus driver now working in a store in Jordan!
I'm also hoping to do some English teaching to support myself
More details re this story in last week's diary
Sri Lanka's totalitarian government c.f. moving report in diary of January 15
Interesting for this article to see the light of day on government site: ordinary people unable to be heard
the difference:
of Beijing Olympics c. US$44 Billion
Beijing Olympics made profit of US$16 Million
that William Dalrymple writes is always spot on, with a wisdom and depth
of knowledge rarely surpassed by other commentators. This
incisive article by WD helps understand several most important aspects
of Islam & life in Pakistan
(& c.f. links at www.williamdalrymple.com)
God bless everyone, especially
14 special
friends on my cancer prayer list - 5 in Australia (2 of them now "all
clear" DG) , 8 in HK(1 "all clear"), 1 in Zhaoqing
John W omi (852)
6709 5674
Happy St Patrick's Day on March 17!
you do not receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
or jdwomi@gmail.com .
Your message / my reply may not have got through.
Please use a distinctive "subject" like "Zhaoqing" to make
your message stand out from junk mail. Thank you
2009-02-25 Dear Friends
Good morning from Hong Kong in the first week of March after the warmest February on record
than 4 weeks now since last stage of my visa appeal was begun. Please keep the prayers going....each little prayer
creates a bit more spiritual energy
Maria file has several updates since last diary
Australian slumdogs in India. I saw "Slumdog Millionaire" last week. Powerful messages. Well worth seeing, though I'm not sure I'd give it 8 oscars
Paul once rightly criticized Peter, and now many people are questioning Bennedict's leadership: UK USA
God bless everyone, especially 14 special
friends on my cancer prayer list - 5 in Australia (2 of them now "all
clear" DG) , 8 in HK one "all clear"), 1 in Zhaoqing
John W omi ( at St Alfred's, Shatin for the time being) (852)
6709 5674
you do not receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
or jdwomi@gmail.com .
Your message / my reply may not have got through.
Please use a distinctive "subject" like "Zhaoqing" to make
your message stand out from junk mail. Thank you
2009-02-25 Dear Friends
Good afternoon from Hong Kong on a very warm (c.27) Ash Wednesday
Prayers please for 5 month old Maria (born Sep 8, 2008), fighting for her life in HK's Queen Elizabeth Hospital. Her lungs are unable to function as a result of Spinal Muscular Atrophy, and she is suffocating. Doctors have told parents "to prepare". I visited Maria this morning - after her father saw me (wearing my Cross) on the street, introduced himself and asked for help
news re visa ....continuing to hope and pray....maybe news by end of this
month. Please keep the prayers going....each little prayer
creates a bit more spiritual energy ...and this case sure needs a
big dose of energy
Previous Zhaoqing photos
Last Sunday: as I walked along Shatin River, I passed some 200 children and adults, including many volunteers, from special school for hyper-active children - taking part in a charity walkathon for the school. Then at Tai Wai train station, a team of secondary school students were conducting a promotion for UNICEF. Then as I got off train at another station - another team of secondary school students were collecting for the elderly organization "Helping Hand". Three teams of angels on legs. Many good things happening in this old world
Zhaoqing officials filmed and fired after fact-finding(?) trip to Africa HK report of same item (see also much fuller report in yesterday's SCMP, but not on-line)
Sichuan earthquake caused by nearby dam's destabilizing influence?
Amnesty calls on US to stop military supplies to Israel
Wednesday today: see this
file which proposes Ash Wed become Ash Sunday... since so many
people are working today and will
have no chance to receive ashes....and liturgy people with their inflexible
mindset won't allow ashes to be given out next Sunday
God bless everyone, especially 14 special
friends on my cancer prayer list - 6 in Australia (2 of them now "all
clear" DG) , 7 in HK, 1 in Zhaoqing
John W omi ( at St Alfred's, Shatin for the time being) (852)
6709 5674
p.s. News item on radio yesterday morning....concerning the illness of some 70 people in Guandong Province, caused by eating infected pork. News item was read by Chris Hogg of the BBC
you do not receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
or jdwomi@gmail.com .
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Please use a distinctive "subject" like "Zhaoqing" to make
your message stand out from junk mail. Thank you
2009-02-18 Dear Friends
Hello again on a slightly cool but sunny morning in Hong Kong.
news re visa yet....continuing to hope and pray....maybe news by end of this
month. Please keep the prayers going....each little prayer
creates a bit more spiritual energy ...with this small mountain needing a
big dose of energy indeed to be moved
Previous Zhaoqing photos
After seeing tv program re some 30 people dying in HK last year for lack of organ donors, I signed on-line at this site
continuing to read Obama's "Audacity of Hope", having finished
"Dreams of My Father" and "Promise to Power".
Never realised until reading Audacity that senators in US senate show up
only for votes. When someone is giving a speech, only a few officials are
present, rarely any other senators. Since such reading I have noticed on tv
news that this is true. "In the world's greatest deliberative body,
no one is listening".
Israel election result - excellent article
New Mexico to end death penalty
God bless everyone, especially 13 special
friends on my cancer prayer list - 6 in Australia (2 of them now "all
clear" DG) , 7 in HK
John W omi ( at St Alfred's, Shatin for the time being) (852)
6709 5674
you do not receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
or jdwomi@gmail.com .
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Please use a distinctive "subject" like "Zhaoqing" to make
your message stand out from junk mail. Thank you
DVD "The Cross" can be watched/downloaded free
2009-02-11 Dear Friends
good morning from Hong Kong. Last year this part of world had its coldest
Winter in memory.
2009 is shaping up as one of the warmest in memory.
Global warming....record drought in Northern China....no rain in Beijing for
more than 100 days.....hottest days on record in Southern
Australia....Victorian bushfires....may something good come out of this terrible
tragedy...a determination to do something about climate change: Australian
fires and climate change....relevant for all parts of the world
Climate change action.....turning off unnecessary lights/boilers/computer
connections etc
Australian spirit at its best: Flood
victims help fire victims
How to put out bushfire called Afghanistan (see especially the words of George McGovern in this article)
Many thanks once more to so many people who are continuing to pray and help
behind the scenes in HK, the Mainland,
camera is still on a working holiday, but recent
Previous Zhaoqing photos
(Please let me know of any
mistakes/omissions etc)
Feb 03 - Feb 09: six members
of "Woh Jai" group, HK
Feb 08 Parishioners of St Alfred's Parish, Shatin, HK
Please note: no more donations needed for time being for Zhaoqing. My part of China8's
work in Zhaoqing at present is in Good Friday tomb. DV there will be a
resurrection in the near future....maybe we can help in the area of
re-training for unemployed "migrant workers" (...now 20,000,000 of
them) as well as helping handicapped children. The Lord gave, the Lord took
away...blessed be the name of the Lord. Many thanks to so many people who have
helped over the past seven years. May the Good Lord reward you for your
Any money remaining in kitty is being used to help the sick in Zhaoqing per
For the time being, China8 is not employing any Zhaoqing staff (from Feb 09)
read/seen: Obama at prayer breakfast - re value of faith groups Obama said the office’s top priority will be “making community groups an
integral part of our economic recovery” and relieving poverty. The office will
also address teenage pregnancy, abortion reduction, and “support fathers who
stand by their families,” especially young men. |
Rise of moderate Jewish voices
Spot the differences - from South China Morning Post of February 10, 2009, A4, re human rights in China (UN review session): |
China's UN ambassador, Mr Li
Baodong: "China has never restricted freedom of speech, there is no media censorship, we guarantee full religious freedom, and journalists, lawyers, and human rights advocates have full freedoms. The public can express their opinions freely, and nobody will be punished or investigated for making opinions" |
Amnesty International:
Hundreds of thousands of people are now incarcerated |
God bless everyone, especially twelve special
friends on my cancer list....on this World Day of the Sick, February 11, Feast
of Our Lady of Lourdes
John W omi (in HK, at St Alfred's, Shatin for the time being) (852)
6709 5674
you do not receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
or jdwomi@gmail.com .
Your message / my reply may not have got through.
Please use a distinctive "subject" like "Zhaoqing" to make
your message stand out from junk mail. Thank you
2009-02-04 Dear Friends
Good morning again from Hong Kong. HK schools back at work after Lunar New Year holidays, but Mainland schools not due back till next week. Many Mainland families still on holidays in HK. Mainlanders now HK's largest group of tourists
in today's South China Morning Post: "(China TV) airs full footage
of shoe
attack on Premier Wen (in UK)".
A most unfortunate event. As this diary has often said, the Premier is a
really good man. He didn't deserve the shoe
Many thanks once again to so many people who are continuing to pray and help
behind the scenes in HK, the Mainland,
camera is still on a working holiday, but recent
Previous Zhaoqing photos
kind donors
(Please let me know of any
mistakes/omissions etc)
Jan 19 Graham & Tineke Edwards,
Jan 29 Anon, HK
Please note: no more donations needed for time being for Zhaoqing. My part of China8's
work in Zhaoqing at present is in Good Friday tomb. DV there will be a
resurrection some day in the near future....maybe can help in the area of
re-training for unemployed "migrant workers" (...now 20,000,000 of
them)The Lord gave, the Lord took
away...blessed be the name of the Lord. Many thanks to so many people who have
helped over the past seven years. May the Good Lord reward you for your
Pollution causing birth defects every 30 seconds in China
God bless everyone, especially nine dear friends
local and abroad who are fighting big sicknesses, particularly nine special
friends on my cancer list
John W omi (in HK, at St Alfred's, Shatin for the time being) (852)
6709 5674
you do not receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
or jdwomi@gmail.com .
Your message / my reply may not have got through.
Please use a distinctive "subject" like "Zhaoqing" to make
your message stand out from junk mail. Thank you
2009-01-28 Dear Friends
Lunar Lunar Year of the Ox! Today is final of three public
holidays....millions of people in HK following usual custom at this time of year
... visiting relatives ...+ local temples to pray for blessings in coming year.
These past few days have been fine but very cold during night and early morning
- opposite of Australia where many places are experiencing record
Chinese communities in Australia happy that Lunar New Year this year
was a public holiday (for Australia Day, Jan 26).
This diary once again hopes that certain special days - e.g. Christmas Day,
Lunar Near Year, Yom Kippur,
Eid ul-Fitr - will be
celebrated in every country of the world as International Holidays
Many thanks once again to so many people who are continuing to pray and help
behind the scenes in HK, the Mainland,
camera is still on a working holiday, but recent
Previous Zhaoqing photos
Recent donors who
have helped support China8's work for the poor in Zhaoqing -God bless all
donors! :
(Please let me know of any
mistakes/omissions etc)
Jan 22 Mrs Lau, Tung Chung, HK
Jan 26 Parishioners of St Alfred's, Shatin, HK
Please note: no more donations needed for time being. My part of China8's
work in Zhaoqing at present in Good Friday tomb. DV there will be a
resurrection some day in the future. The Lord gave, the Lord took
away...blessed be the name of the Lord. Many thanks to so many people who have
helped over the past seven years. May the Good Lord reward you for your
Vat II - called 50 years ago - most important article
God bless everyone, especially dear friends
local and abroad who are fighting big sicknesses, particularly seven special
friends on my cancer list
John W omi (in HK, at St Alfred's, Shatin for the time being)
you do not receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
or jdwomi@gmail.com .
Your message / my reply may not have got through.
Please use a distinctive "subject" like "Zhaoqing" to make
your message stand out from junk mail. Thank you
2009-01-22 Dear Friends
morning from Hong Kong where excitement is in the air as Lunar
New Year approaches (Jan 26).
I wish everyone good health and safety in the Lunar New Year of the Ox!
Also great excitement in HK as everywhere about |President Obama. May the Good Lord bless, protect and guide him always
Saturday night I arrived back from Australia, and after two nights at Notre
Dame, I'm now at St Alfred's in Shatin for the time being.
HK mobile: (852) 6709 5674.
Many thanks once again to so many people who are continuing to pray and help
behind the scenes in HK, the Mainland,
camera is still on a working holiday, but recent
Previous Zhaoqing photos
Recent donors who
have helped support China8's work for the poor in Zhaoqing -God bless all
donors! :
(Please let me know of any
mistakes/omissions etc)
Nov 04 DB3 & friend, HK
Nov 21 Connie & Bassanio, HK
Nov 24 Stephen Lam, HK
Dec 02 DB3 & friend, HK
Dec 3 Graham & Tineke Edwards, Melbourne
Dec 21 Anon, HK
Dec 24 Stephen Lam, HK
Jan 05 DB3 & friend, HK
Jan 13 Anon, HK
Jan 18 Mrs Zhong, HK
Jan 18 Anon, UK
Jan 21 Nick Marandola, Melbourne
Gaza (and see previous comments/articles in diary of early this month, below) | |
Angry UN chief | Amnesty International accuses Israel of war crimes in Gaza |
Brutal lessons | Moral defeat for Israel |
On the plane from Sydney to Macau I read most of "Project Pearl" |(*****)
God bless everyone, especially dear friends
local and abroad who are fighting big sicknesses
John W omi
you do not receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
or jdwomi@gmail.com .
Your message / my reply may not have got through.
Please use a distinctive "subject" like "Zhaoqing" to make
your message stand out from junk mail. Thank you
Australian mobile: (61) (0)404 3119 07
(only until January 16)
January 11-16:
Retreat at
Jan 17: due to fly from
Due Notre Dame, HK, late on night of Jan 17
Dear Friends
A quick update from Melbourne where I’m
attending annual charismatic retreat for priests, religious and lay associates
….a group of some 90 from all over Australia and New Zealand.
A great experience
As you can see from top of this page, I’m
due to return to HK this Saturday, Jan 17 DV.
Days after that are in hands of the Good Lord as I continue waiting and praying
for new
See last week’s diary for more info re this situation
Retreat group praying hard each day for
My feelings the same as JD in this:
Excellent article by former Australian prime
minister Malcolm Fraser: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/israels-actions-foster-extremism-20090115-7i5h.html
So many signatures …to this message of
outrage at
UN speaks, but
Please also read this moving and powerful
article from
How similar situation in
camera is still on a working holiday, but recent
Previous Zhaoqing photos
Twenty four years ago yesterday I left
Thank you Dear Lord for all the graces and happy times since 1985.
God bless all I have met and all who have prayed for me and helped me over the
past 24 years
John W omi
Best joke heard this week:
letter to Harry from Jane:
“Dearest Harry,
I’m so sorry for the big argument last week.
It was all my fault.
I was crazy to give you back the engagement ring.
Please accept my apologies.
Let’s meet up again as soon as possible
Your dear and loving friend
p.s. congratulations on winning the lottery
2009-01-08 Dear Friends
morning again from
you OMI communities in Camberwell,
news from
We have been informed by the
As soon as result of this process is known, it will be put on this diary.
Many thanks once again to so many people who are continuing to pray and help
behind the scenes in HK, the Mainland,
see last week's diary (below) for more background info re my stay in
Over the past week I've read the life story of Eric Liddell (1902-1945): born in China, educated in parents' home country of Scotland, won 400 metres Gold Medal at 1924 Paris Olympics, returned to China to continue ministry of parents, worked in war-torn hospital with Dr Kenneth McAll (also born in China; author of "Healing the Family Tree), died in Japanese internment camp, life featured in movie "Chariots of Fire".....first Gold Medalist born in China.
Reading the lives of people like Liddell makes me realize how slight our modern problems are
camera is still on a working holiday but recent
Previous Zhaoqing photos
Recent donors who
have helped support China8's work for the poor in Zhaoqing -God bless all
donors! :
(Please let me know of any
mistakes/omissions etc)
Dec 22
Jan 04
situation - does anyone care?...so few leaders speaking out...world
news in "Melbourne Sun" usually appears about p. 25 Israel barks, US media wag tail: War on terrorism a failure - aggression
fuels extremism ( + see last week's articles and comments below): |
Beautiful reflection on "Trust"
(after economic crisis etc):
(need to copy and paste)
God bless everyone, especially dear friends
local and abroad who are fighting big sicknesses
John W omi
you do not receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
or jdwomi@gmail.com .
Your message / my reply may not have got through.
Please use a distinctive "subject" like "Zhaoqing" to make
your message stand out from junk mail. Thank you
2009-01- Dear Friends
Happy New Year from Melbourne. I wish all friends of China8 good health, safety and every other blessing right through 2009
I arrived in
In the past few days I've heard from friends
Many thanks once again to so many people who are continuing to pray and help
behind the scenes in HK, the Mainland and
All of Marco Polo's handicapped families are now in alternative accommodation, assisted by China8. This assistance will continue.
Marco Polo's orphans have also left the center: Ming Ming back to Deqing Welfare Center, Charmaine & Franky back to their home village, Wendy & companion back to custody of their fathers. China8 will continue to stay in contact with them and try to be of help to them again in the future
China8's teachers are from this month temporarily in Limbo: up till now they've been helping the handicapped and orphan children + taking various courses. DV we will soon have a new center - mainly for some of Zhaoqing's hundreds of handicapped children - which will need the services of our loyal staff
The future of our Marco Polo site is not yet decided. Re this and other issues continuing the future of China8, please don't believe everything you hear unless it's confirmed by myself. Some recent information going around is not all that accurate
Yesterday I finished re-reading the life of
Reading the lives of people like Taylor, who lived in China in times of war etc, makes one realize how slight our modern problems are
camera is still on a working holiday, but recent
Previous Zhaoqing photos
Recent donor who has
helped support China8's work for the poor in Zhaoqing -God bless all
donors! : (Please let me know of any
mistakes/omissions etc)
Dec 25 Lily Chan, HK
When I was a student
at school, and even later when I was teaching Australian history at
school, I had no idea of how the Aboriginal people of |
In the same way, my
ideas about |
I'd invite people of good will to take the time to read articles like these: (..sorry..unable to link any of them except the first one...you'll need to copy and paste..) Aug 05: The world's largest prison: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/aug/05/israelandthepalestinians.middleeast Dec 28: To be in Dec 29: The logic of colonial power: http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2008/dec/29/gaza-hamas-israel Dec 30: I dream of another Dec 31: Salt in the wounds: http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2008/dec/31/israelandthepalestinians-middleeast Jan 01: |
For me, |
Dear Jesus, you who are the only source of real peace, please soon give lasting peace to your homeland! |
God bless everyone, especially dear friends
local and abroad who are fighting big sicknesses
John W omi
you do not receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
or jdwomi@gmail.com .
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Please use a distinctive "subject" like "Zhaoqing" to make
your message stand out from junk mail. Thank you
Diary for September - December 2008