2002-04-25 The Story of Paddy & Janet - Part 2     (Part 1)

Over half the people in the world (2.8 billion, 56%) exist on US$2 per day. Paddy & Janet's family are in this group. The family came to Zhaoqing from a very poor part of China about 7 months ago, looking for a better life.
They now have a little computer learning centre - at home - and from this they hope to generate an income not only to support themselves, but also in time to help other families set up a similar centre....using 2nd hand computers bought in Zhaoqing  with the generous help of Hong Kong friends
January: one computer bought for HK2,100.     April:  3 computers bought for HK$2,600    =  4 computers).
2002-04-25paddy01.JPG (63542 bytes)2002-04-25paddy02.JPG (61640 bytes)2002-04-25paddy03.JPG (62100 bytes)2002-04-25paddy04.JPG (66873 bytes)2002-04-25paddy05.JPG (64593 bytes)2002-04-25paddy06.JPG (73247 bytes)
2002-01-23paddy_janet01.JPG (55212 bytes)