Visit to CAS by Hong Justice Secretary Miss Elsie Leung and Sister Nancy Mak.
Thank you both for coming! And thank you, Mayor Dang and team for
the glorious meal!
(top six photos cannot be enlarged.....from CAS website)
Honourable Elsie LEUNG Oi-sie, GBM, JP HK Government |
(to access
Chinese script: on Internet Explorer, click View, Encoding, then choose Chinese
6月4日上午,香港律政司司长梁爱诗女士在肇庆市委领导的陪同下到加美学校参观指导工作。梁司长在加美学校总校长马新礼先生、学校总监梁启章先生、加美首席外教Mr. John及各学部领导的陪同下,参观了加美校园和教学设施,并兴致勃勃地观看了加美幼儿园小朋友的午餐情况。梁司长详细地了解了加美学校的办学情况,听取了学校领导的工作汇报,对加美的教学管理工作表示满意,并对加美幽雅的办学环境表示赞赏
(from CAS website: www.cas.net.cn)