2007-11-12  update:  many thanks to MAMI friends in Australia 
for making kind donation to support Johnny and his family.
Recent photos:

2007-11-10dyj01.jpg (258259 bytes)2007-11-10dyj02.jpg (213193 bytes)2007-11-10dyj03.jpg (195595 bytes)2007-11-10dyj04.jpg (230482 bytes)2007-11-10dyj05.jpg (34217 bytes)2007-11-10dyj06.jpg (34133 bytes)2007-11-10dyj07.jpg (54471 bytes)

2007-10-05    Two year old Johnny from Zhaoqing, suffering from "water on the brain" (hydrocephalus)
 for which a most helpful treatment is available in Nan Hai hospital (two hours from Zhaoqing)
....but the treatment is lengthy (several 3-week sessions, with a three week gap between sessions),
 requires both parents (or two adults) to be in full time residence with the child for each 3-week session)
 ...and is very expensive  (about Y7,000 each 3-week session)

2007-10-05johnny01.jpg (129954 bytes)

Johnny's parents are lower middle class workers
....now close to bankruptcy  after two years of medical bills and the recent 3-week sessions.
Johnny has made great progress as a result of the treatments
....but needs more treatments for the next year or so.

Parents are very deserving....they have sacrificed everything for the health of their son
.....against medical advice which told them "to abandon the baby and start again"

China8 has already helped the family considerably, but our resources are limited.
Would any kind friends - in Zhaoqing, Hong Kong, Macau, overseas - like to help this family?
Please let me know:  john@china8.org

and....prayers please....prayer already has made quite a difference for this little boy