2008-03-12  This morning at Marco Polo Center - DG many good things happening:

Wendy and family now living at Marco Polo after moving from Mazenod Center
 ....enjoying daily contact with children here + daily help from Nurse Chau and HK Rosa C
& full time therapist Helen

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Kind folk from local church visiting and praying with Lina

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New, safer ramp

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New toilets to cope with growing numbers in  kindergarten block (now 55 children, plus 40 in P1)

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New cover for walkway to toilet next to Primary One block

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Start of 5 new homes for families of handicapped children
- 5 homes to adjoin new center for handicapped children
 (to be built next to kindergarten block)

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Not forgetting 11 year old Noel at Assisi Center....
unable to walk through sheer laziness and because of overfeeding by parents
....not keen on daily therapy
until he & parents received
this photo of world's fattest man

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