Diary January - June 2011
Please note new mail address, above. More convenient for me, and can be used by ex-inmates who temporarily don't have own address
Thursday, June 30, 2011 Dear Friends
Good morning from Hong Kong where the wet
season has begun....lots of lovely rain lately.
Public holiday tomorrow to mark return of HK to China July 1, 1997
On this 30th of the month, Dear Lord, please bless the people of Shanghai and Tianjin
prayers please for some very special people:
- Mrs Kwok, mid-50's, in hospital, lung cancer, family called by doctors last
Sunday ("get ready"), Dr Jesus being asked for healing.
I have been visiting her each night
- Mrs S, cancer, hospital in Australia, Dr Jesus being asked for healing
- May, cancer, HK, Dr Jesus being asked for healing
- Gigi, mother of 2, took her life in river/harbor April 18, rather than face
another time in detention center for drugs
- man, mid-30's, murdered yesterday morning about 2am in ground floor shop opposite my Jordan
- 5 Nepal men who have died of drugs during the past month in HK (most of them
lived in Jordan/Yau Ma Tei area)
No new photos this past week |
Next meeting to pray for healing will be on Sunday July 10. HK
people (of any faith) battling any sort of sickness are welcome
to join me for a simple
sharing and prayer at 3pm. Please phone (67095674) or email
for location
July 03 - Sunday 2.30pm English Mass at Lo Wu Prison
Mondays/Tuesdays and Fridays - Lai Chi Kok Detention Center
Wednesdays - Hei Ling Chau or other Detention Center (July 6: Sha Tsui
& Tong Fuk)
Thursdays, Saturdays - English classes
Sundays - visitors most welcome to join special guests for Pizza at Matteo
Ricci Center, Jordan, at 6.00pm
thanks for donation to help my work for the
poor in HK and for the poor in China
June 23: Peter
01: Man on arson
charge, hoping, because of special circumstances, to receive a lighter
sentence (true story)
02: Why is a building
where people sit to
watch an outdoor sports event called a stand?
03: UK used to have
Geoffrey How(e); China has President Who (Hu) and Premier When (Wen).
Anywhere have a What or Where?
Recent items of interest
North Korea Africa Australia Health Church Sport |
A serving of God's Word to give us wisdom and courage - Exodus 32 - from www.simplebible.info
32 Listen
to Chapter 32 |
章 梅瑟在山上停留约四十天。 亚郎铸了一只金牛犊和百姓朝拜牠。
God, |
亲爱的神, |
God bless everyone and give everyone hope,
especially the many special friends who are battling cancer - in HK, the Mainland & overseas
W omi
One billion people starving - what can I do? Why I'm in HK and not in Zhaoqing
Please note new mail address, above. More convenient for me, and can be used by ex-inmates who temporarily don't have own address
Thursday, June 23, 2011 Dear Friends
Good morning from Hong Kong where Typhoon Signal No. 3 is still up as Typhoon Haima moves away from HK
On this 23rd of the month, Dear Lord, please bless the people of Guangxi
(thank you Peter) There was a Scottish painter named Smokey Macgregor who was very interested in making a penny where he could, so he often thinned down his paint to make it go a wee bit further. As it happened, he got away with this for some time, but only until the local church decided to do a big restoration job on the outside of one of their biggest buildings. Smokey put in a bid, and, because his price was so low, he got the job. So he set about erecting the scaffolding and setting up the planks, and buying the paint and, yes, I am sorry to say, thinning it down with turpentine.. Well, Smokey was up on the scaffolding, painting away, the job nearly completed, when suddenly there was a horrendous clap of thunder, the sky opened, and the rain poured down washing the thinned paint from all over the church and knocking Smokey clear off the scaffold to land on the lawn among the gravestones, surrounded by telltale puddles of the thinned and useless paint. Smokey was no fool. He knew this was a judgment from the Almighty, so he got down on his knees and cried: "Oh, God, Oh God, forgive me; what should I do?" And from the thunder, a mighty voice spoke.. "Repaint! Repaint! And thin no more!" ((repent, repent, and sin so more)) |
Ai Weiwei
released last night I see this as a
victory for Premier Wen Jaibo.
He has been calling for people like Ai to be allowed to speak out.
And....The Premier is due to go to Hungary, Britain and Germany next week
(....Germany & UK the biggest critics of Ai's detention....)....maybe Premier
was able to use this visit and say to other Politburo leaders "I don't want
any more shoes thrown at me....c'mon...you've got to let Ai out...or else people
will use my visit for more embarrassing Ai protests"
Next meeting to pray for healing will be on Sunday July 10. HK
people (of any faith) battling any sort of sickness are welcome
to join me for a simple
sharing and prayer at 3pm. Please phone (67095674) or email
for location
June 26 - Sunday 9am & 11.00am Chinese Mass at Little Flower
Church, Shatin (correction, June 30: that 11.00 Mass was
10.30 Mass at St Benedict's, Shatin)
Mondays/Tuesdays and Fridays - Lai Chi Kok Detention Center
Wednesdays - Hei Ling Chau or other Detention Center
Thursdays, Saturdays - English classes
Sundays - visitors most welcome to join special guests for Pizza at Matteo
Ricci Center, Jordan, at 6.00pm
thanks for donation to help my work for the
poor in HK and for the poor in China
June 18: Doris
Kempnich (Brisbane)
Local radio news yesterday spoke about people
from North Korea who go to South Korea as refugees.
A new program is beginning to help train them for jobs....a career program
("career" = "korea")!
Africa Japan
China Church |
A serving of God's Word to give us courage and strength - Exodus 31 - from www.simplebible.info
Chapter 31 Listen to Chapter 31 God
said to Moses: |
Dear God, please help us to make Sunday a holy day |
亲爱的神,请帮助我们守星期日为圣日 |
God bless everyone and give everyone hope,
especially the many special friends who are battling cancer - in HK, the Mainland & overseas
W omi
One billion people starving - what can I do? Why I'm in HK and not in Zhaoqing
Thursday, June 16, 2011 Dear Friends
Good morning from Hong Kong where lovely Summer rain is falling
On this 16th of the month, Dear Lord, please bless the people of Qinghai
news item: Last week's diary (below) had
happy item about a certain consulate general.
Well, a similar thing happened in the last two days. This time the good
consulate general was this one!
Recent photo
2011-06-12 Pentecost Sunday today. A Pentecost prayer for China |
Next meeting to pray for healing will be on Sunday June 19. HK
people (of any faith) battling any sort of sickness are welcome
to join me for a simple
sharing and prayer at 3pm. Please phone (67095674) or email
for location
June 19 - Sunday 11am English Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Chi
Fu (Hong Kong Island)
Mondays/Tuesdays and Fridays - Lai Chi Kok Detention Center
Wednesdays - Hei Ling Chau or other Detention Center
Thursdays, Saturdays - English classes
Sundays - visitors most welcome to join special guests for Pizza at Matteo
Ricci Center, Jordan, at 6.00pm
thanks for donation to help my work for the
poor in HK and for the poor in China
June 15: Michael (HK)
Recent items of interest
USA Australia Sri
Lanka Climate
change Church |
Earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand a few days ago.....maybe Japan should be on high alert?....NZ and Japan on same tectonic plate....and the tragic quake in NZ a few months ago was followed by even more tragic quake in Japan. Plate is moving...?
Reflection: In a family or in any group, the unfair exercise of authority causes unhappiness and disunity
the world goes through
so many crises, let's take refuge in, and strengthen
ourselves by,
serving of God's Word to help us keep on caring about our
troubled world - Exodus
30 -
from www.simplebible.info
30 Listen
to Chapter 30 |
我将留下与以色列百姓一起并做他们的神。 |
Dear God, you created us, we are your people |
亲爱的神,你创造我们,我们是你的百姓 |
The little booklet "Doctor Jesus" ...is back at the printer for a second edition (first edition all gone) ...especially for prisoners...dozens of new drug addict inmates each week...they really appreciate the booklet. Printing bill = HK$6,200 for 4,000 copies. Anyone like to help sponsor this work please?
God bless everyone and give everyone hope,
especially the many special friends who are battling cancer - in HK, the Mainland & overseas
W omi
One billion people starving - what can I do? Why I'm in HK and not in Zhaoqing
Thursday, June 9, 2011 Dear Friends
Good morning from Hong Kong a few days
before Pentecost Sunday.
A good prayer these days: "Holy Spirit, please fall afresh on our
On this 9th of the month, Dear Lord, please bless the people of Henan
news item: Last Monday morning I phoned a
certain Consulate-General about an inmate from their country. Two good things
First, someone answered the phone and put me through to a consul from that
country. Second, that consul, that afternoon, visited the inmate.
This sort of thing doesn't usually happen. Many CG's don't even answer
Which CG answered and visited? This
Next meeting to pray for healing will be on Sunday June 12. HK
people (of any faith) battling any sort of sickness are welcome
to join me for a simple
sharing and prayer at 2pm. Please phone (67095674) or email
for location.
June 19 - Sunday 11am English Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Chi
Fu (Hong Kong Island)
Mondays/Tuesdays and Fridays - Lai Chi Kok Detention Center
Wednesdays - Hei Ling Chau or other Detention Center (June 15: Tong Fuk)
Thursdays, Saturdays - English classes
Sundays - visitors most welcome to join special guests for Pizza at Matteo
Ricci Center, Jordan, at 6.00pm
thanks for donation to help my work for the
poor in HK and for the poor in China
June 7: Anon (HK)
Recent items of interest
China Sri
Lanka Middle
East Global food prices & role of speculators
Church |
Smile Eat one live toad first thing in the morning. Nothing worse can happen all day
World food prices rising, more people hungry. I have increased my monthly donation to Oxfam from HK$200 to HK$500
about church of someone recently returned from USA
- bishops rarely speak "off the cuff",
even in informal gathering of priests. Must read every talk. Also must dress
formally at even informal gathering of priests....full black suit, even at
height of Summer (= instructions from Vatican?)
- people who want to "turn back the clock" are getting control of
parish music ministry (and then having nearly all Latin songs) and control of
Communion ministry (then not having Communion from the chalice)
the world goes through
so many crises, let's take refuge in, and strengthen
ourselves by,
serving of God's Word to help us keep on caring about our
troubled world - Exodus
28, 29 -
from www.simplebible.info
Dear God, please bless and protect all sacred ministers |
亲爱的神,请祝福和保护所有神圣的教士 |
The little booklet "Doctor Jesus" ...now needs reprinting ...especially for prisoners...about 50 new drug addict inmates each week...they really appreciate the booklet. Cost will be about same as last time: HK$4,500 for 3,000 copies. Anyone like to help sponsor this work please?
Chinese version of Simple Bible: New
Testament needs more translators ....to translate from English to Chinese: Matthew's Gospel - Kary Mark's Gospel - Sarah Luke's Gospel - Regina John's Gospel - no one yet Acts of the Apostles - no one yet Please contact me if you can help: jdwomi@gmail.com |
May the Holy Spirit, in this Pentecost week, bless everyone and give everyone hope,
especially the many special friends who are battling cancer - in HK, the Mainland & overseas
W omi
One billion people starving - what can I do? Why I'm in HK and not in Zhaoqing
Thursday, June 2, 2011 Dear Friends
Good morning from Hong Kong at the start of a new month
On this 2nd of the month, Dear Lord, please bless the people of Fujian
Smile: Down to earth English of prisoners: "Big officer coming" (= twice daily inspection by superintendent); "Food here very no good"
is 10th Anniversary of death of the famous British doctor born in China,
Kenneth McAll, author of "Healing
the Family Tree"
which has brought help to many many people (scroll down llink to see
Congratulations Amnesty on 50th Anniversary
Recent photo
2011-05-29 Sunday: Tuen Mun trees; TST recycling; TST Sri Lankans; Pizza at Ricci |
June 5 - Sunday 11am English Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Chi
Fu (Hong Kong Island); 2.30 Mass at Lo Wu Prison.
Next meeting to pray for healing will be on Sunday June 12. HK
people (of any faith) battling any sort of sickness are welcome
to join me for a simple
sharing and prayer at 2pm. Please phone (67095674) or email me (jdwomi@gmail.com)
for location.
Mondays/Tuesdays and Fridays - Lai Chi Kok Detention Center
Wednesdays - Hei Ling Chau or other Detention Center
Thursdays, Saturdays - English classes
Sundays - visitors most welcome to join special guests for Pizza at Matteo
Ricci Center, Jordan, at 6.00pm
thanks for donations to help my work for the
poor in HK and for the poor in China
May 31: Catherine (HK)
June 1: Tom Vujnovac (HK)
for job: lady in late 30s, former inmate, lives
Tuen Mun area.
If anyone can help her find full or part-time work, please
contact me - jdwomi@gmail.com Ph 6709 5674
Usual reminder re what actually happened June 4, 1989
How much does a bottle of beer cost in Afghanistan?
Recently I met a prison inmate who said he was "detained" for three
months by the Taliban some years ago. He was blindfolded, and had one leg
chained. He was freed only when his relatives in HK paid a fee of
HK$30,000. His offence? He had been caught drinking a bottle
of beer!
Recent items of interest China Australia Church USA
Bible |
Smile One more country to add to list of 5 letter nations - Samoa (see last week's diary, below, for the list)
the world comes
crashing down upon us, like a USA tornado, let's take refuge in, and strengthen
ourselves by,
serving of God's Word to help us keep on caring about our
troubled world - Exodus
26, 27 -
from www.simplebible.info
26, 27 |
God, |
亲爱的神,感谢教堂和其它特别地方作为祈祷 |
Chinese version of Simple Bible: New
Testament needs a few more translators
....to translate from English to Chinese. Any kind friends able to help
And ....the little booklet "Doctor Jesus" ...now needs reprinting ...especially for prisoners...about 50 new drug addict inmates each week...they really appreciate the booklet. Cost will be about same as last time: HK$4,500 for 3,000 copies. Anyone like to help sponsor this work please?
Thank you for a prayer. Feast of the Ascension this Sunday, June 5
May the Risen Jesus bless everyone and give everyone hope,
especially the many special friends who are battling cancer - in HK, the Mainland & overseas
W omi
One billion people starving - what can I do? Why I'm in HK and not in Zhaoqing
Thursday, May 26, 2011 Dear Friends
Good morning from Hong Kong at the end of another May
On this 26th of the month, Dear Lord, please bless the people of Xinjiang
Not-very-nice teacher: the whale could not have
swallowed Jonah. A whale's throat is too small to swallow a
Little girl to not-very-nice teacher: when I get to Heaven, I
will ask Jonah what really happened.
Teacher: how do you know Jonah is in Heaven?
Girl: If he's not, you ask him
Recent photo
2011-05-22 Sunday night gathering for special guests - at canteen in Yau Ma Tei |
Smile Where
is the USA?
in Australia, Burkina
Faso, Saudi Arabia,
South Africa,
Turkmenistan...and South
May 29 - Sunday 10.30am English Mass at St Matthew's, Tuen Mun
Next meeting of cancer support group will be on Sunday May 29. HK Friends battling cancer are welcome to join me for a simple
sharing and prayer at 2pm. Please phone (67095674) or email me (jdwomi@gmail.com)
for location.
Mondays/Tuesdays and Fridays - Lai Chi Kok Detention Center
Wednesdays - Hei Ling Chau or other Detention Center (June 1:
Shek Pik Prison)
Thursdays, Saturdays - English classes
Sundays - visitors most welcome to join special guests for Pizza at Matteo
Ricci Center, Jordan, at 6.00pm
thanks for donation to help my work for the
poor in HK and for the poor in China
May 21: Ronnie & Ling (HK)
for job: lady in late 30s, former inmate, lives
Tuen Mun area.
If anyone can help her find full or part-time work, please
contact me - jdwomi@gmail.com Ph 6709 5674
Usual reminder re what actually happened June 4, 1989
Smile from Australia: A man was mowing the lawn in
his garden and accidentally cut off the tail of his cat that was hiding in the grass.
He rushed his cat, along with the tail, over to Coles!
Why Coles?? Coles is the largest re-tailer in Australia
Recent items of interest
Australia Tibet UK/Ireland Church Also heard on vine: Ai Weiwei to be nominated for Nobel Peace Prize? (not forgotten in HK) |
you know that nearly half the people in the world live in five letters?
Chile, China, Congo, Egypt, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Haiti, India, Italy,
Japan, Kenya, Korea, Libya, Malta, Nepal, Niger, Spain, Sudan, Syria, Wales,
Yemen (any more?)
Computer - how to stop getting
message "Install Explorer 8 - now or later": (Well, it works for a week, then the message comes back. Anyone have a permanent solution?) Run GPEDIT.MSC Find "Administrative Templates", drill to " ![]() Double click on Internet Explorer to get a long list and locate "Prevent Performance of First Run Customize Settings" Right click, select properties, and set to "Disable" Click on Apply, OK, and exit Group Policy Editor |
the world comes
crashing down upon us, like a USA tornado, let's take refuge in, and strengthen
ourselves by,
serving of God's Word to help us keep on caring about our
troubled world - Exodus
25 -
from www.simplebible.info
25 |
God, thank you for churches |
亲爱的神,感谢教堂和其它特别地方作为祈祷 |
Chinese version of Simple Bible: New
Testament needs a few more translators
....to translate from English to Chinese. Any kind friends able to help
23/5/11 A Bishop that had to go ? (from Vincentian website) On May 18, the online version of The Record, a publication of the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth in Western Australia, posted to its website the item Editorial : a Bishop that had to go. Unlike a recent letter from the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, the Editorial saw fit to present what could be regarded as a very biased and inaccurate view of Bishop Bill Morris and the process that recently brought about his removal as Bishop of Toowomba Qld. This piece of writing, appearing as it did in the Catholic Media of an Archdiocese, initially stirred me to write some scorching comments concerning the bias and inaccuracies contained in it.. However, with further consideration, it seemed to me that if I responded in a tone similar to that of the Editorial, then I would be no better than the author of this Editorial who appears to find meaning in delivering trenchant criticism of Bill Morris. The Scripture Readings from the Fifth Sunday of Easter (Year A) offer some more positive thinking, and this is surely what our Church needs at the moment. The first reading (Acts 6:1-7) speaks of the difficulties confronting the early Church in regard to neglect of the Hellenist (Greek speaking) widows. The problem was resolved through initiative, adaptation to the real world, and concern for pastoral care. The Gospel (John 14:1-12) , among other ideas, speaks of Jesus as the Way, the Truth, and the Life. And so it is clear that a focus on Jesus Christ is essential in our Church. In much of the negative discussion concerning Bishop Morris (including the Editorial referred to above), the idea of the Church adapting to the real needs of the times, and a focus on Jesus Christ as the centre of the Church, have been put aside. Instead, authority, discipline, and orthodoxy have been dominant. So, we might well ask, while we reflect on the Scripture Readings of the Fifth Sunday of Easter : How important do we consider a focus on Jesus Christ and the needs of the times - as compared with a focus on authority, discipline and orthodoxy ? Tim Williams CM Note that the comments above are not made on behalf of the Vincentian Priests and Brothers, but are the opinion of the webmaster of this site writing as an individual. . 25/5/11 Is Christopher Pearson right about Bishop Morris ? SYDNEY: Recently, Journalist Christopher Pearson launched an attack on Bishop Bill Morris in The Weekend Australian (May 23-24 2011). He raised some serious matters that deserve closer attention. On May 23rd, Michael Whelan SM of the Aquinas Academy offered a further reflection on the Bill Morris Case. He questions the accuracy of some of the remarks made by Christopher Pearson, and comments on the Vatican's view of the the vision of the Church presented in the Second Vatican Council. [Read More] |
Vale Bob Davis - a town's farewell to the man who was Geelong
Thank you for a prayer
May the Risen Jesus bless everyone and give everyone hope,
especially the many special friends who are battling cancer - in HK, the Mainland & overseas
W omi
One billion people starving - what can I do? Why I'm in HK and not in Zhaoqing
Thursday, May 19, 2011 Dear Friends
Good morning from Hong Kong
On this 19th of the month, Dear Lord, please bless the people of Shanxi
Smile: A TV interviewer asked a famous
Jewish writer "Why do you Jews often answer questions by asking another
The writer replied "Why not?"
Recent photos
2011-05-14 Wedding at St Teresa's Kowloon of Vivian Lau Jing Yin and Ken Fung Kin Lung |
Last Tuesday I attended a meeting of people involved in ministry to prisoners and ex-prisoners, at center of Kun Sun Association in Sham Shui Po. Met people from a number of organizations including Christian Fellowship of Pastoral Care for Youth, Christian New Life Association and Alpha (who are arranging a Family Life Conference, in Chinese & English, on Saturday July 2 in HK)
May 22 - Sunday 10.30am English Mass at St Matthew's, Tuen Mun
Next meeting of cancer support group will be on Sunday May 22. HK Friends battling cancer are welcome to join me for a simple
sharing and prayer at 2pm. Please phone (67095674) or email me (jdwomi@gmail.com)
for location.
Mondays/Tuesdays and Fridays - Lai Chi Kok Detention Center
Wednesdays - Hei Ling Chau Detention Center
Thursdays, Saturdays - English classes
Sundays - visitors most welcome to join special guests for Pizza at Matteo
Ricci Center, Jordan, at 6.00pm
thanks for donation to help my work for the
poor in HK and for the poor in China
May 14: Anita (HK)
for job: lady in late 30s, former inmate, lives
Tuen Mun area. If anyone can help her find full or part-time work, please
contact me
jdwomi@gmail.com Ph 6709 5674
This Saturday, May 21, is 150th Anniversary of the death of Saint Eugene de Mazenod, founder of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate
(to go with not so happy issue of sacking of Bishop Morris, below)
Lady invited bishop for midday meal at her home. As the day drew nearer, lady
became nervous and regretted making the invitation.
On day of the meal, bishop was seated with lady, husband and daughter. Lady
asked daughter to say prayer before meal. Daughter became shy and didn't speak.
Mother said "just pray the way I did this morning at breakfast".
So, daughter prayed "O God, why did I invite the bishop?"
Recent items of interest
Kong Taiwain Mongolia China UK/Ireland Australia |
Bill Morris sacked by Pope - latest articles (& see
previous articles
in last week's diary, below)
comment on statement from Australian Bishops' Conference |
A serving of God's Word to help us care more about our troubled world - Exodus 24 - from www.simplebible.info
24 |
章 神邀请梅瑟、亚郎、纳逹布和其他七十个男人面对面见他。 第七天神从云中跟梅瑟说话。 |
Dear God, thank you for times of prayer |
亲爱的神,感谢你的祈祷时间 |
Thank you for a prayer
May the Risen Jesus bless everyone and give everyone hope,
especially the many special friends who are battling cancer - in HK, the Mainland & overseas
W omi
One billion people starving - what can I do? Why I'm in HK and not in Zhaoqing
Thursday, May 12, 2011 Dear Friends
Good morning from a hot and humid Hong Kong which at long last, from May 1, has a minimum wage of HK$28 per hour
Today is 3rd anniversary of the Sichuan earthquake. China.org.cn has article praising Oxfam for its work after the quake
On this 12th of the month, Dear Lord, please bless the people of Jiangsu
Smile Fr O'Malley, an Irish priest was transferred to Texas rose from his bed one morning. It was a fine spring day in his new Texas mission parish. He walked to the window of his bedroom to get a deep breath of the beautiful day outside. He then noticed there was a jackass lying dead in the middle of his front lawn. He promptly called the local police station. The conversation went like this: ''Good morning. This is Sergeant Jones. How might I help you?'' ''And the best of the day te yerself.. This is Father O'Malley at St. Ann 's Catholic Church. There's a jackass lying dead in me front lawn " Sergeant Jones, considering himself to be quite a wit, replied with a smirk, ''Well now Father, it was always my impression that you people took care of the last rites!'' There was dead silence on the line for a moment. Father O'Malley then replied: 'Aye, 'tis certainly true; but we are also obliged to notify the next of kin.'' |
Vale Fr John Maher o.m.i. (died April 28 in Melbourne)
Recent photos
2011-04-30 Thank you Lord! - Simple Bible: Old Testament (English) received from printer today |
More English teachers urgently needed for September in China by AITECE
Osama Bin Laden reflection: Nothing can justify the evil act of destroying the twin towers in New York. But the world's media (mostly owned by pro-Israel people like Rupert Murdoch) has forgotten the reason why Bin Laden attacked New York's towers in 2001, after first unsuccessfully attacking them in 1993 Just
as Hitler's evil was born of great injustice to Germany at the 1919
Treaty of Versailles, so Bin Laden's evil was born of great
injustice to Lebanon and Palestine by the US-suported Israel
invasion of 1982 which caused the deaths of 17,000 civilians with 30,000
others injured...and wrecked the country's infra-structure. This
Israel injustice to Palestine is continuing....and will continue to
breed evil terrorists...until the injustice stops. Bin
Laden's own words: |
May 15 - Sunday 10.30am English Mass at St Matthew's, Tuen Mun; 3.30
OMI Mass at St Alfred's, Shatin
Next meeting of cancer support group will be on Sunday May 29. HK Friends battling cancer are welcome to join me for a simple
sharing and prayer at 3pm. Please phone (67095674) or email me (jdwomi@gmail.com)
for location.
Mondays/Tuesdays and Fridays - Lai Chi Kok Detention Center
Wednesdays - Hei Ling Chau Detention Center
Thursdays, Saturdays - English classes
Sundays - visitors most welcome to join special guests for Pizza at Matteo
Ricci Center, Jordan, at 6.00pm
thanks for donations to help my work for the
poor in HK and for the poor in China
April 29: Jenny (HK) and Mr Lai (HK)
April 30: Mrs Fong and Mrs Hui (Notre Dame Parish)
May 4: Anon (HK)
May 7: Doris Kempnich (Australia)
May 8: Happy 100th Birthday, Dear Mum up in Heaven
is one reason why I'm following the sacking
of Bishop Bill Morris with great interest.
Bill was Mum's parish priest on the Gold Coast for many years. He was
really kind to her and all the older people....as well as to everyone
else. I used to help him with Masses when I was on holidays. Had known him
before that in Brisbane when he was vocation director and secretary to
Archbishop Rush. Last time I saw him was at 2004 Villanova
re-union (he was some years ahead of me). Not forgetting Mum was from
"You've got to stand in your truth" (and see links at bottom
of this article) "The
above situations will continue in our Church as long as the people who make up
that Church are willing to accept it. As a Bishop, Bill
Morris has spoken out - and paid the price. It is now up to Lay
People, Clergy and other Bishops to indicate their support for him, and their
dissatisfaction at the inappropriate and unjust way he and the Diocese of
Toowoomba have been treated". |
New Mass translation ecumenically harmful (how happy Satan must be that church is more concerned about internal power and control than it is about the external burning issues of our day like world poverty, climate change, evangelization in a world that is rapidly becoming more secular, ecumenism etc)
Beautiful review of the movie "Of Gods and Men"
A serving of God's Word to help us care more about our troubled world - Exodus 23 - from www.simplebible.info
23 |
God, please help everyone |
亲爱的神,请帮助每个人爱你 |
Thank you for a prayer
May the Risen Jesus bless everyone and give everyone hope,
especially the many special friends who are battling cancer - in HK, the Mainland & overseas
W omi
One billion people starving - what can I do? Why I'm in HK and not in Zhaoqing
diary update May 5. Next diary update DV - Thursday May
12 (reason: annual OMI retreat May 1 -
Thursday, April 28, 2011 Dear Friends
Good morning from a hot and humid Hong Kong.
Once again I wish everyone all the blessings of the Easter Season
On this 28th of the month, Dear Lord, please bless the people of Beijing
for Easter:
Last Thursday night, I said the Mass of the Last Supper in a dormitory at Lai
Chi Kok Detention Center. A beautiful experience.
Most of the men attending were not Christians, so I tried to explain everything
very carefully as we went along. But I didn't anticipate this question after the
washing of feet: "Father, will we drink the water?"
May 1 & May 8 - Sunday 10.30am English Mass at St Matthew's, Tuen
Next meeting of cancer support group will be on Sunday May 29. HK Friends battling cancer are welcome to join me for a simple
sharing and prayer at 3pm. Please phone (67095674) or email me (jdwomi@gmail.com)
for location.
Mondays/Tuesdays and Fridays - Lai Chi Kok Detention Center
Wednesdays - Hei Ling Chau Detention Center
Thursdays, Saturdays - English classes
Sundays - visitors most welcome to join special guests for Pizza at Matteo
Ricci Center, Jordan, at 6.00pm
thanks for donations to help my work for the
poor in HK and for the poor in China
Deacon Edward Ng & Legion of Mary (HK, April 25)
JJJ Association (HK, April 28)
Thanks also to friends who have helped me supply 20 Chinese copies of Chasing the Dragon to each of the following five detention center libraries: Lai Chi Kok, Hei Ling Chau 18A, Hei Ling Cha Lai Sun center, Hei Ling Chau 18B, Hei Ling Chau 18C
Recent items of interest
Rising oil and food prices a scam? This is a huge topic, even without the scam claim, that is not getting much coverage in media, but is daily causing great suffering to poor people throughout the world ....and same people will take only so much....as events in Egypt showed Australia - irrelevance of God/Easter in AFL sport China China/Australia |
A serving of God's Word to help us care more about our troubled world - Exodus 22 - from www.simplebible.info
announced by Moses: |
章 梅瑟宣布法律: 因为你们在埃及也作过寄居者。 |
亲爱的神,请帮助我们不要伤害其他人 |
Friday - at Lai Chi Kok Detention Center, I had services of varying lengths with
12 groups, mostly conducted in rooms with several tvs going, a large group
talking noisily, occasional p.a. announcements ....and....loud cheering noise
from a day-long tug-of-war competition on the basketball courts. I spent a
bit of time watching the competition finals in late afternoon....couldn't help
but think how Jesus and Satan are in tug of war over our souls (very
evident in case of all the unfortunate people in the drug scene)
Smile: above competition was
won by a team from the kitchen....where, it was (tongue-in-cheek) claimed, that
men have more food to eat, therefore are bigger and stronger!?
Smile: There are lies, damned lies, statistics, Mainland statistics, and ....Old Testament statistics
Q 01: What place closed down
some time after 3pm on Good Friday? A:
"the bosom of Abraham" = the
place where all the good people who died before Jesus' death ...were
waiting for the gates of heaven to open = the place where Abraham, Moses,
Elijah, St Joseph, John the Baptist, etc were counting down the days
before they moved house to heaven. c.f. Cat 01 & Cat 02 (both of which unfortunately use words "descended into hell"; better to use "descended to the dead") c.f. Cat 03 & Cat 04 c.f. Did John the Baptist go straight to heaven when he died? (scroll down to comment by Kev123) Q 02: When did the gates of heaven
open....after Jesus' death or after his resurrection? Best understanding:
what matters is not the timing of the opening gates, but the fact that
they re-opened. Using the human concept of time to talk about
heavenly realities has many limitations....a bit like asking a tiny child
to use Windows 2011. So we humbly pray |
Links to many articles in Chinese about my work in China from this Chinese search engine
Thank you for a prayer. Happy Easter Season!
May the Risen Jesus bless everyone and give everyone hope,
especially the many special friends who are battling cancer - in HK, the Mainland & overseas
W omi
One billion people starving - what can I do? Why I'm in HK and not in Zhaoqing
Thursday, April 21, 2011 Dear Friends
Happy Easter from Hong Kong! May the Risen Lord give our world hope in little things and big things
On this 21st of the month, Dear Lord, please bless the people of Yunan
A little girl asked her mother,
"How did the human race start?" The mother answered,
"God made Adam and Eve and they had children, and so all mankind was made."
Two days later the girl asked her father the same question. The father answered,
"Many years ago there were monkeys from which the human race evolved." The confused girl returned to her mother and said,
"Mum, how is it possible that you told me the human race was created by God, and Dad said they developed from monkeys?"
The mother answered,
"Well, dear, it is very simple.
I told you about my side of the family and your father told you about his."
-Beautiful: Crucifixion
in sand The
Last Supper in sand Poor
children Last Supper
- Easter
chocolates and child slave labor
- an
Easter miracle: children who know their Bible stories
Also beautiful: Four tenors singing Amazing Grace at Coliseum in Rome
Photos No new photos this week Previous Australia & HK photos Previous Zhaoqing photos
April 24 - Sunday 10.30am English Mass at St Matthew's, Tuen Mun;
Next meeting of cancer support group will be on Sunday May 29. HK Friends battling cancer are welcome to join me for a simple
sharing and prayer at 3pm. Please phone (67095674) or email me (jdwomi@gmail.com)
for location.
Mondays/Tuesdays and Fridays - Lai Chi Kok Detention Center
Wednesdays - Hei Ling Chau Detention Center
Thursdays, Saturdays - English classes
Sundays - visitors most welcome to join special guests for Pizza at Matteo
Ricci Center, Jordan, at 6.00pm
thanks for donation to help my work for the
poor in HK and for the poor in China
Anon (HK, April 20)
Buttons and buckles A former English student of mine in China, is now working not far from Guangzhou at a factory that makes metal buttons etc. The student's name is Fly and her job is to find new customers. If you know anyone who needs metal buttons etc, please use the contact box at the company's website, and say you'd like to contact Fly
Recent items of interest China - another strong statement from Premier Wen Jiabo re need for truth and goodness (...a voice in the wilderness?...) USA/Church |
Easter servings of God's Word to help us care more about our troubled world: Exodus Ch 22 - from www.simplebible.info
Luke chapter 23 (39 - 43) One of the criminals on a cross mockingly said to Jesus "Are you not the Christ? Save yourself and us as well" But the other criminal rebuked the first one and said "We are paying the penalty for our crimes. But this man has done nothing wrong" "Jesus", he said, "remember me when you come into your kingdom" Jesus replied "I promise you, this day you will be with me in Paradise" Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom |
Luke chapter 24 (1 - 11) On Sunday morning, at daybreak, the women went to the tomb with the spices they had prepared. They found that the large stone which had been put at the tomb's entrance had been rolled away They entered the tomb and found that the body of Jesus was not there. Suddenly two men in brilliant clothes appeared at their side The men said to them "Why look among the dead for someone who is alive? He is not here. He has risen, just as he said he would" The women told all this to the eleven apostles. But the apostles did not believe them Jesus, please increase my faith in your resurrection |
Reflection Most politicians and most political parties in most countries are voices for the rich. Maybe a new political party needs to be formed "Voice for the Poor Party" - VP. c.f. USA - voice for the poor + try "voice for the poor" in www.google.com
Thank you for a prayer. Happy Easter!
May the Risen Jesus bless everyone and give everyone hope,
especially the many special friends who are battling cancer - in HK, the Mainland & overseas
W omi
One billion people starving - what can I do? Why I'm in HK and not in Zhaoqing
Thursday, April 14, 2011 Dear Friends
Good morning from Hong Kong on the first anniversary of the earthquake in Yushu in Qinghai Province
On this 14th of the month, Dear Lord, please bless the people of Jilin
last week .... when visiting someone at St Paul's
Hospital on HK Island. In the new hospital block,
every bed has an overhead movable screen/monitor, on which patient can access
TV/internet/Hi Fi etc
Smile - see photos below, 2011-04-10!
Recent photos
2011-04-09 At Notre Dame in Kowloon with parishioner Margie So and her daughter Sylvia 2011-04-10 Outside Indian shop at Chung King Mansion in Tsim Sha Tsui |
April 17 - Sunday 10.30am English Mass at St Matthew's, Tuen Mun;
Next meeting of cancer support group will be on Sunday April 17. HK Friends battling cancer are welcome to join me for a simple
sharing and prayer at 3pm. Please phone (67095674) or email me (jdwomi@gmail.com)
for location.
Mondays/Tuesdays and Fridays - Lai Chi Kok Detention Center
Wednesdays - Hei Ling Chau Detention Center
Thursdays, Saturdays - English classes
Sundays - visitors most welcome to join special guests for Pizza at Matteo
Ricci Center, Jordan, at 6.00pm
thanks for donation to help my work for the
poor in HK and for the poor in China
- Anon
(HK, April 09)
Recent items of interest
USA Number One problem: the debt bomb (the US is adding about $125 billion of debt each month) Cardinal Burke an object of ridicule (self-inflicted....and he is one of the most important people running the church in Rome. Would that he cared about climate change and world poverty etc as much as he does about his clothing) |
A serving of God's Word to help us care more about our troubled world: Exodus Ch 21 - from www.simplebible.info
Chapter 21 Laws
announced by Moses: |
章 梅瑟宣布法律: |
亲爱的神,请帮助人们不要寻求报复 |
For Lent: The Jesus Stabat Mater and The Iona Passion Play Stations of the Cross (recorded by Fr Tim Long omi)
Thank you for a prayer
God bless everyone, especially the many special friends on my
cancer list - in HK, the Mainland & overseas
W omi
One billion people starving - what can I do? Why I'm in HK and not in Zhaoqing
Thursday, April 7, 2011 Dear Friends
Good morning from Hong Kong which had a public holiday yesterday for the annual Ching Ming Festival (to remember the dead)
On this 7th of the month, Dear Lord, please bless the people of Hebei
Smile - seen from metro when it stopped at Mong Kong station on Tuesday afternoon: young couple embracing....girl hanging around boy's waist....boy at higher level around and above her neck, using Ipad behind (literally) her back.....which girl was aware of, and stopped the embrace to give boy and Ipad an unfriendly stare before walking away a short distance
Recent photos 2011-04-06 Signs of life in Hong Kong |
April 10 - Sunday 10.30am English Mass at St Matthew's, Tuen Mun;
Next meeting of cancer support group will be on Sunday April 17. HK Friends battling cancer are welcome to join me for a simple
sharing and prayer at 3pm. Please phone (67095674) or email me (jdwomi@gmail.com)
for location.
Mondays/Tuesdays and Fridays - Lai Chi Kok Detention Center
Wednesdays - Hei Ling Chau Detention Center
Thursdays, Saturdays - English classes
Sundays - visitors most welcome to join special guests for Pizza at Matteo
Ricci Center, Jordan, at 6.00pm
thanks for donation to help my work for the
poor in HK and for the poor in China
- Jenny
(HK, April 6)
- Anon (HK, April 6)
Recent items of interest
China's No. 4 man visiting Australia Don't
take farmers' land, says Premier Wen Jiabo
...but.... this
is how it's taken
Libya A Christian blogging site for young people (from USA) |
Question: Are there any atheist service organizations that help the poor and homeless?
A serving of God's Word to help us care more about our troubled world: Exodus Ch 20 - from www.simplebible.info
20 |
第20章 神给梅瑟十诫:
God, please help us |
亲爱的神,请帮助我们付诸实践这十诫 |
- last Monday at Lai Chi Kok Detention Center I
asked a new man from Pakistan "what's your name?".
He replied "Imran Khan" (his real name....same as famous
Thursday night when for the very first time I visited Amazing
Grace Bookstore (corner of Natahan and Waterloo Roads)
...and saw maybe the largest collection of Bibles/commentaries and other
religious books in HK....my basic feeling was one of shame, that I had read so
few of those many great books. c.f. New
century resolution
April 11, 1941....start of Battle of Tobruk....this year the 70th Anniversary
For Lent: The Jesus Stabat Mater and The Iona Passion Play Stations of the Cross (recorded by Fr Tim Long omi)
Thank you for a prayer
God bless everyone, especially the many special friends on my
cancer list - in HK, the Mainland & overseas
W omi
One billion people starving - what can I do? Why I'm in HK and not in Zhaoqing
AFL website in Australia: no match previews + no live radio +- compulsory looking at nonsense chat room + website no longer simple and easy to use + live scores a big trial for compulsive gamblers as betting odds are updated every few minutes = one less user (..I/me...in future I'll use other media sites)
you email me and don't receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
Maybe your message or my reply did not arrive
Thursday, March 31, 2011 Dear Friends
Good morning from Hong Kong where Winter is hanging on ....people still wearing heavy clothing. But maybe for not much longer
On this 31st of the month, Dear Lord, please bless the people of Tianjin (where about 250,000 people died in an earthquake in 1976)
Japan earthquake/tsunami
HK people have been genuinely moved by the Japan tragedy
and are generously helping Japan (...despite all the bitterness of history...):
e.g. last Sunday, at the church where I said Mass, the Chinese parishioners had
organized a fund-raising breakfast for Japan. And a few hours later in Tsim Sha
Tsui I saw a group of Evangelical young people singing on the footpath of Nathan
Road....to raise money for Japan
plates - I have just learnt that
- the earth has 15
tectonic plates
- HK is on the Eurasian plate
- the Pacific plate touches Japan, Indonesia, New Zealand.....and the East
coast of USA ....which is why some people in California are praying for the
healing of the San
Adreas fault. We too can pray for healing of the earth's faults!
Also recently learnt - all
past Gmail messages can be saved to a hard drive using Download
gmail-backup-0.107.exe - explained here
Smile A game to play on the HK metro for people over 60: try to find someone older than yourself! (I am usually the oldest passenger!)
Recent photos 2011-03-24 Visit to Matteo Ricci Center by Fr Harry, Leon and Anna 2011-03-27 In walkway near Austin metro station ....a church advertizing |
April 3 - Sunday 10.30am English Mass at St Matthew's, Tuen Mun;
Next meeting of cancer support group will be on Sunday April 17. HK Friends battling cancer are welcome to join me for a simple
sharing and prayer at 3pm. Please phone (67095674) or email me (jdwomi@gmail.com)
for location.
Mondays/Tuesdays and Fridays - Lai Chi Kok Detention Center
Wednesdays - Hei Ling Chau Detention Center
Thursdays, Saturdays - English classes
Sundays - visitors most welcome to join special guests for Pizza at Matteo
Ricci Center, Jordan, at 6.00pm
thanks for donation to help my work for the
poor in HK and for the poor in China
- L
& M (HK, March 26)
- Doris Kempnich (Brisbane, March 26)
Recently discovered - a gold mine of Bibles and religious books, Chinese and English: Amazing Grace Books, corner of Natahan and Waterloo Roads
Recent items of interest USA
Australia |
A serving of God's Word to help us care more about our troubled world: Exodus Ch 19 - from www.simplebible.info
Chapter 19 The
Israelites kept traveling |
Dear God, please make us willing to hear your voice |
亲爱的神,请让我们愿意听取你的声音 |
For Lent: The Jesus Stabat Mater and The Iona Passion Play Stations of the Cross (recorded by Fr Tim Long omi)
Thank you for a prayer
God bless everyone, especially the many special friends on my
cancer list - in HK, the Mainland & overseas
W omi
One billion people starving - what can I do? Why I'm in HK and not in Zhaoqing
you email me and don't receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
Maybe your message or my reply did not arrive
Thursday, March 24, 2011 Dear Friends
morning from Hong Kong where panic buying of salt seems to have lost its
flavor. See
buying of salt in China - "to protect from radioactivity"
and also
in USA and hoax
in Philippines
Salt story: last Saturday night I had only two items on my shopping list: a new battery for one of the speakers I use in English classes, and some salt (to put on porridge each morning). Salt and battery....assault and battery (and local supermarket was out of salt!)
May the Good Lord bless the people of Japan: those who died, those who are
injured, those who are grieving, those who are helping.
A couple of days ago I sent a donation to Oxfam
Japan which has a team in Fukushima helping people in need
On this 24th of the month, Dear Lord, please bless the people of Inner Mongolia
Smile 01 Last Sunday at Tuen Mun I was talking (in Cantonese) to some people on the light rail. I thought I detected a Mainland accent ...so I said to one lady (in Cantonese) "Are you from the Mainland?". And she replied in English "No. I was burn in Hong Kong"
March 27 - Sunday 10.30am English Mass at St Matthew's, Tuen Mun;
Next meeting of cancer support group will be on Sunday April 17. HK Friends battling cancer are welcome to join me for a simple
sharing and prayer at 3pm. Please phone (67095674) or email me (jdwomi@gmail.com)
for location.
Mondays/Tuesdays and Fridays - Lai Chi Kok Detention Center
Wednesdays - Hei Ling Chau Detention Center
Thursdays, Saturdays - English classes
Sundays - visitors most welcome to join special guests for Pizza at Matteo
Ricci Center, Jordan, at 6.00pm
thanks for donation to help my work for the
poor in HK and for the poor in China
- Julie
Kwok (HK, March 19)
- Mr Wong (Notre Dame, March 23)
- John Roche (Ireland, March 23). Thank you, John, for picking up bill for
printing of Simple Bible: Old Testament (now
in final stages of preparation for printer)
02 (thank you Mark) |
special moments last Monday afternoon
1. On the metro to Lai Chi Kok Detention
Center...I was standing next to a Muslim man from India (about my own vintage)
in full Muslim dress. A seat became available. I gestured to him to sit....he
(a Muslim) insisted that I ( a Western priest) have the seat. So I
sat down. Then at the next stop, the seat next to me was free, and he sat
down...and we had a lovely chat
2. At the Detention Center, in one of the rooms where I was visiting and getting
names for Friday's prayer service, a Jewish inmate said to me "my HK
(Chinese) friend is out of the room at the moment....in the welfare
office....but he wants to attend the prayer service. Please put his name
down". Very moving ...
3. Also at the Detention Center....in the main dining hall...where some 200 men were seated waiting for the evening (= 4pm) meal (..a good time to see them all). As soon as I entered the hall, a young Pakistan man jumped up, ran over to me, and joyfully announced in a loud voice "Pakistan is in the semi-final!" (...having beaten Australia at cricket the day before....groan...)
Recent items of interest
Church |
Q What brand of
computer did Adam and Eve use? A
(it starts with "a" and is a type
of fruit)
A serving of God's Word to help us care more about our troubled world: Exodus Ch 18 - from www.simplebible.info
18 |
第18章 梅瑟的岳父,耶特洛听到 梅瑟接受了这个建议, |
God, please make us willing |
亲爱的神,请让我们愿意与他人分担责任 |
For Lent: The Jesus Stabat Mater and The Iona Passion Play Stations of the Cross (recorded by Fr Tim Long omi)
Tomorrow, March 25 (9 months before Christmas...) is the Feast of the Annunciation ("Lady Day" in UK)
Thank you for a prayer
God bless everyone, especially the many special friends on my
cancer list - in HK, the Mainland & overseas
W omi
One billion people starving - what can I do? Why I'm in HK and not in Zhaoqing
This weekend, AFL starts in Australia ...go Lions & Suns!
you email me and don't receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
Maybe your message or my reply did not arrive
Thursday, March 17, 2011 Dear Friends
afternoon on St
Patrick's Day from Hong Kong..... which is only 60 km from one of
China's 13 nuclear
plants, a
plant that is safer than the troubled one in Japan?
May the Good Lord bless the people of Japan: those who died, those who are
injured, those who are missing, those who are grieving, those who are helping -
especially the
50 men risking their lives to save millions. The mind boggles
at a Chernobyl
disaster affecting Japan, Korea and China. Could de-stabilized
China? Hope this
guy is right about Fukushima not being another Chernobyl
On this 17th of the month, Dear Lord, please bless the people of Shaanxi
Japan earthquake & nuclear plant crisis - Filipino bishops say their anti-nuclear stance vindicated |
Smiles? Not today. Not appropriate at time of Japan crisis
Recent photos 2011-03-13 Sunday night Pizza at Ricci Center - with Deacon Edwin Ng, Legion of Mary members, and special guests |
March 20 - Sunday 10.30am English Mass at St Matthew's, Tuen Mun;
Next meeting of cancer support group will be at 3pm on Sunday March
20. HK Friends battling cancer are welcome to join me for a simple
sharing and prayer at 3pm. Please phone (67095674) or email me (jdwomi@gmail.com)
for location. And see Can
we eat to starve cancer?
Tuesdays and Fridays - Lai Chi Kok Detention Center
Wednesdays - Hei Ling Chau Detention Center
Thursdays, Saturdays - English classes
Sundays - visitors most welcome to join special guests for Pizza at Matteo
Ricci Center, Jordan, at 6.00pm
thanks for donation to help my work for the
poor in HK and for the poor in China
- Notre Dame College (March 12)
Recent items of interest
Climate change Church |
A serving of God's Word to help us care more about our troubled world: Exodus Ch 17 - from www.simplebible.info
17 |
第17章 在一个没有水的地方,百姓埋怨梅瑟: 梅瑟请求神帮忙,神告诉梅瑟用他的棍杖击打一个大岩石。
Dear God, please help us understand the power of prayer |
亲爱的神,请帮助我们了解祷告的力量 |
One piece of good news: the little booklet, "Doctor Jesus", is due to be collected from printer today. More about this next week DV
For Lent: The Jesus Stabat Mater and The Iona Passion Play Stations of the Cross (recorded by Fr Tim Long omi)
Thank you for a prayer
God bless everyone, especially the many special friends on my
cancer list - in HK, the Mainland & overseas
W omi
One billion people starving - what can I do? Why I'm in HK and not in Zhaoqing
you email me and don't receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
Maybe your message or my reply did not arrive
Thursday, March 10, 2011 Dear Friends
Good afternoon from Hong Kong... where the government is still facing protests about its latest budget. Many people feel that last week's one-off cash donation of HK$6,000 to every permanent identity card holder is not the long-term answer to poor people's struggle with medical costs (including dental bills), housing costs, low wages etc
On this 10th of the month, Dear Lord, please bless the people of Hubei
Smile (for the season of Lent
which began yesterday):
After a three year old girl received the ashes,
she said to her mother "Priest very naughty. He put dirt on my head"
Statement by the President on Ash Wednesday:
Michelle and I join with millions of Christians
here and across the world to mark Ash Wednesday. As we observe the season of
Lent, we receive with thanksgiving this opportunity for grace and repentance,
recommit ourselves to our faith, and remember our obligations to one another
Recent photos 2011-03-05 Visit to Ricci Center, A-Ming's home and Yau Ma Tei by Fran & Melanie from the International Ladies Club of Macau |
March 13 - Sunday 10.30am English Mass at St Matthew's, Tuen Mun;
Next meeting of cancer support group will be at 3pm on Sunday March
20. HK Friends battling cancer are welcome to join me for a simple
sharing and prayer at 3pm. Please phone (67095674) or email me (jdwomi@gmail.com)
for location
Tuesdays and Fridays - Lai Chi Kok Detention Center
Wednesdays - Hei Ling Chau Detention Center
Thursdays, Saturdays - English classes
Sundays - visitors most welcome to join special guests for Pizza at Matteo
Ricci Center, Jordan, at 6.00pm
thanks for donations to help my work for the
poor in HK and for the poor in China
- Anon (HK, March 3)
- Fran & Melanie (Macau, March 5)
- Oblate Primary School & St Eugene's Primary School (March 5)
- Gregory (HK, March 6)
How many visitors came to HK last year from the
Mainland? A: 23,000,000
(maybe some of them more than once)!
...what an opportunity to make friends with people from the Mainland....
story: One of the special guests for Pizza
last Sunday night was a man released from prison about a month ago.....not a
drug addict....has tried many welfare/government/NGO agencies, but unable to
find work. Not able to claim social service help for another
Coming to his wits end financially....possibly tempted to do a bit of stealing
to survive.
At end of meal, I asked him and other guests to give me five minutes while I
went downstairs to a nearby restaurant to ask for a few weeks' temporary work
for him. Lady in charge was standing at table below sign saying
"Dishwasher wanted"...but she said the job had just been taken. No
Table where we were talking was one of about 30 tables belonging to the
restaurant, all filled with people.
Man at table, that one table, looked up and said "Hello Fr
John". We had met when famous UK ex-gangster John Pridmore came
to town last year. Man's name was Gregory. He was having a meal with
his son.
I asked Gregory if he could help find temporary job for the ex-inmate. He
said he couldn't.....but then he took out his wallet and gave me two five
hundred dollar notes, to help the man buy meals and pay for transport as
he kept looking for work.
I said a few special thank you prayers as I headed back upstairs...then got the
ex-inmate to use my phone to call Gregory and say hello and thank you. DG!
Recent items of interest China - people will be tracked by their mobiles - big commercial opportunities for other countries to help "green" China
USA/Australia |
Seen for the first time - when I was a passenger in a van on way from Lo Wu prison to Kowloon last Sunday afternoon: the rear vision mirror was a wide-image live color camera of traffic behind the van
One billion people starving - what can I do? Why I'm in HK and not in Zhaoqing
- how to protect your address book (thank you Graham!) |
A serving of God's Word to help us care more about our troubled world: Exodus Ch 16 - from www.simplebible.info
Chapter 16 As
the Israelites traveled through the desert |
第16章 当以色列人走过旷野, |
Dear God, thank you for the food we have each day |
亲爱的神,为我们每天的食物而感谢你 |
Thank you for a prayer
God bless everyone, especially the many special friends on my
cancer list - in HK, the Mainland & overseas.
W omi
you email me and don't receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
Maybe your message or my reply did not arrive
Thursday, March 3, 2011 Dear Friends
morning from Hong Kong... where the government yesterday announced a
cash grant of HK$6,000 to every permanent ID holder ...a desperate
effort to placate the peasants ....not unlike Bahrain,
Is any government in the world popular these days? Why
have most leaders, in so many walks of life, lost the respect of the
The bottom line: governments/leaders must do more for the people,
especially the poor......or else follow their colleagues in Tunisia, Egypt,
and Libya....because ...the internet/mobile plebs have a sniff of Bastille
about them?
On this 3rd of the month, Dear Lord, please bless the people of Gansu
Smile 01 (thank you Peter B for this
and smiles below!)
Three old guys are out walking.
First one says, 'Windy, isn't it?'
Second one says, 'No, it's Thursday!'
Third one says, 'So am I. Let's go get a beer..'
March 6 - Sunday 10.30am English Mass at St Matthew's, Tuen Mun;
2pm Mass at Lo Wo prison
Next meeting of cancer support group will be at 3pm on Sunday March
20. HK Friends battling cancer are welcome to join me for a simple
sharing and prayer at 3pm. Please phone (67095674) or email me (jdwomi@gmail.com)
for location
Tuesdays and Fridays - Lai Chi Kok Detention Center
Wednesdays - Hei Ling Chau Detention Center
Thursdays, Saturdays - English classes
Sundays - visitors most welcome to join special guests for Pizza at Matteo
Ricci Center, Jordan, at 5.30pm
02 An elderly gentleman had serious hearing problems for a number of years. He went to the doctor and the doctor was able to have him fitted for a set of hearing aids that allowed the gentleman to hear 100%.
The elderly gentleman went back in a month to the doctor and the doctor said, 'Your hearing is perfect.. Your family must be really pleased that you can hear again.'
The gentleman replied, 'Oh, I haven't told my family yet.
I just sit around and listen to the conversations. I've changed my will three times!'
thanks for donation to help my work for the
- Peter & Ling (HK, March 1)
No new photos (camera not exactly welcome in prisons...) |
Smile 03 A man was telling his neighbor, 'I just bought a new hearing aid. It cost me four thousand dollars, but it's state of the art.. It's perfect.'
'Really,' answered the neighbor . 'What kind is it?'
The man answered 'Twelve thirty..'
Recent items of interest
China New
Zealand earthquake Internet Cricket |
Smile 04
An elderly couple had dinner at another couple's house, and after eating, the wives left the table and went into the kitchen.
The two gentlemen were talking, and one said, 'Last night we went out to a new restaurant and it was really great... I would recommend it very highly.'
The other man said, 'What is the name of the restaurant?'
The first man thought and thought and finally said, 'What is the name of that flower you give to someone you love?
You know... The one that's red and has thorns.'
'Do you mean a rose?'
'Yes, that's the one,' replied the man. He then turned towards the kitchen and yelled, 'Rose, what's the name of that restaurant we went to last night?'
One billion people starving - what can I do? Why I'm in HK and not in Zhaoqing
Smile 05
Hospital regulations require a wheel chair for patients being discharged. However, while working as a student nurse, I found one elderly gentleman already dressed and sitting on the bed with a suitcase at his feet, who insisted he didn't need my help to leave the hospital.
After a chat about rules being rules, he reluctantly let me wheel him to the elevator.
On the way down I asked him if his wife was meeting him.
'I don't know,' he said. 'She's still upstairs in the bathroom changing out of her hospital gown.'
A serving of God's Word to help us care more about our troubled world: Exodus Ch 15 - from www.simplebible.info |
15 |
第15章 以色列人用这个祈祷感谢和赞美神: |
Dear God, you are my strength and my salvation |
亲爱的神,你是我的力量和我的救赎 |
Smile 06
A senior citizen said to his eighty-year old buddy: 'So I hear you're getting married?'
'Yep!' 'Do I know her?' 'Nope!' 'This woman, is she good looking?'
'Not really.' 'Is she a good cook?'
'Naw, she can't cook too well.' 'Does she have lots of money?' 'Nope! Poor as a church mouse.'
'Well, then, is she good in bed?' 'I don't know.' 'Why in the world do you want to marry her then?'
'Because she can still drive!'
May Libya soon have peace....as I remember how my dear Dad was a Rat of Tobruk
- 2 big earthquakes....and it's below sea level. May it be protected
from Tsunamis. |
Next Wednesday = Ash Wednesday ("no meat")
you for a prayer
God bless everyone, especially the many special friends on my
cancer list - in HK, the Mainland & overseas.
Lord, please give eternal life to those who died in the earthquake in
Christchurch, and bless all those injured and those helping
W omi
you email me and don't receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
john@china8.org or jdwomi@gmail.com
Maybe your message or my reply did not arrive
Thursday, February 24, 2011 Dear Friends
Good morning from Hong Kong
On this 24th of the month, Dear Lord, please bless the people of Inner Mongolia
Smile (true
story from USA) New young female teacher ...at her first school....was given name list of students in her class. When she saw the numbers beside the names ...130, 145, 120, 129 etc....she was overjoyed to have a class with such high IQs. She worked the class hard and at the end of the first semester the principal praised her for getting such good results. She said it wasn't difficult, considering the IQ level of the class. The principal asked "what do you mean?". She showed him the name list with numbers. He said "They're not IQ numbers. They're locker numbers!" |
Feb 27 - Sunday 10.30am English Mass at St Matthew's, Tuen Mun
Feb 27 -
HK Friends battling cancer are welcome to join me for a simple
sharing and prayer at 3pm. Please phone (67095674) or email me (jdwomi@gmail.com)
for location
Tuesdays and Fridays - Lai Chi Kok Detention Center
Wednesdays - Hei Ling Chau Detention Center
Thursdays, Saturdays - English classes
Sundays - visitors most welcome to join special guests for Pizza at Matteo
Ricci Center, Jordan, at 5.30pm
thanks for donation to help my work for the
- Lo Tak (HK, Feb 20)
No new photos |
I finished a book about William
Wilberforce (as in the movie "Amazing
I never realized he was a founder of the RSPCA, the Bible Society and many other
Recent items of interest
China |
One billion people starving - what can I do? Why I'm in HK and not in Zhaoqing
A serving of God's Word to help us care more about our troubled world: Exodus Ch 14 - from www.simplebible.info |
14 |
第14章 以色列人离开埃及后不久,
God, please rescue people in trouble, |
亲爱的神,请拯救陷于困境的人, |
Thank you for a prayer
God bless everyone, especially the many special friends on my
cancer list - in HK, the Mainland & overseas.
Lord, please give eternal life to those who died in the earthquake in
Christchurch, and bless all those injured and those helping
W omi
you email me and don't receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
john@china8.org or jdwomi@gmail.com
Maybe your message or my reply did not arrive
Thursday, February 17, 2011 Dear Friends
Good morning from Hong Kong on the 15th day of the Lunar New Year (the final day of NY celebrations...a full moon tonight!)
On this 17th of the month, Dear Lord, please bless the people of Shaanxi
And..... it was on this day in 1826, that a young priest named Eugene De Mazenod got the ok from the Pope for his little band in France to become an international group, to be know from that day as The Oblates of Mary Immaculate ("O.M.I.")
Smile (thank you Pam
& Bruce) 01: IRISH
LOVE STORY An elderly man lay dying in his bed. While suffering the agonies of impending death, he suddenly smelled the aroma of his favourite scones wafting up the stairs. He gathered his remaining strength, and lifted himself from the bed. Leaning on the wall, he slowly made his way out of the bedroom, and with even greater effort, gripping the railing with both hands, he crawled downstairs. With laboured breath, he leaned against the door-frame, gazing into the kitchen. Were it not for death's agony, he would have thought himself already in heaven, for there, spread out upon the kitchen table were literally hundreds of his favourite scones. Was it heaven? Or was it one final act of love from his devoted Irish wife of sixty years, seeing to it that he left this world a happy man? Mustering one great final effort, he threw himself towards the table, landing on his knees in rumpled posture. His aged and withered hand trembled towards a scone at the edge of the table, when it was suddenly smacked by his wife with a wooden spoon ........................... 'Get away', ' she said, 'they're for the funeral |
Feb 20 - Sunday English Masses at St Jerome's, Tin Shui Wai (8am)
and St Matthew's, Tuen Mun (10.30am)
Feb 27 -
HK Friends battling cancer are welcome to join me for a simple
sharing and prayer at 3pm. Please phone (67095674) or email me (jdwomi@gmail.com)
for location
Tuesday and Friday - Lai Chi Kok Detention Center
Wednesday - Hei Ling Chau Detention Center
Thursday, Saturday - English classes
- HK Diocese (Feb 11) for budget to help my work for prisoners
One new photo
2011-02-13 Sunday night Pizza gathering at Ricci Center - KK, Tony, Mr Wong & Andy (..Andy looking for a job after recently graduating from a special place. I recommend him very highly...he's a very special graduate) |
02 (Thank you Pam & Bruce)
There was a knock on the door this
morning, I opened it and there was a young bloke standing there who said:
"I'm a Jehovah's Witness".
I said "Come in and sit down, what do you want to talk about"?
He said, " Blowed if I know, I've never got this far
Recent items of interest
Egypt Mubarak - Barak Obama - the name barak = blessed = the same meaning as "Benedict"...which is why Arabic Christians pray for Pope Barak! China UK Pakistan flood crisis like an African famine "I haven't seen malnutrition this bad since the worst of the famine in Ethiopia" The world needs an estimated 4.2 million more health workers |
A serving of God's Word to help us care more about our troubled world: Exodus Chs 12, 13 - from www.simplebible.info
12,13 |
第12、13章 神对梅瑟和亚郎说:
但当我看到你门上的血 每年你必须记住这夜。
God, please help me understand |
亲爱的神,请帮助我了解 |
Thank you for a prayer
God bless everyone, especially the many special friends on my
cancer list - in HK, the Mainland & overseas
W omi
One billion people starving - what can I do? Why I'm in HK and not in Zhaoqing
you email me and don't receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
john@china8.org or jdwomi@gmail.com
Maybe your message or my reply did not arrive
Thursday, February 10, 2011 Dear Friends
afternoon from Hong Kong where I arrived back last night.....five days
earlier than planned, to avoid threat of cyclone delays.
Thank you Lord for a safe trip....and please bless everyone I met over the past
four weeks....especially the five day old baby next to me on plane from Brisbane
to Cairns - mother was one of many patients transferred to Brisbane from Cairns
because of cyclone Yasi
What a happy place HK is at this time of the Lunar New Year.....some schools still on holidays.... 2,870,000 visitors (mainly from Mainland)....atmosphere something like that of thousands of football fans happy leaving a stadium after their team has won!
On this 10th of the month, Dear Lord, please bless the people of Hubei
Boris was listing to a radio program which asked
people to phone in and talk on a given subject for one minute. One person got
the topic "Talk for one minute about the last book you read". Another
got "the last movie you saw". Another "the last holiday you
had". Boris thought to himself "this is easy", so he phoned
in. But he lasted only ten seconds when he got his topic "life inside
a ping pong ball"
Feb 11 - prison visits due to resume
Feb 19 - English classes due to resume
Feb 20 - Sunday English Masses at St Jerome's, Tin Shui Wai (8am)
and St Matthew's, Tuen Mun (10.30am)
- Anon (HK, Feb 7) for donation to help my work for the poor
flood crisis like an African famine "I haven't seen malnutrition this
bad since the worst of the famine in Ethiopia"
The world needs an estimated 4.2 million more health workers
A daily serving of God's Word to help us care more about our troubled world: Exodus Ch 11 - from www.simplebible.info
最后一次神派梅瑟带讯息给法郎: |
God, please bless everyone in |
亲爱的神,请祝福在埃及的每一个人! |
re Exodus:
1. Yes, let's pray each day for Egypt, that
it may change peacefully - c.f. cutting
ties with religion of empire.
2. The ten plagues remind me of the recent disasters in Australia: drought,
floods, cyclones, fires etc. Just as the first 9 plagues couldn't persuade
Pharaoh to let the Hebrews go free, so, sadly, the disasters in Australia have
not yet persuaded the vast majority of Australians that the increase in
frequency and ferocity of these disasters is linked to climate change. Most
people think that this article coincidence
or climate change? and this one you
ain't seen nothing yet are a load of rubbish - e.g. this
article (+ comments)
No connection?? - China
having its worst drought in 60 years
- a cyclone/typhoon/hurricane the size
of Katrina -
images (and check the maps of Europe/Asia/America when Yasi
you for a prayer
God bless everyone, especially the many special friends on my
cancer list - in HK, the Mainland & overseas.
HK Friends battling cancer are welcome to join me for a simple
sharing and prayer at 3pm on Sunday Feb 27.
Please phone (67095674) or email me (jdwomi@gmail.com)
for location
God bless you right through the Lunar New Year of the Rabbit!
John W omi
One billion people starving - what can I do? Why I'm in HK and not in Zhaoqing
you email me and don't receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
john@china8.org or jdwomi@gmail.com
Maybe your message or my reply did not arrive
Update Tuesday Feb 8: Because of uncertain weather conditions in North Queensland - cyclones/storms etc - I have changed my air ticket and am due to fly from Brisbane to Cairns tonight.....then tomorrow morning fly from Cairns to Port Moresby....then tomorrow afternoon fly from PM to HK - DV! Will try to update diary late Thursday afternoon
Thursday, February 3, 2011 Dear Friends
Good morning from the Gold Coast. Happy Lunar New Year
Year of the Rabbit!
this 3rd of the month, Dear Lord, please
bless the people of Gansu
Smile - for Year of the Rabbit Q: What airline do rabbits use? A: British Hare-ways! Q: What do rabbits put in their computers? A: Hoppy disks! Q: What do you get when you cross an insect and a rabbit? A: Bugs Bunny! Q: What is white and has long ears, whiskers, and sixteen wheels? A: Two rabbits on Rollerblades! Q: What do you call a rich rabbit? A: a millionhare! |
Good news (= DG!) that cyclone Yasi has not been as destructive as was at first feared and see coincidence or climate change?
Feb 13 - due to fly from Brisbane to Cairns
Feb 14 - due to fly from Cairns to Port Moresby
Feb 14 - due to fly from Port Moresby to HK
Feb 16 - prison visits due to resume
Feb 19 - English classes due to resume
Feb 20 - Sunday English Masses at St Jerome's, Tin Shui Wai (8am)
and St Matthew's, Tuen Mun (10.30am)
thanks to the dear friends (in HK & the Mainland)
who are translating the Simple Bible after request in diary over recent weeks.
All books of Old Testament now have a translator. DG!
billion people starving - what can I do?
I'm in HK and not in Zhaoqing
A daily serving of God's Word to help us care more about our troubled world: Exodus Ch 10 - from www.simplebible.info
Chapter 10 Pharaoh's
advisers urged him to let the Israelites go. |
God, stubbornness can sometimes be a good thing, |
亲爱的神,倔强有时可以是一件好事, |
The third paragraph of this article about Egypt ("yet all the time, pressure for reform was rising"...) caused me to think....China?
Thank you for a prayer
God bless everyone, especially the many special friends on my
cancer list - in HK, the Mainland & overseas.
HK Friends battling cancer are welcome to join me for a simple
sharing and prayer at 3pm on Sunday Feb 27.
Please email me for location: jdwomi@gmail.com
God bless you right through the Lunar New Year of the Rabbit!
John W omi
you email me and don't receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
john@china8.org or jdwomi@gmail.com
Maybe your message or my reply did not arrive
I'm due to be in Australia until Feb 13. DV due back HK Feb 14 (see
below). Will try to check email each day.
Australia mobile at
top of this page. Next diary update - Feb 3
Thursday, January 27, 2011 Dear Friends
Good afternoon from Brisbane in Australia
where I'm enjoying the kind hospitality of the Oblates at Iona College, Wynnum.
Happy Lunar New Year to everyone (Feb 3)....the
Year of the Rabbit!
this 27th of the month, Dear Lord, please
bless the people of Tibet
- for Year of the Rabbit
Catholic priest, Jewish Rabbi and Anglican
bishop in car going along highway.
Hit a large rabbit which was crossing the road. Rabbit was thrown to side
of road.
Three holy men decided to stop and minister to dead rabbit.
Rabbi prayed....nothing happened.
Bishop prayed...nothing happened.
Priest took out bottle and sprinkled rabbit.
Rabbit came back to life....stood up...waved.....went about 10 metres...waved
again....another 10 metres...waved again.
Rabbi & bishop to priest: what did you do?
Priest: I just used some hair
restorer......with a permanent wave
(hare = rabbit)
Feb 13 - due to fly from Brisbane to Cairns
Feb 14 - due to fly from Cairns to Port Moresby
Feb 14 - due to fly from Port Moresby to HK
Many thanks -
to the following kind friends for donations to help
my work for the poor:
23: Wynnum friends Doris, Gail &
Tony, Jan & Denis
also to the dear friends (in HK & the Mainland)
who are translating the Simple Bible after request in diary over recent weeks.
All books of Old Testament now have a translator. DG!
billion people starving - what can I do?
I'm in HK and not in Zhaoqing
A daily serving of God's Word to help us care more about our troubled world: Exodus Ch 9 - from www.simplebible.info
9 |
Dear God, please help us not to ignore your voice |
亲爱的神,请帮助我们不要忽视你的声音 |
All of my annual health check-ups have been completed. "All clear" for another year. DG!
Thank you for a prayer
God bless everyone, especially the many special friends on my
cancer list - in HK, the Mainland & overseas.
HK Friends battling cancer are welcome to join me for a simple
sharing and prayer at 3pm on Sunday Feb 27.
Please email me for location: jdwomi@gmail.com
God bless!
John W omi
you email me and don't receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
john@china8.org or jdwomi@gmail.com
Maybe your message or my reply did not arrive
I'm due to be in Australia until Feb 13. DV due back HK Feb 14 (see
below). Will try to check email each day.
Australia mobile at
top of this page. Next diary update - Jan 27
Thursday, January 20, 2011 Dear Friends
Good morning from the Gold Coast in Australia
where I'm enjoying the kind hospitality of my brother Peter and his wife Yvonne
this 20th of the month, Dear Lord, please
bless the people of Sichuan
from the floods (many
parts of Australia still being affected by flooding):
- a shark was seen swimming down the main street of Goodna during the
- the mayor of Ipswich said that he would like to see flood looters turned into
flood markers
Sun Jan 23 - I'm due to take part in 7.30am Mass at Iona College, Wynnum, Brisbane.
After Mass a good chance to meet up if you have time.
I hope to stay at Iona for about a week before returning to my brother's home on
the Gold Coast.
Feb 13 - due to fly from Brisbane to Cairns
Feb 14 - due to fly from Cairns to Port Moresby
Feb 14 - due to fly from Port Moresby to HK
Many thanks -
to the following kind friends for donations to help
my work for the poor:
Yau Ma Tei parishioners, Jan 8
also to the dear friends (in HK & the Mainland)
who are translating the Simple Bible after request in diary over recent weeks.
All books of Old Testament now have a translator. DG!
billion people starving - what can I do?
I'm in HK and not in Zhaoqing
Recent items of interest 500 dead in Brazil floods/mudslides How Chinese lawyer was tortured (sure hope President Obama can influence President Hu on this issue) |
Smiles: after England recently thrashed Australia at cricket, jokes like these have been
What do you call an Australian with a bottle of champagne? A
What do you call an Australian with 100 runs to his name? A
What do you call an Australian who can hold a catch? A
A daily serving of God's Word to help us care more about our troubled world: Exodus Ch 8 - from www.simplebible.info
8 |
Dear God, please help all world leaders to listen to your voice |
亲爱的神,请帮助所有世界领导者听你的声音 |
Thank you for a prayer
God bless everyone, especially the many special friends on my
cancer list - in HK, the Mainland & overseas.
HK Friends battling cancer are welcome to join me for a simple
sharing and prayer at 3pm on Sunday Feb 27.
Please email me for location: jdwomi@gmail.com
God bless!
John W omi
you email me and don't receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
john@china8.org or jdwomi@gmail.com
Maybe your message or my reply did not arrive
I'm due to go to Australia Jan 10. DV due back HK Feb 14 (see
below). Will try to check email each day. Australia mobile at
top of this page.
Next diary update - Jan 20
Thursday, January 6, 2011 Dear Friends
Good afternoon from Hong Kong on "The
Twelfth Day of Christmas". I hope you have had a happy start to
the (Solar) New Year.
I wish you every blessing right through 2011
the past two weeks I've been surprised how many people - in schools, churches
and prisons - don't know that this year is 2011
because 2011 years ago (by common reckoning) Jesus was born ( 2011
A.D. "anno
"in the year of Our Lord")
On this 6th of the month, Dear Lord, please bless the people of Hainan
Smile Many little old ladies in Jordan area collect used cardboard and sell it at a recycling center. Ladies are very clever. As they pack up their bundle of cardboard, they sprinkle each piece with water. Why? To make it heavier....to get more money!
Fri Jan 7:
7.50am Chinese Mass at St Paul's Church, Yau Ma Tei
Sat Jan 8: 7.20am & 7.30pm Chinese Masses at St Paul's Church, Yau Ma Tei
Sun Jan 9: 10.30am English
at St Matthew's, Tuen Mun
Sunday, January 9: Referendum
in Sudan - Dear God, please let the South become independent, peacefully
Australia Jan/Feb 2011
Jan 10 - fly from HK to Port
Moresby (on Air Niugini)
Jan 11 - fly from Port Moresby to Cairns (..then bus to Ingham)
Jan 11 - Jan 14: Visit to Ingham
(..then bus to Townsville)
Jan 14 - Jan 16: Townsville
Jan 16 - fly from Townsville to Brisbane
Sun Jan 23 - I'm due to take part in 7.30am Mass at Iona College, Brisbane.
After Mass a good chance to meet up if you have time
Feb 13 - fly from Brisbane to Cairns
Feb 14 - fly from Cairns to Port Moresby
Feb 14 - fly from Port Moresby to HK
Many thanks -
to the following kind friends for donations to help
my work for the poor:
- Yau Ma Tei family, Jan 1
- Anon, HK, Jan 4
- Yau Ma Tei parishioners, Jan 6
needed A number of kind people to
translate Simple Bible sections from English into very simple Chinese.
One billion people starving - what can I do? Why I'm in HK and not in Zhaoqing
Recent items of interest China - Premier, as usual, spending holiday time visiting a special group of people USA - US Senate is a joke (and what to do about it) Floods Church |
A daily serving of God's Word to help us care more about our troubled world: Matthew Chapter 2 - from www.simplebible.info
Chapter 2 (1 - 12) Jesus was born in the town of Bethlehem, during the reign of King Herod Some months after Jesus' birth, They said "Where is the infant king
of the Jews? King Herod felt threatened by this news. So Herod sent the wise men to Bethlehem, The wise men headed for Bethlehem, guided by
the star. The wise men fell to their knees and honored
the child. Then they returned to their own country by a
different way, |
I go to Hei Ling Chau & Lai Chi Kok detention centers each week, and I give copies of Simple Bible & other items to some of the 2,000+ prisoners .....especially to the 400 from Mainland China. If anyone would like to support this work, I'd sure be grateful |
Thank you for a prayer
God bless everyone, especially the many special friends on my
cancer list - in HK, the Mainland & overseas.
I have just bought an inspiring little book - for someone special in
Australia. Can lend it to friends in HK -
of Cancer, by Jodie Osteen (see the reviews...)
Also: HK Friends battling cancer are welcome to join me for a simple
sharing and prayer at 3pm on Sunday Feb 27.
Please email me for location: jdwomi@gmail.com
May the peace of Christmas give everyone hope and strength right through 2011!
John W omi
Congratulations England on thrashing Australia at cricket ! (groan...)
you email me and don't receive a reply within 2 days, please send email again to
john@china8.org or jdwomi@gmail.com
Maybe your message or my reply did not arrive